Urban best village doctor

Chapter 134 The Villager's Request

"This damn mountain road, I really don't know when the road will be repaired in our village?" Wang Sheng couldn't help cursing.

I passed a pothole just now, if it wasn't for Li Xiao's great strength, the cart might have overturned.

"Don't worry, I think the road in our village will be completed within half a year at most." Li Xiao comforted.

"What, Brother Xiao, I didn't understand what you just said!" Wang Suru couldn't believe what he heard.

"Don't say good things twice, just realize it yourself, young man." Li Xiao laughed.

"No, Brother Xiao, what you said just now is true. Is it true that our village can be connected to the road in half a year?" Wang Left asked anxiously.

This mountain road leading to the outside world is simply a long-standing problem in Ning Village.

Everyone in the village eagerly hopes that the village can build a road leading to the outside world. Unfortunately, this request is too difficult, and it is impossible to rely on the government's finances.

After all, both Xiapu County and Baoshan Town are well-known impoverished counties and impoverished towns, and they are simply unable to allocate funds for Ningxiang Village to build roads.

So until now, the villagers in Ning Village still have to climb a long mountain road if they want to go to the town.

For them, building roads is just a distant dream.

However, now Li Xiao said that the road leading to the outside world could be built in less than half a year, which made Wang Sheng feel a little unbelievable.

He knows very well how difficult it is to build a road.

"When have I lied to you, don't worry, it will take half a year at most." Li Xiao said vowedly.

"Brother Xiao, if the people in the village know the news, they will probably worship you as a living Bodhisattva." Wang left jokingly said.

Although joking, it can be seen how much the villagers desire and look forward to road construction.

If you want to get rich, build roads first, which is not empty talk.

"Don't tell the villagers about this matter yet." Li Xiao instructed.

"I know, Brother Xiao." Wang Left said hastily.

Perhaps because of the news about the road construction, Wang Left, who was a bit sluggish, became lively.

Soon, the two returned to the village pushing the cart.

As soon as they returned to the village, they immediately attracted the attention of the villagers.

"Brother Xiao, what are these?" A young man who had a good relationship with Li Xiao asked.

"Some household appliances." Li Xiao smiled.

"Hey guy, is this a TV? Why is it so big, it's almost up to a wall of my house."

"How much do these cost?"

"It's still Li Xiao who has the ability to make money."

"The Daozheng family is really blessed. With such a son, they will enjoy the blessings in the future."

"Let's go to Uncle Daozheng's house to watch TV in the evening!"


For a moment, everyone looked at Li Xiao enviously.

Although they have earned a lot of money with Li Xiao's help this year, the villagers are too poor, and they are basically reluctant to let them buy TV or something.

Some villagers who knew about these electrical appliances immediately caused bursts of exclamation from the villagers after they told the price.

In less than half a day, this incident spread to every corner of Ning Village.

When Li Xiao pushed the cart back home, Jiang Xiurong immediately complained.

"What do you think you spend so much money on? Even if you don't watch TV, haven't your dad and I lived for so many years?"

Although Jiang Xiurong said so, she looked at the household appliances on the cart, but she still had a look of joy on her face, especially when she heard the praise from the villagers, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly.

Li Daozheng didn't care about this, seeing that Li Xiao pulled the electrical appliance back, he immediately helped Li Xiao lift it down.

The refrigerator and washing machine are okay, and they can be used when they are plugged in somewhere, but there are some problems with the TV.

There is no way, the size of this TV is too big, neither Li Xiao's bedroom nor Li Daozheng's room can fit it.

In the end, I had to move a table, put the TV on the table, and put it in the living room.

Of course, the houses in rural areas are bungalows, and the so-called living room is multi-purpose, which is also a kitchen.

But after they set up the TV, Li Daozheng exclaimed: "My dear, is this a TV? Why do I feel like a movie theater?"

Indeed, fifty-two inches is indeed a bit too large for a room that is not very large.

After setting up the radar-like thing in the yard, and connecting the signal cable to the TV, Li Xiao turned on the TV.

This was Li Xiao's first time watching TV at home.

I used to be too poor, not to mention the TV, even the radio was very precious.

Seeing the program on TV, Jiang Xiurong, who was tidying up the room, also stopped, staring at the TV screen without moving.

After a while, many uninvited villagers appeared in Li Xiao's home. Of course, in rural areas, especially in some rural areas where the clan relationship is relatively close, it is very common for villagers to visit each other.

Soon, the living room was full of people, and many even stood in the yard, watching TV through the windows.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiao couldn't help feeling a little sad.

You know, in cities, television has long been popularized, and it is not a good thing at all, but in Ning village, it is a novelty.

There is no way, Ning village is too poor.

A mountain road is like an insurmountable barrier, isolating Ning Village and the outside world. This is completely two eras.

Li Xiao sighed helplessly.

He secretly vowed in his heart that he must let the people in the village live the same life as the people in the city, no, not only to live the same life, but even better than theirs, to make the people in the city envious.

Of course, there is still a long way to go to achieve this.

Just when Li Xiao was about to return to his room, a villager with a good relationship with him came to him and asked in a low voice, "Brother Xiao, how much is your TV?"

Seeing his emotional state, Li Xiao smiled and said, "Why, do you want to buy it?"

The villager nodded quickly and said, "My family has earned a lot of money this year. I want to buy one. Of course it's not as big as you bought. I want a smaller one."

Li Xiao said: "Then the 32-inch one is enough. If you add a TV signal searcher, if you count the subsidy, it will probably be less than two thousand five."

"Two thousand and five? It's a bit expensive, but it's okay, Brother Xiao, can you contact me for me, I want to buy one too."

"Okay, when I go to the county again, I'll bring you one." Li Xiao smiled.

In fact, it wasn't just him. After watching TV, many people asked Li Xiao about the price and expressed their willingness to buy it. Li Xiao naturally agreed.

As a result, in just one night, Li Xiao received requests from eight people.

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