Urban best village doctor

Chapter 241 The New Village Chief

As soon as the man with glasses finished speaking, there was a burst of whispering in the small square.

"Hey, who do you think the village chief will fall on this time?"

"That goes without saying, it must be our brother Xiao, only he can be the village head."

"That's right."

"Daozheng, your son is going to be the village head this time, smoke is coming from the Li family's ancestor's grave!"

"Hey, it's about the ancestor's grave. That's my son's power."


In the crowd, Li Xiao, Zhao Tiantian, Da Zhuang Xiao Zhuang, Fatty and others stood together, waiting for the announcement of the result.

"Brother Xiao, this time the village head must fall on you." Xiao Zhuang chuckled, "If it weren't for you, I really can't think of anyone else who can be the village head."

"That's right, the new type of wheat developed by Brother Xiao has been approved by the people above!"

"Hehe, I also think it's Brother Xiao." Huang Rong came from behind without knowing it, and gave Li Xiao a wink.

"Sister Rong, I think so too." Zhao Tiantian agreed very much, nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Wait for the announcement." There was a faint smile on the corner of Li Xiao's mouth, and he was noncommittal about the discussions around him.

"Everyone be quiet."

At this time, the man with glasses on the stage shouted into the microphone: "Everyone, be quiet, if this continues, the village chief will become a chat meeting!"

Everyone smiled knowingly, and then gradually became quiet.

"Ling Bingbing, the former village head of Ningxiang Village, handed in his resignation due to some incidents, and has been approved by the higher level." When everyone quieted down, the man with glasses took out the speech he had written earlier and read it, "But A family has its own rules, the state owns its laws, and a village cannot live without a village head, so after a series of selections, we have elected a new village head!"

After he said this, the eyes of the villagers below all showed anticipation.

Could the position of the village head belong to Li Xiao?

Everyone is expecting that Li Xiao can lead them to get rich, so they only recognize Li Xiao!

Only Li Xiao was unusually calm. Hearing the man with glasses say this, he looked dotingly at the innocent Zhao Tiantian.

Zhao Tiantian seemed to have a feeling, and said with a cute smile: "Brother Xiao, this village chief must belong to you, and I will be the wife of the village chief from now on."

"Next, I will read the name of the village chief!"

Although everyone already had the answer in their hearts, they still held their breath and looked at the man with glasses expectantly.

"The new head of Ning Village, he is..."

In the expectant eyes of everyone, the man with glasses paused, took a deep breath, and said heavily: "Zhao Tiantian!"


As soon as the man with glasses pronounced the name, everyone below was instantly amazed.

"Sweet? Why is it sweet?"

"Yeah, it's strange, isn't it Brother Xiao?"

"Tiantian is Li Xiao's fiancée, if you want me to say they are both the same."

"That's right."



Zhao Tiantian in the crowd obviously didn't expect that the village chief's seat would fall on her, and she was also dumbfounded in surprise.

"Tiantian, you are my fiancée, of course the best things will be left to you." Li Xiao whispered in her ear, "Do better in the future!"

"Brother Xiao..." Zhao Tiantian obviously didn't recover from the shock, her big eyes fluttered, and she asked weakly, "Can I do it?"

"That's a must!"

Li Xiao clasped his hands behind his head, and no surprise appeared on his lazy face, as if he knew the answer a long time ago, and he wasn't too surprised.

Although Zhao Tiantian's appointment as the village chief aroused discussions among the villagers, they quickly accepted this reality.

Everyone in the village knew that Zhao Tiantian was Li Xiao's fiancée, and there was not much difference between Zhao Tiantian and Li Xiao who would be the village head.

"There are three reasons for choosing Zhao Tiantian." The man with glasses continued to read according to the lines, "One, it was personally recommended by the previous village chief Ling Bingbing, two, she is a native girl in Ning Village, and three, he has a new type of wheat The inventor, Li Xiao, personally recommends it!"

The three reasons given by the man with glasses unsurprisingly sparked a heated discussion again.

Everyone finally understood why the village chief was not Li Xiao, but Li Xiao himself recommended it, which made sense. Although the villagers are very simple, the tricks are clear.

"Brother Xiao, why did you and Sister Bingbing recommend me?" Zhao Tiantian asked suspiciously.

"Because you are beautiful!" Li Xiao pinched the tip of Zhao Tiantian's nose with a smile, "Who else can be the village head in this village except you? You are beautiful, you have the final say!"


The selection of the village chief soon fell into dust, and the three leaders from the county bid farewell to Li Xiao one after another, and then hurried back to Xiapu County.

The road between Ningcun Village and Baoshan Town has been completed long ago. Now it no longer takes two or three hours to travel from Ningcun Village to Baoshan Town. If you drive, it only takes about ten minutes. As for walking, it only takes half an hour.

The journey to Xiapu County was shortened to two hours.

To get rich, build roads first.

Li Xiao understands this truth. Now that the matter of the village head of Ning Village has settled down, the next step is to plan for the future of Ning Village.

In the next few days, Zhao Tiantian completely moved into the village committee. She didn't move anything left by Ling Bingbing before, and everything was as usual.

The village committee changed a woman, and nothing else changed.

Even that woman is like the last one, she belongs to Li Xiao's woman!

Zhao Tiantian was familiarizing herself with some procedures of being the village head, while Li Xiao was very busy these days, running back and forth between Xiapu County and Ning Village, even the big and small didn't know what he was doing.

A week later, Li Xiao came to the village committee with a blue backpack on his back as soon as he returned to Ningxiang Village from Xiapu County.

Zhao Tiantian was sitting in front of the desk looking at some new policies coming down from above. They all said that women who are serious are the most beautiful. Zhao Tiantian is so beautiful when she is serious.

Today's Zhao Tiantian is wearing a simple dress, still pure and pure, the towering Yufeng is about to emerge, there is a touch of blush on her fair face, her long eyelashes blink from time to time, and her smart eyes are engrossed in the document in her hand On the way, she didn't even notice that Li Xiao came in.


Li Xiao quietly walked around to her side, and kissed her fresh and tender face while she wasn't paying attention.


Zhao Tiantian counterattacked subconsciously, but fortunately Li Xiao quickly grabbed her hand.

"Brother Xiao, how are you!" Seeing that it was Li Xiao, Zhao Tiantian said like a little lark, "If you disagree with me, you will kiss me, can't you tell him in advance?"

"Of course not, tell you, will you still let me kiss you?" Li Xiao said meanly, "How about it, is the village chief doing well these days?"

"You still said, Brother Xiao, you scoundrel." Zhao Tiantian pursed her lips, acting like a baby very cutely, "Originally, the position of the village chief should be yours to take, so many things have to be handed over to a weak woman Do it, hum! I really don’t know how Sister Bingbing persisted in the first place.”

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