Urban best village doctor

About breaking and updating

After thirteen days, there has been no update for these thirteen days. To be honest, it is really difficult. It is difficult for all book friends, and I am also difficult.

In the past few days, the website is rectifying, banning, and deleting a large number of books... especially the urban ones. I can’t watch it anymore, it was taken off the shelf, and a series of questions,

No matter what type of book, during this period of time, rectification is being carried out, and I am no exception. These days, I am revising some marginal things every day, and I have not almost finished it until today.

During this period, no classmates may have discovered that many chapters of this book have been banned, and the rectification has not yet ended, and I don't know if there will be chapters that will be banned inexplicably.

For the time being, it should be fine.

At the same time, even if there is something wrong, because I have already revised it, the problem will not be too big, but there may be problems with repeated chapters. Students who encounter such problems, please do not spray me in the book review area for the first time, no matter the past or present In the future, if there is a problem of repeated chapters, you must first delete the book from the bookshelf, and clear the cache of the novel, and then click on the latest chapter to watch.

In the past few days, you may encounter the problem of repeated chapters, because the rectification is not over yet, some chapters may be banned at any time, resulting in chapter confusion.

But there will be no more updates, because most of the rectifications have been completed, even if there are chapters that are affected, it will not waste a lot of time, thank you for your company along the way!

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