Urban best village doctor

Chapter 219 Farewell

When Li Xiao was not around, Wang Left once dominated the village. Whether he conquered people with virtue or oppressed them with force, these were not important, the important thing was that he had this ability.

So Wang Yu is the strongest person in the village other than Li Xiao, and even the big and small have no objection.

"Brother Xiao, tell me what you want." Wang Sheng took a mouthful of mutton and said carelessly, "Although I, Wang Sheng, are a jerk, I must listen to what you say, Brother Xiao."

"Well, I want you to go to Pujiang." After a pause, Li Xiao said lazily, "Go find some bastards over there, and lead them to control some of the power of gangsters in Pujiang, can you do it?"

Wang Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Brother Xiao, what are you doing?"

"Is it because you came to look for Sun Li, Village Chief Ling?" At this time, the shrewd Xiao Zhuang said with a smile, "That Sun Li is from Pujiang, Brother Xiao must want to deal with him, right?"

"Yes, and no." Li Xiao said, "You don't need to know too much now, Wang Yu, just tell me if this thing can be done."

"Yes, I must be able!" Wang Sheng said, patting his chest, "I, Wang Leftover, don't read much, and I can't do anything else. Let me be a gangster. It's definitely a leverage. It's up to me .”

"It's not for you to be a gangster." Li Xiao patted him and said, "It's for you to be the leader of a gangster. You go to Pujiang, and I will give you 500,000 yuan a month. You go to make friends with a group of people who are highly respected in the underworld. Do you understand? If you do well, you may be able to help me a lot in the future."

Wang left was a little hesitant at first. After all, Pujiang was no bigger than Ningxiang. The total population of Ningxiang might not be as large as that of a community. It would be very high to make a living there.

But when he reached Li Xiao's last sentence, a look of determination appeared in his eyes, and he nodded fiercely.

Wang Sheng has always been apologetic to Li Xiao. Before Li Xiao came back, he was the king and hegemony, suppressing Li Xiao's brothers for a while, but after Li Xiao came back, he still took him to make money. He always had a kind of apology for the former in his heart. , Now that he can finally help Li Xiao, how can he have any reason to refuse?

Besides, he knows that if he hangs out with Brother Xiao, he will definitely make a difference!

"Yes, I did not mistake you." Li Xiao said with a smile, "Come on, continue eating hot pot."

Li Xiao has always been a person who hates troubles, but this does not mean that he is afraid of troubles. When troubles come, he will avoid them if he can. I regret coming into this world.

It was only when Sun Li came to him that Li Xiao felt that a person's strength was limited after all. If he could have some younger brothers who belonged to him, then many troubles could be easily solved without his presence.

This idea was also the reason why he asked Wang Sheng to go to Pujiang. This move was not only for Sun Li, but also for Ning Village to gain a foothold between the upper and lower Pujiang in the future.

Because Li Xiao knew that Ning Village in the future would inevitably become a well-known village.

This day was also Li Xiao's happiest day. Sun Li didn't come looking for him, and nothing happened in the village. It was rare for him to be a beautiful man quietly for a day.

"Ah, it's a little bigger!"

In the early morning of the next day, there was such a surprised roar from Zhao Tiantian's room, she clutched her chest, it was extremely unbelievable.

The underwear I just tried to buy yesterday, why can't I wear it overnight?

On the side, Li Xiao smiled without saying a word, and looked at his hands with satisfaction. It seemed that his hands were not only beautiful, but also able to liberate countless girls.

Helpless, that girl Zhao Tiantian could only wear looser clothes this day, but even so, she could still see two small dots protruding slightly under the clothes.

"Woooo, how do you go out here?" Zhao Tiantian lay on Li Xiao's body and acted like a baby, "Brother Xiao, what do you think, I'm so ashamed."

"This... this is easy to handle." Li Xiao stretched out his magic hand, "Come on, I'll make it smaller for you."

"Go away!" Zhao Tiantian dodged, "No one is serious."

"Come on, you'd better wear my clothes." Li Xiao threw his T-shirt to Zhao Tiantian.

"Brother Xiao, what about you?"

"I'm a big man, so what's the point of not wearing clothes? I'll just go back to my house and get one and put it on."

Only then did Zhao Tiantian take off her shirt and put on Li Xiao's clothes. When she put them on, Li Xiao was slightly surprised.

Tsk tsk... This girl looks so good even in men's clothes.

After waking up and having breakfast, Li Xiao left Zhao Tiantian's house and hurried back to his own house naked.

"Brother Xiao!"

As soon as he arrived at the door, Li Xiao happened to run into Wang Leftover.

Today's Wang Sheng is dressed more formally, looks handsome, and is dragging a black suitcase in his hand.

Seeing his attire, Li Xiao knew that the latter was leaving Ningxiang, "Wang Leftover, you are leaving now."

"That's right. I went back and thought about it all night. I decided to leave early. Pujiang is not like Ningxiang Village. If I want to get ahead there, I can't waste any more time."

"Then you wait here for me, and I'll see you off."


Not long after, Li Xiao came out wearing a piece of clothing, and walked and chatted with Wang Sheng. It was not until ten minutes later that the two reached the entrance of the village. Wang Sheng said, "Brother Xiao, go back first, don't see me off." gone."

"Well, I didn't intend to send more." Li Xiao held his head. "

"Okay, goodbye brother Xiao!"


Wang Sheng had just taken two steps when Li Xiao suddenly stopped him and said, "There is one more thing I forgot to tell you. After you go to Pujiang, you will change your name."

"Why?" Wang Yu asked consciously.

"I don't want those gangsters in Pujiang to know that you are from Ningxiang, do you understand?"

There was a flash of understanding in Wang Yu's eyes.

What kind of people are the gangsters? Wang Sheng couldn't understand better. In the future, Ning Village needs to develop. His future identity can only be hidden underground and cannot be truly displayed in front of the world. Otherwise, it will definitely bring trouble to the village. If you let others know where he is from, then he will be constrained everywhere in his actions, looking forward and backward.

"Okay, I'll remember."

"Also, there must be some danger in this trip. You have to be more careful. If your life is in danger, get the hell back to Ning Village immediately. As long as you return to the village, I can help you fight even big things."

"Well... Also, after you go to Pujiang, you can read a book if you have nothing to do, it will help you in the future."

"And there is..."

"Brother Xiao, why have you suddenly become so verbose." Wang Sheng interrupted Li Xiao strangely.

"Hey, Wang Goudaner, do you owe a beating?"

Li Xiao put his foot on Wang Yu's ass and yelled, "Get out, get out, don't let me see you again!"

"Haha, goodbye brother Xiao!"

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