The twins are only in their early twenties, smiling, with two dimples on their faces, very lively and beautiful.

The two wore the same clothes today, even the hairstyle and attire were the same. It is conceivable that they put a lot of thought into dressing up for today.

"Xiaoya, Xiaolin, why did you go shopping for antiques?" Seeing the calligraphy, painting and copper basin in the hands of the two, the originally kind He Zitian frowned slightly.

He has always disliked the extravagance and waste of his offspring, who spend a lot of money to buy birthday gifts or something. For him, the education of the younger generation is very important, and he must develop a good saving habit from an early age, unless they buy Things are really worth the money.

But with his eyes, the antiques in the hands of his two granddaughters are definitely genuine, and the value of them is at least close to a million.

He Zitian knew that the two granddaughters couldn't even listen to history, so how could they have a very deep understanding of antiques? The price of these antiques is probably far more than one million, and it may even cost double the price to buy them back.

Although he likes antiques, he still wants to take the opportunity to educate them.

"Grandpa..." Guan Shiya pursed her red lips and said coquettishly, "Why are you upset? Don't you like antiques? So let's buy antiques."

"Yes!" Guan Shilin agreed, "We bought it after a day of shopping in Antique Street."

"Oh?" He Zitian asked in surprise, "I bought it on Antique Street?"

As the mayor of Pujiang City, he knows how many trees there are in Pujiang, and he is not unclear about what kind of street Antique Street is.

"That's right, we spent a huge price of 200,000 yuan!" Guan Shiya said the price directly without anyone knowing.

It wasn't until she said it that she realized that it was wrong. She and Guan Shilin didn't know antiques, so they didn't dare to determine the value of the two antiques. Their grandfather never liked to waste and they knew it very well, so they agreed not to say the price from the beginning.

"Two hundred thousand?" Before He Zitian could speak, a middle-aged woman next to him said, "Xiaoya, Xiao Lin, don't you know how deep the water in Antique Street is? White flowers."

The middle-aged woman's face was full of reproaches, but it was not because of money, but because she really cared about the two girls.

"Where did you buy this, even you guys dare to lie, go, take brother to help you find him!" Another young man in his early twenties stood up and said, "I still don't believe that he will return the money without saving face! "

A few people said something to each other, and they all showed concern for the two women. Seeing this scene, He Zitian also showed a look of relief in his eyes.

People of the younger generation love each other, why worry about the future of Pujiang?

"Okay, everything is quiet." He Zitian stood up and smiled, "Xiaoya and Xiaolin didn't buy at a loss, not only did they not lose money, they should have made hundreds of thousands. This copper basin is at least something from the Song Dynasty, and the calligraphy and painting are also from the Ming Dynasty. .”

He Zitian picked up two things and glanced at them, and He Zitian made an accurate judgment.

When Guan Shiya and her daughter heard this, they looked at each other, Li Xiao's face involuntarily appeared in their minds.

Unexpectedly, what he said was true. It turned out that it was really an antique.

The matter of the two antiques came to an end, and the descendants sent their carefully prepared gifts one after another, and after talking to each other, He Zitian asked them to go out to greet relatives and friends.

"Xiaoya, Xiaolin, wait a minute." Guan Shiya and Guan Shilin were about to leave when He Zitian suddenly stopped them, "I have something to ask you."

The two looked at each other suspiciously, one left and one right held He Zitian's arm, Guan Shiya said playfully, "Hee hee, is grandpa going to give us red envelopes alone?"

"You girl, you have a good idea. Today is grandpa's birthday, not yours." He Zitian scolded with a smile, "Believe it or not, I won't give you red envelopes on your next birthday."

"Hmph, grandpa, I don't love you anymore."

"Okay, sister, wait for grandpa to talk about the business."

"Your sister is still sensible." He Zitian organized his words, and then said, "You two girls, tell grandpa to buy antiques in Antique Street. Has someone instructed you?"

"How do you know?" Guan Shiya asked subconsciously.

"Hehe, you guys are not interested in antiques. It is almost a coincidence that you bought one real antique, but it is not normal if you buy two." He Zitian is so smart, he explained the mystery with one word, "Hurry up, Who is it, grandpa is a little interested in that person."

In front of the back, He Zitian never hides himself. He is indeed interested in the person who picks up antiques. You must know that he was an antique lover when he was twenty years old. Now he has studied antiques for forty years, but even the current If it wasn't for his identity, no one would dare to lie to him, even if he went to Antique Street, he would be confused by the dazzling fakes.

People who can find two antiques in Antique Street will never be simple in their eyes, and He Zitian wants to meet them very much.

Guan Shiya and Guan Shilin didn't hide anything, they were very filial and didn't do anything to offend grandpa, so they told all about today's events.

Of course... the matter of seeing a certain giant in the toilet was naturally ignored by the second daughter, but when Li Xiao was mentioned, the second daughter still blushed to varying degrees.

"Li Xiao..." He Zitian muttered the name, seemingly familiar, "Li Xiao, Li Xiao? Could it be Li Xiao who developed a new type of water vein?"

"Grandpa knows him?" Guan Shilin's eyes lit up.

"Is it really the same person?"

Guan Shiya excitedly said: "Yes, that's him!"

"Of course I know, hehe, how could I not know about this young man?" He Zitian touched the little goatee growing on his chin, and said to himself, "Interesting, interesting, he actually came to Pujiang, but I don't know if there is a chance to be able to See you next time."

How could He Zitian not know Li Xiao? He personally awarded the award for the new type of wheat he developed. In addition, because of Li Xiao, Ning Village's financial report has directly increased by more than ten times compared to previous years, not to mention that the young man is only around 20 years old.

If none of these can attract He Zitian's attention, then the above, plus the fact that the young man has conflicts with the Sun family, are enough to make him pay attention to this young man intentionally or unintentionally.

It was precisely because of these surprising things that this time he not only invited the county magistrate of Xiapu County, but also the current village chief of Ning Village.

Boom boom boom.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and it was a waiter who looked up.

"Mayor, all the guests have arrived. By the way, Boss Jia Junjia said that he has some urgent business to go back to the capital. He can't come here in person this time. He asked a woman named Yan Ruyu to come here on his behalf." The waiter finished his report. After that, he handed the list to He Zitian, and said, "You can go upstairs to greet the guests now."

ps: I have been busy with work these two days, so I only have two updates, and five will be updated tomorrow.

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