Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 46: Wendou preselection (4)

"Old Cao, can you continue to watch?" The principal of Sunshine Middle School looked at Cao Xinglong and said softly. He has been completely convinced by the bad performance of Guo on the stage. If the first round of the competition was just possible, but this second round In the first half of the game, it was no longer possible to make a fake. [1] Y] W. Com

"Look, you have to keep watching. I have to see how many backhands and how many cards are hidden in the middle school. Li Laopifu even turned a sister-in-law into this state. He was terribly ashamed, and he did not take the exam himself." Shouted.

After a three-minute break in the middle, the second round of the Wendou qualifier continued, and Guo Bad closed his eyes as if he had fallen asleep.

The 100 questions in the second half were much more intense than the previous 100 questions. Nineteen people had the opportunity to answer the questions, and the atmosphere at the scene was excellent, but several people in other schools were ashamed because of the second round of questions. The difficulty has surprised them.

"We worked hard for a year, wasn't this in vain? No, there must be a way to deal with the middle school." Cao Xinglong looked at his proud disciples one by one and lowered his head, roaring inside and out.

"Congratulations to Rong Weiwei for answering question 199 correctly. Although the top ten have now been decided, I still hope that all of us will go all out to fight this last question." The host said with a smile. Yes, the tenth and eleventh places are six points behind. No matter who grabbed the last question, the top ten is actually out.

"Last question, please tell the name of the 28 stars and the attributes of the five elements." After the host finished speaking, the people on the stage calmed down. .

"I rely, this junior high school qualifier is too difficult. The junior high school is ill. It is not an exaggeration to put such a topic on the finale." The people under the auditorium began to discuss.

"Did anyone answer this question? It doesn't matter if you go back wrong, you can try it." The host said with a smile, his eyes fell on the top few, and the question originally said 28 stars You can just name each of the five elements, but Li Xunyu said that you can't make these dolls proud, and make it difficult. This is all right, it's cold.

"If no one answers, this question is considered as abstention." The host said with a hint of embarrassment.

"This kind of question can't let us abstain." As the host was about to announce the end of the second round, Guo Gang, who seemed to have fallen asleep, slowly stood up and said.

"Can this boy answer the question correctly? Or would you like to try to say a few and save some junior high school face?" Li Ao said to himself.

"Oriental green dragon: Horned wood owl, Golden dragon, earthen house, rabbit, heart, moon, foxtail, fire, tiger, water leopard, southern Suzaku: well wood, ghost, golden sheep, willow, earth, sun, horse, moon, deer, wing, fire, snake, earthworm, western white tiger : Kui Wood Wolf, Lou Jingou, Stomach, Soil, Day Chicken, Biyue, Black, Fire Monkey, Water Ape, Northern Xuanwu: Dougian Yak, Taurus, Female, Hippo, Sun-Date, Rat, Moon, Swallow, Fire, Pig, Water, Pig. Loudly said, every time he said a name, Guo Bad felt a shock in his heart, thinking that those people were friends who drank with him, and he hadn't seen him off half a month ago, how could he not remember their names.

"You got it right? Did the kid get it right?" The answer needs to be announced by the host. Guo Bad answered so quickly that the host was still watching the answer in his own hands.

"Well, is this bad guy's power a perspective? Can you see the answer in the host's hands?" Nangong Ling Mo looked at the passionate Guo bad, and thought to himself.

"Bad brother got it right." Murong Weiwei said softly after listening to Guo's bad words. If she asked herself to answer, she might also get it right, but she wouldn't want Guo to answer so smoothly.

"What method did Li Xunyu use to turn such a sister-in-law into something like this, am I really not as good as Li Xunyu?" Cao Xinglong looked at Guo Bad and said softly. A few months ago, the sister-in-law was still from his own school. Students, absenteeism, not right, are not in class, teasing female classmates, beating teachers, beating students, arson, and gathering offenders outside school. . . . . . , A kid with all five poisons, when he arrived at the middle school, he was even better.

"Host, did you get it right? Did my fourth brother get it right?" After Jia Yuan heard Guo's bad answer, Twenty-eight Xingsu himself could say two or three. If this brother really attached such a genius to the middle school, If the answer is not correct, it is interesting.

"Congratulations Guo Bad, you answered correctly." The host said loudly, "Ten minutes off, we will play the third round later."

"Haha, the four evils in Wucheng, did you see that? This is what you said about Wucheng Guowu, who is eating and drinking, betting on five poisons, and seeing? How many of you are not as good as this bad guy, what else do you have? Qualified to say him. "Jia Yuan stood up and said loudly.

The four evils in Wucheng, Li Yao, the soldier king, Jia Yuan the ghost merchant, Wang Sheng, the heroine of the five poisons, because the four people have a common disease, color, and spread around, the four people are described as darker, because a grandfather, a grandson and a grandson Guo bad, let four people be called tumors, although Li Yao Jia Yuan and Wang Sheng said nothing on the mouth, but the heart is helpless to the younger brother, now he is fine, Wu Du Guo is bad, trying to overpower the heroes.

"What? Is that Guo Bad really the Wudu Guo Bad in Wucheng's Four Poisons?" The student who had only heard of the four bad names before turned his eyes on Guo Bad.

"Bad brother, how much grievance have you been carrying so far?" Murong Weiwei thought about Guo Bad's present and past, leaving tears unconsciously.

"Guo bad, good, very good, that was the guy who teased me and the yoyo, hiding deep enough." Lin Xiao looked at Guo bad on the stage and said secretly in his heart.

"Go and contact the Anthony family in the United States and have them send the best killer. This kid can't stay. I want him to die." The woman at the highest level in Wucheng shouted at the phone.

A man with a peaked cap in the corner of the auditorium gently closed the cell phone being videotaped, looked up at Guo Gang on the eye platform again, and turned out of the auditorium.

"No, we ca n’t let this guy pass the third round, and he ca n’t let the secondary school participate in the main race. If the secondary school wins the first place under his leadership, our four families will just put all their assets together, which is not enough to compensate him. Gamble. "Qin Yulong looked at Guo Bad and muttered.

"Qin Yulong, you bet on the contract. It has nothing to do with the three of us. If you pay, you also pay for it. We break the contract. Since we haven't reached the final, we will pay you 100 million. "Jia Benben said loudly, the two young men who had been silent all the time nodded gently.

"Are we brothers? Are we brothers? He hasn't passed the second round yet. You guys told me like this, did I say anything when I made money? I think Qin Yulong was blind." Qin Yulong watched three of his worships. Brother, my heart is completely cold. If Guo Bad passed the third round and won the first place on behalf of the affiliated middle school, he would choose to be self-determined, and his debts would be bad. He had already planned for the worst.

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