Urban best village doctor

Chapter 1204 Bottleneck Breakthrough

A non-fool is living in a busy city, but he can treat the busy city as if it were a deep mountain. This kind of ability to hide in the city, even Li Xiao can only hold a candle to it.

In terms of xinxing, the realm of the former has already surpassed Li Xiao, and sometimes Li Xiao would even think, why is such an old man unable to practice?

After coming to the small temple for half a month, Li Xiao didn't do anything. He helped the non-fools clean up every day, practiced boxing in the morning, and discussed the scriptures together in the evening...

I have neither practiced hard nor taken pills, but the bottleneck that has been banned for a long time has been loosened...

It's a wonderful feeling, it seems impossible to others, yet it happened, and Li Xiao experienced this kind of situation more than once.

"Teacher, thank you for your teaching." Li Xiao's improvement in realm will undoubtedly attract thunder disasters. He doesn't want the teacher to be involved in some disturbances, "Teacher, it's inconvenient to go through the disaster here. Students need to go back to the nine Tiangong, can you go back with me?"

"Hehe, kid, you can go back alone, I'll forget it, I'm used to this small temple, I don't want to get involved in the battle between monks..."

"Then teacher, take care of yourself."

Li Xiao didn't persuade him much. He had said this kind of invitation many times before and was rejected without exception, so the non-fool's answer didn't surprise him.

After the words fell, Li Xiao stepped away. Before leaving, he glanced at the monk at the Spirit King Realm who was pointed out by him not far from the small temple.

"You don't have to wait outside the door, go in, the teacher will benefit you more." Li Xiao told him.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior." The old man was very excited, and he walked into the temple step by step.

Li Xiao nodded, didn't say much, he jumped out and disappeared in place, with the master of the Spirit King waiting for him, he believed that non-fools would not be in danger.

Similarly, under the teaching of Fei Yuzi, the master spirit king will also get a lot of benefits.


This is a mountain range, each of which is a thousand meters high, rising and falling, endless and lush.

In the mountains, roars of powerful beasts could be heard from time to time, and occasionally huge winged beasts would fly over the forest.

Forests and mountains belong to monsters and beasts, and ordinary people dare not go deep.

It has been two days since Li Xiao came here. He sat cross-legged on the top of a high mountain with his eyes closed tightly, and all the wind and grass in a radius of a hundred miles surfaced in his heart.

Ten meters away, there are three huge monsters like hills hovering around. They are powerful, they are all in the early stage of Fuxu, their eyes are shining with the light of wisdom, they look very handsome, and they look like auspicious beasts.

A hundred meters away, more than a hundred monsters that have reached the spirit king state gather, waiting quietly...

Farther away, there was a crowd of beasts, a dense mass of beasts. The further back the beasts became, the less intelligent they were. They crawled on the ground, as if they were waiting for something.

Thousands of beasts surrounded the place where Li Xiao was.

However, they didn't intend to attack Li Xiao, they just watched his every move vigilantly.

Humans and monsters can almost live in harmony in Kyushu. Although there is a gap between the two, they generally will not make a move.

It is impossible for Li Xiao not to be aware of so many beasts. He is very calm, and complex and difficult-to-name runes emerge one after another around his body. This is the imprint of the Dao, like chains of order.

Inside the body, the rumble continued, like a raging flood, the sound of wind and thunder spread in all directions, and the vision of the sea of ​​gods emerged. This is a purple ocean, and the life fruit tree is rooted in it, frantically swaying, and growing, like an old tree.

In front of the tree, two bronze monuments stand upright, allowing the waves to roll, and it will not move by itself.

Li Xiao seemed to be in a vast ocean, floating constantly, and the blood around him was like a dragon, circling and whistling.

Amidst the roar, an ancient and vicissitudes voice from nowhere drifted across the world.

"Longevity formula, move far away..."

Such a scene is really amazing, even if you watch it from a distance, it can make people feel something.

The three monsters closest to it turned into human figures, and began to comprehend the truth of the Dao, with a solemn expression, as if they had realized something.

The breakthrough of the Floating Void Realm was extremely difficult. Even if the bottleneck was loosened, Li Xiao had to fight for two days and two nights. During this period, his eyes were never opened, and the pills and some rare treasures in the small world were constantly poured into his mouth.

"it's time……"

Suddenly, Li Xiao's eyelids opened, and the eyeballs in his eyes had disappeared, replaced by the imprint of invincibility, like a black hole, which was hard to fathom.


As soon as he finished speaking, a roar suddenly resounded in the cloudless sky. Immediately, as if the end was approaching, a dense black cloud floated from a distance, as if thousands of troops had arrived, and before they arrived, the wind howled.

In an instant, the top of Li Xiao's head, a radius of ten miles, was submerged by dark clouds, and the clear sky suddenly became extremely dark.



The hordes of beasts in the periphery roared sky-shatteringly, as if they were fighting against the sky, their eyes gleamed fiercely, and they were furious.

Seeing that the thunder catastrophe was approaching, the three strongest monsters led a wave of beasts and disappeared into the forest in an orderly manner. They disappeared after a while, as if they had never appeared before.

Li Xiao got up, and with his movements, all the visions around him began to shrink gradually, gathering in the body, and in an instant, all the visions disappeared.

He looked at the sky, and his comprehension of the Tao in the past two days has reached a new level, his eyes have vicissitudes, as if they have experienced thousands of years.

"bring it on……"




Gently uttering two words, the Wujin battle armor flew out, and it was inlaid on Li Xiao's body independently. The tailor-made battle armor set off his heroic appearance, like a god of war.


He jumped up and went against the sky.


The sky seemed to feel the provocation. Inside the dark clouds, lightning filled the sky, and the stars formed a sea of ​​thunder. In an instant, thousands of thick lightning bolts from old trees fell and struck Li Xiao at the same time.

Without fear, Li Xiao raised his hand and grabbed it with one palm.


In an instant, the sky and the earth trembled violently, and he grabbed countless lightning bolts into his palm, and both ice and fire reincarnation flames appeared, devouring them and destroying them.


It seems that the gods are really angry and want to destroy the world. The dark clouds are billowing, and seven-colored clouds are stirred up.

"It's just a thunder disaster in a small realm..."

Li Xiao had already experienced this kind of thunder calamity. He came to the sky ten thousand meters high to resist the thunder calamity head-on. No matter the Taoist soldiers or thunder and lightning, he regarded them as the flames for refining the treasure body.


Above the nine heavens, dark clouds billowed, thunder seas churned, and countless monsters below trembled. This kind of power was too powerful, which frightened them physically and mentally. Only a few powerful monsters were able to stabilize their bodies, but they couldn't stop Shock on the face.

"This human being is very powerful..." The monsters who had strange thoughts at first put away their thoughts at this moment, not daring to cross the line.

In the distance, on the other side, several figures stared at the huge thunder calamity, and they were also a little surprised. One of them was dressed in a blue robe and showed black and white Tai Chi. ,Finally found!"

"Congratulations to the Emperor for finding the enemy. I will also go back to Jiutian Palace to report to Palace Master Mo. Li Yan Wang will leave it to you. With the power of the Emperor, he will definitely be able to kill him." Beside him, a weak man She saluted slightly, and then disappeared as quietly as a shadow.

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