Urban best village doctor

Chapter 291 Hurt Each Other

A scorching feeling came from the scroll, and it even felt a little hot to the touch. Li Xiao let out a light snort, but the aura had disappeared when he realized it.

It came and went faster, and even made people think it was an illusion.

Turning on the perspective eye, Li Xiao looked into the picture scroll, and the strange thing is that he didn't find any abnormalities.

"Li Xiao, what's the matter?" Guo Bihai, who got up and walked to the door, turned his head and asked strangely.

"Nothing, let's go."

Li Xiao picked up the painting tube and followed Guo Bihai out.

Downstairs, Guo Bihai's driver was already waiting there.

In order to have a private chat with Li Xiao, Guo Bihai directly told his driver to get off work early and wanted to drive by himself, Li Xiao quickly grabbed the steering wheel when he saw this: "Guo understands, let me drive this car, I just happened to be in contact with driving recently. "

Just kidding, let Guo Bihai drive the car, just based on his yin energy, this driving can probably take Li Xiao directly to hell to drink tea and talk about life with the King of Hades.

Li Xiao hasn't lived enough yet, he doesn't want to die so early, there are countless girls' hearts in the world waiting for him to rescue.

Guo Bihai was the co-pilot, and Li Xiao was always paying attention to the yin energy on his body to avoid any troubles. Under his command, Li Xiao galloped on the highway, turning around and turning to the destination.

On the way, Guo Bihai also told Li Xiao about his grievances with the Sun family.

It is not so much the grievances between him and the Sun family, but the grievances between him and Sun Minghai.

Speaking of it, the grievances and grievances between the two were very bloody. Guo Bihai came to Pujiang to work hard more than ten years ago. He was looking for opportunities. He just came to Pujiang on the third day when he encountered someone bullying a woman.

Guo Bihai was a rough man, not only there, but also the whole person. In his own words, at that time, he could hit four or five by himself, and with his blood, he saved the woman.

It was only later that I found out that the group of people who bullied the women belonged to the Sun family, and they were also Sun Minghai.

Since then, Guo Bihai has embarked on a road of no return. He began to evade Sun Minghai's revenge while trying to survive. He also used the wealth of the family he saved the woman to rapidly expand its territory and compete with Sun Minghai in real estate. .

Moreover, he tried his best to make his name known by everyone in Pujiang. Only in this way would Sun Minghai not dare to find someone to kill him secretly.

As a result, the two began to compete with each other in business, and gradually Guo Bihai was not too afraid of him. Every time he saw Sun Minghai, he would fight with him, and every time he would receive a warning from Sun Minghai, saying that he would fight again. If you don't believe me, I'll chop you up, but Guo Bihai took off his clothes with tears streaming down his face, and said arrogantly, come on, let's hurt each other...

??? In this way, the two fell in love and killed each other, and the grievances accumulated and deepened.

"Why should the sea make things difficult for the sea..." Li Xiao couldn't help sighing after hearing this, "The people of the Sun family are really nothing. Related?"

"Hey, you really hit the mark." Guo Bihai lit a cigar in the car, took a deep breath, and then let it out, and then said, "This matter really has something to do with the Sun family. , half a year ago we bid for a piece of land..."

As if afraid that Li Xiao would not understand, Guo Bihai explained: "This bidding is similar to an auction. In layman's terms, it is an auction of land, because the land is in the South Third Ring Road, and the South Third Ring Road will be a key area for development in the future, so many Everyone went, and Sun Minghai and I were one of them."

"Sun Minghai's brother is the deputy mayor. As you know, he can do a lot of things more conveniently than me, so at the same price, the last piece of land belongs to him..."

"However, not long after, that Sun Minghai seemed to have changed his nature, and actually gave up that piece of land on his own initiative..."

When Guo Bihai heard it, it wasn't right. The guy who fell in love with him actually gave up on his own initiative. There must be something tricky about it, so he asked someone to investigate.

The results of the investigation surprised Guo Bihai. Sun Minghai's wife in the fifth room was about to have a baby. She said that the feng shui of the land was not good, so she gave up.

As soon as Guo Bihai heard it, he typed it on the spot and asked people to take down that piece of land. He didn't believe others believed it.

If Sun Minghai doesn't want it, who can earn money with Guo Bihai in the real estate industry? He quickly won the piece of land.

After winning it, Guo Bihai accelerated his investment and developed the land.

Everything was going well until a month ago when something went wrong on the construction site.

A lot of workers were digging the ground that day, and they worked overtime in the middle of the night if they disagreed. A guy who learned excavator technology from Nanxiang went down with a shovel and directly shoveled out a coffin.

If this matter were placed in a peasant's house, it would not be a big deal. Dig a picture and dig a coffin and bury it back, burn a stick of incense and light a candle to say goodbye.

The problem was that this happened on the construction site. The workers were old and superstitious, so they left and went home for various reasons.

The leader of the construction site was worried that the news would spread, so he suppressed it and recruited new people to continue the development, but intentionally or unintentionally bypassed the location of the coffin.

It's just that, within a few days, someone got sick and couldn't afford it.

Then came the second one, and the third one, almost all of them had persistent high fevers, lying in the hospital for infusions and injections...

Half a month ago, someone even rode a battery car out of the construction site after get off work, rushed directly into a tree and was killed.

Strange things happened frequently, the foreman finally couldn't suppress the matter, and reported the matter layer by layer, and soon the matter reached Guo Bihai's ears. Great, rushed to the construction site on the spot, and paid a high price to find someone to dig out the coffin.

"However, I didn't expect that there would be a real problem with this digging." Speaking of this, Guo Bihai's mood became a little agitated. Gotta calm down.

"There shouldn't be a ghost jumping out of the coffin?" Li Xiao jokingly said while holding the steering wheel, "Is it a female ghost or a male ghost?"

"Ghost? If a ghost really jumps out, that's fine. As the saying goes, money can make ghosts turn the clock. If a ghost jumps out, I'll just smash it to death with money." After Guo Bihai calmed down, he also started joked.

"If I were you, I definitely wouldn't use money to kill it."

"Oh? Then what will you do?"

"I'll use my Pan An-like face to make it handsome." Li Xiao touched his face arrogantly, the more he touched his face, the more satisfied he continued. It needs to be solved with money and above."

"Haha, you kid, you just like serious nonsense." Guo Bihai said, "Okay, let me continue talking to you, after the coffin is dug out..."

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