“Purple pearl grass, which grows from shrubs to small tree plants, can reach a height of 3 meters. The leaves are usually oval or oval-lanceolate, and in summer and autumn they will bloom purple flowers, growing spherical, about two millimeters of small fruits, and when ripe, they are purple-red, much like small purple beads, hence the name purple beads. ”

Wang Chao walked in the jungle, looking for herbs that could stop bleeding and remove stasis, but after searching for a long time, he only found such a kind as purple pearl grass.

“It seems that this area is estimated to have been cleaned by hunters almost everything that can be used.” Wang Chao sighed and walked back with a handful of purple bead grass.

In fact, he can completely leave the wild man alone now and leave by himself. But Wang Chao couldn’t do such a thing. The wild man saved himself from the mouths of two brown bears. If he left like this, it would make Wang Chao feel very uncomfortable in his heart. If he really did this, it would not be as good as a beast, and would he be embarrassed to be a human?

Wang was not too far away, and after a while he saw the wild man sitting against the brown bear corpse. Finding that Wang Chao came out of the jungle, the wild man seemed very happy and roared at Wang Chao.

Wang Chao walked over and smiled. He pointed to the ground and motioned for the wild man to sit on the ground and not move. Then he picked up a stone, placed the purple pearl grass on it, and chopped the leaves and roots with a dagger.

Purple pearl grass is a good hemostatic herb with quick results.

After Wang Chao applied the purple bead grass to the wound on the wild man’s shoulder, it didn’t take long for the wild man’s shoulder to slowly scab over and stopped bleeding.

“Why are you here? And why did you save me? ”

Wang Chao leaned against a stone and sat opposite the wild man, looking at the wild man suspiciously.

After the wild man first appeared, he took him back to the cave without saying a word, although it did not hurt him, but it was definitely a bad intention. After that, he set fire to escape, and when the wild man caught up, he also picked up the bone stick and showed no mercy. If it weren’t for his Admiralty Hood Shield, he would definitely have died under the bone rod of the wild man. He wounded the wildling with a dagger and fled. But I didn’t expect to meet wild people here again.

And this time, instead of hurting him, the wild man saved him.

Wang Chao couldn’t figure out why the wild man would do this.

“Forget it, don’t think about it, love it.” Wang Chao, who died countless brain cells, gave up, no matter what the reason was, as long as the wild man did not harm himself, then it would be fine.

Look at the time, it’s almost noon. After such a morning of flight and fighting, Wang Chao had to eat a big meal and replenish his physical strength. It’s not going to be the same as it was in the morning.

Wang Chao looked at the corpses of the two brown bears, and his eyes began to glow.

Before the crossing, in that world, bears could protect animals in the state, and bear meat could not be bought in the market. For the rumors of the bear, Wang Chao only heard a story told by a friend of his grandfather.

His grandfather’s friend said this: When they were soldiers, their company encountered an attack by a large black bear in Yewai, and in order not to hurt the soldiers, their company commander ordered to kill the big black bear. Later, the body of the big black bear was taken by the cooking class. The bear meat of that day made people want to bite their tongues off. And even more delicious is the bear’s paw! Because there were only four bear paws, they could not be distinguished, so the cooking class covered the bear paws with the rice when steaming it, and the steamed rice was full of aroma, which was simply more delicious than any mountain and sea delicacies.

And now, Wang Chao has eight bear paws!

He found a lot of dry firewood and hay, built a fire pit out of stones, and threw the hay into it. Although there was no flint, but using the MOCA of stones and daggers, Wang Chao still raised fire.


The wild man immediately roared when he saw the flames.

Wang Chao hurriedly soothed: “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, it’s okay, I won’t burn you this time.” Wang Chao pointed to the fire, and then pointed to the brown bear’s carcass, and used his own movements to show the wild man that the fire was not dangerous.

Fortunately, the wild man was smart and understood Wang Chao’s body language, otherwise it would be troublesome.

Eliminating the savage’s worries, Wang Chao began to cut through the brown bear’s corpse with a dagger, peeled off all the fur, cut the bear meat piece by piece, and took it out. When cutting the bear’s paw, Wang Chao was really tired half to death, more tired than fighting with a brown bear.

After all, the dagger is not a big knife, and it is very difficult for a dagger in less than twenty to cut off the bear’s paw entirely. Wang Chao worked hard to cut off eight bear paws, and then he threw four bear paws away.

The reason is simple.

There were four bear paws that smelled of fragrance and no other smell, and although the four bear paws he threw away also had fragrance, they also had some slightly smelly fishy smells.

Then it’s time for a barbecue.

The best way to cook bear meat is to cook it, but Wang Chao has no pot, if he uses the previous method of cooking wolf meat to cook bear meat, then when he and the wild man are full, it is estimated that he will have to wait until next year. So Wang Chao could only bake it.

After roasting two small pieces of meat, Wang Chao handed the wild man a piece, and then ate it himself. As soon as the smooth and moist pieces of meat entered his mouth, Wang Chao’s whole person was almost floating. The taste and deliciousness of bear meat completely exceeded his imagination.

He swallowed his saliva while eating, and in the blink of an eye, the meat in his hand was gnawed clean by him.

The wild man looked at Wang Chao curiously on the side. In its memory, meat can be eaten directly, why do it? However, seeing Wang Chao eating with such relish, the wild man also looked at the roasted bear meat in his hand.

It put it on its nose and sniffed, and a very fragrant smell immediately made it excited, and with a sip of it, it stuffed the bear meat in its hand into its mouth and chewed it.

In an instant, the wild man’s eyes lit up.

The wild man who finished eating in one bite stuck out his tongue, tiantian his lips, and looked at Wang Chao.

Wang Chao baked it again, but after all, one person can’t bake much. After discovering the expectant gaze of the wild man, Wang Chao encouraged the wild man.

“Hehe, since I don’t know what your name is, then I’ll call you Ono.” Wang Chao took out the dagger, walked to the brown bear carcass and cut off a large piece of meat, then used the dagger to cut a hole, pierced it with a tree trunk and put it on the fire.

“Ono, see what I did? Follow me and roast the meat over the fire. Wang Chao taught the wild man Ono.

Savages are very smart and know how to do it in a moment’s effort. Next, without Wang Chao’s teaching, Xiaoye skewered the meat and grilled it himself.

In the dangerous jungle, who would have thought that one person and one wild man would barbecue in the open air here.

As for the beast?

Wang Chao will not worry about this problem.

The brown bear has a strong sense of territory, and it will not allow other beasts to appear in its territory. What’s more, there is a special species like Xiaoye here, which beast that does not have long eyes dares to come over?

Xiaoye roasted bear meat, Wang Chao was roasted in bear paws, and after a while, the aroma filled the surroundings.

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