Urban best village doctor

Chapter 1229 Half Saint Shiwei

The ancient warship was so fast that it disappeared in just an instant.

Li Xiao froze on the spot, feeling a little dazed. Just as he was about to catch up, a bolt of lightning fell and knocked him flying backwards.

"Depend on!"

One arm was chopped to pieces, dripping with blood, Li Xiao hurriedly withdrew his thoughts, and dealt with Lei Jie, but in his mind, he still thought about the warship.

Although he and Liu Yan came to Kyushu back then, the warship did not crash in Kyushu, but continued to sail in the universe. Where is it going and where is the end?

Who built that warship? How many warships like this are there?

Many questions flashed across Li Xiao, but these questions were not the point, the point was why did it come to Kyushu? Li Xiao really wanted to catch up and find out, but unfortunately the thunder disaster had not yet passed, and the speed of the warship was too fast, there was no way.

"I can only go back to Jiutian Palace and find someone to inquire about it."

Slightly squinting his eyes, Li Xiao went straight to the sky, and once again met the boundless thunder sea. In the billowing dark clouds, there were loud explosions.

It wasn't until three days passed that the vast sea of ​​thunder began to subside slowly, and the vast dark clouds revealed bright sunlight.

The thunder sea dissipated, and Li Xiao's resolute body emerged. Dao patterns flickered all over his body, aura was like a tide, bathed in divine light, and every damaged place on his body was recovering rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Three hours later, he opened his tightly closed eyes. There was no flash of divine light, and no strong aura. At this moment, he seemed to be an extremely ordinary person.

"Is this the sixth level of floating void?"

Feeling the surging power in his body, Li Xiao was in admiration. Now, if he fought against the Emperor Yin Yang, he would probably be able to shatter him with a single slap.

The gap between the fifth floor and the sixth floor is really indescribable.

Opening Xiaotiandi, Li Xiao took out a teleportation array from it. After putting in the Nine Heavens Palace token, the teleportation array glowed faintly, and then the void was torn apart, and a bottomless door appeared. He didn't even think about it. One step is to step into it.

"Calculating the time, the annual meeting of the Nine Heavens Palace should be coming to an end soon. Gu Yan, that fellow, should be impatient to challenge me."

The faint words floated into the air, the whole space shook slightly, the teleportation array was fully activated, and Li Xiao's figure disappeared in this area.


"In the second round, the eighth match, Sun Moon Palace vs. Lingyun Palace, Shangguan Yunjiao won."

Nine Heavens Palace, His Royal Highness Nine Heavens King, on the wide square, a middle-aged man announced the result of the last competition, and not far from him, there is an independent small world.

In the small world, Shangguan Yun's delicate and proud figure stood in the air, stepping on a stalk of green grass, like a dragonfly touching water. Under her feet, a man in his thirties was lying on the ground, as if he was enduring some kind of terrible pain. pressure.

When he heard the referee's announcement outside, his expression became extremely depressed, he sighed, and immediately got up from the ground with difficulty, lowered his head, and left the field.

And Shangguan Yunjiao also took lotus steps, walking out of the small world gracefully and gracefully. After the battle, she was unscathed.

Nodding kindly to the referee, she didn't say much, and returned to Gong Yuexi's side. As she left step by step, a frantic discussion erupted in the field.

"What a strong woman!"

"Just now she took down the opponent on the second floor of Fuxu with only one move. How did she do it?"

"She's a beautiful woman, and she's still strong. Not to mention marrying the Moon Palace Master, it's also a blessing to marry her."

"Go, don't talk nonsense, according to the gossip, she is also having an affair with Li Yanwang."

"I'm stupid, can't I?!"

As soon as a word came out in the field, the people nearby were immediately dumbfounded, and everyone was dumbfounded.

What the hell, does Li Yanwang still have to live?

"No wonder Gu Yan wants to kill him. Although I haven't seen him before, why do I really want to bite him a few times?"

"Hush, don't talk about it, the second round is over, and there will be a good show soon. Hey, I don't know if Li Yanwang will come. If he participates, Gu Yan will definitely not let him go."

"That's right, the third game is a competition between big shots, just wait and see, there must be something good to watch."

"Gu Yan will definitely abuse that Li Yan Wang into a dog."

Shangguan Yunjiao's competition was quickly suppressed by another wave of discussion, and the third round was about to begin, and this was the real highlight of this year's annual meeting!

Unsurprisingly, when Shangguan Yunjiao returned to her seat, Lu Dong stood up again and announced the results of the second round of the competition: "The top three in the second round are Shangguan Yunjiao from Lingyun Palace and Tu from Xuandu Palace. Hong, Ouyang Chen of Sun Moon Palace."

After a pause, he continued: "Next, the third round will begin. Please hand over the contestants to prepare for the competition."

The third round is about to begin!

Even Bai Ping was shocked at this moment, sitting upright, waiting quietly.

"Old Bai, I'm afraid the commander of the Sun Moon Palace will not be able to participate this time due to physical discomfort." As soon as Lu Dong finished speaking, Ouyang Xingchen, the lord of Lidui Palace, got up and saluted Bai Pingping.

Have you finally started acting? Bai Ping smiled with a peaceful expression: "It's okay, is there anyone who can't participate?"

"The Grand Commander of the Sun Moon Palace is still in the critical moment of retreat, so he is unable to participate."

"The commander of Wuhen Palace is unable to participate due to personal matters."

"The commander of Zixiao Palace... his wife passed away, and he has no intention of participating in this competition, Mr. Bai, please accommodate me."

As soon as the former finished speaking, the three masters of Sun Moon Palace, Wuhen Palace, and Zixiao Palace stood up together and declined the competition with different reasons. Lantian Palace on the other side, after a little hesitation, also got up and said that they could not participate.

Among the eight palaces, apart from Qiankun Palace, Lingyun Palace, and Xuandu Palace, the grand commanders of the five palaces were unable to participate. Everyone was very surprised by this situation.

You know, Bai Ping said that in the third match, the Nine Heavenly Kings will personally watch the battle in secret, what an honor is this? They actually asked to resign one by one? Even the direct subordinates of these palaces are quite puzzled.

In the arena, only a few people understood the situation, and Mo Feitian was one of them.

The situation in front of him was arranged by him alone.

He wants Gu Yan to deal with Li Xiao wholeheartedly, and drive Lingyun Palace into a place of eternal doom!

Gong Yuexi and Tang Xuanling naturally knew what was going on, but the reasons for asking for leave from the various palace lords could all be verified, and it was hard for them to say anything about these old and cunning guys.

"Sister, should we still sign up for Li Xiao?" At this time, Shangguan Yunjiao asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Gong Yuexi nodded, as if she had great confidence in Li Xiao.


What Shangguan Yunjiao wanted to say, before the Nine Heavenly Kings Hall, Bai Ping suddenly said:

"Okay, very good, the commanders of the five major palace lords are taking leave at the same time. Can anyone really be the commander of the Nine Heavens Palace?!"

Accompanied by Bai Ping's words, a majestic majesty of a saint spread out from his body, and in an instant, a strange change appeared in the void, as if a hundred thousand mountains fell down, pointing directly at the five palace masters.




The faces of the five palace lords were as white as paper, and the cold sweat flowed down. They couldn't bear it at all. Their legs were weak, and they knelt down at the same time. Their entire kneecaps sank into the ground. Where they stood, cracks appeared one after another, like spider webs.

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