Urban best village doctor

Chapter 175 Spending Money Like Water

This incident happened right in front of Yan Ruyu's eyes, which made her a little hard to understand.

This is a closed environment. Is there any electrical appliances such as air conditioners in the room, and the windows are not open. How could there be such a strong wind?

Li Xiao ignored this.

If you are not an ordinary person, if you are blown by this dark wind, there is a high probability that you will suffer from a serious illness. If you are weak, you may die immediately

Li Xiao practiced martial arts, and his energy and blood were strong enough to resist this violent yin energy.

Ever since he opened that hole, it was strange to say that there was a gust of strong wind from time to time in the originally peaceful room, and these strong winds broke the aura in the whole room, making it a bit chaotic.

Even Yan Ruyu, who was far away from Li Xiao, felt the change in the airflow.

Her long hair was continuously blown away by this air current.

Everything that happened before her eyes really overturned her imagination.

It's really amazing.

"This is the ****?"

At some point, Yan Ruyu came over, looked at the big hole in front of Li Xiao, and asked.

"That's right."

Yan Ruyu looked at it for a long time, but unfortunately, she saw nothing except the big pit in front of her, and she didn't even know where the wind came from.

Li Xiao picked up a stone slab and placed it under the big pit.

"What is this?" Yan Ruyu asked curiously.

"Volcanic rock, used to suppress the Yin Qi in the ground."

Then he took out a chisel and a hammer and began to carve strange patterns on the top of the slate.

This is still a method I learned from my grandfather. This is a rune used to seal Yin Qi, and I don't know if it will work. From Li Xiao's point of view, perhaps the nature of consolation is greater.

The runes had long been deeply imprinted in Li Xiao's mind, and he moved very quickly.

In about ten minutes, a strange and mysterious rune appeared on the stone slab.

Strange to say, after the runes were carved, a ray of red light appeared on the surface of the stone slab. Unfortunately, this ray of light appeared so fast and disappeared so quickly that he even thought that what he saw was an illusion.

After doing these things, the raging wind in the small building miraculously disappeared.

Yan Ruyu looked at Li Xiao in surprise, her eyes were full of probing eyes, as if she wanted to see through Li Xiao, what happened just now was really amazing.

Seeing that the ** is no longer continuously producing Yin Qi like before, he finally showed a satisfied smile.

Next is filling.

At this time, Li Xiao said to Yan Ruyu: "Sister Yan, please take a walk around the small building next."

**Although it is blocked and no longer releases Yin Qi, there is still a lot of residual Yin Qi in the small building. With the powerful vacuum cleaner like Yupei, as long as you walk casually in the small building, you can remove these Yin Qi. All the air is absorbed.

The remaining evil spirits are nothing to worry about.

Without yin qi, the concentration of those evil qi is too weak, even ordinary people can't hurt it.

After Li Xiao finished dealing with the matter on the first floor, he went directly to the third floor.

He first looked at the wall that was still emitting evil spirits, took out the chalk, made a mark on several walls, and said to Yan Ruyu: "Sister Yan, I will trouble you next."

"What do I need to do?" Yan Ruyu asked.

"Help me find a construction team, demolish the wall I marked, and then transport the bricks and stones away. In order to avoid future troubles, it is best to bury them deep in the ground. The rest is the decoration of the small building, which will be troublesome Miss Yan, you are gone."

"In other words, the small building is no longer in danger?" Yan Ruyu asked.

"That's right." Li Xiao nodded.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"The road is still being built in the village, and I have to deal with some things. I also need to treat your cousin. I hope that your cousin can lose weight successfully before the opening of the hot pot city!" Li Xiao explained.

"My cousin wants to open a hot pot city with you?" Yan Ruyu asked in surprise.

She only knew about Li Xiao's idea of ​​opening a hot pot city before, but she never thought that he would be a joint venture partner with Zhang Yang.

"How did you do it?" Yan Ruyu asked curiously.

Yan Ruyu was very clear about Zhang Yang's cousin.

When it comes to cooking, it's definitely top notch.

She even mentioned to Zhang Yang that he would come to her hotel as the executive chef, and she would give Zhang Yang half of the shares, but Zhang Yang still refused.

The reason is simple, he doesn't like Yan Ruyu's Tianlu Hotel.

Yan Ruyu really couldn't imagine how Li Xiao persuaded Zhang Yang.

With Zhang Yang joining, she seems to have foreseen the hot pot business in the future.

After entrusting everything to Yan Ruyu, Li Xiao was ready to return to the village. After all, he still had a lot of things to do.

Before returning to the village, he went to the bank and withdrew 120,000 cash, which was the money he used to buy the small building in the village.

Wearing the money in a cloth bag, Li Xiao went back to the village.

Considering Li Xiao's shabby clothes, no one would have thought that there were 120,000 RMB in that very ordinary-looking cloth bag.

Li Xiao felt that spending money was like flowing water.

Originally, he still had millions in savings, but he spent half of it in a blink of an eye.

It cost 200,000 yuan to buy the small building, and Li Xiao left another 200,000 yuan for Yan Ruyu for decoration. I don't know if it can be used, and the 120,000 yuan I just took out, now more than 500,000 yuan spent out.

In the future, the Hot Pot City will open, but I don't know how much it will cost.

Although his one million is a lot, it is really cheap.

It seems that I have to think more about ways to make money, otherwise, I may be sitting on nothing.

Back in the village, Li Xiao was going to return the money to the village first.

When he came to the village committee, he found that the door was tightly closed.

Li Xiao was a little curious. Usually, the gate of the village committee is open. Why is it closed today?

Could it be that Ling Bingbing has something to go out today?

Just when Li Xiao was about to leave and come back later, a voice suddenly came from the house.

This made his footsteps suddenly stop, and he stopped in place.

"Bingbing, look at the environment here. It's broken and poor. How can people like us stay? Be good, and come back with me. Your parents miss you a lot." It was a man's voice, listen to the voice The person speaking should not be very old.

Li Xiao's heart tightened.

He regards Ling Bingbing as his future girlfriend, and he is working hard for this goal.

But unexpectedly, at this time, a man's voice came from Ling Bingbing's room. From what he said, it seemed that it had something to do with Ling Bingbing.

This made Li Xiao feel a little worried.

Who is this man?

Why did he come to Ning village?

Such questions appeared in Li Xiao's mind from time to time.

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