Urban best village doctor

Chapter 460 Like it

"Of course I really like it. That girl Zhang Xuan is so innocent. I even had dinner with her when I went home a few days ago." Zhang Yang said with a smile, "If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't exercise every day to lose weight."

"Okay, let me tell you why you are so persevering, and you co-authored it for Zhang Xuan." Li Xiao laughed and said, "Okay, you said that although you are a little fatter, you are also a capable person, worthy of entrustment , although I am a bit suspicious of being an old cow eating young grass, but I will make the decision for you later, brother Xiao, and ask the girl what she means."

"If you're both interested in each other, stay together."

It can be said that Li Xiao really regarded the Zhang family as his own family. If Zhang Xuan was interested in Zhang Yang, he might as well let the two be together.

If she didn't like Zhang Yang's type, he would naturally find a way to dispel the idea of ​​Fatty.

I just don't know if the big and the small can accept it. If a highly educated younger sister raised by their family is really going to be married by such a fat man, God knows if they will go crazy.

When Yan Ruyu heard that Zhang Yang had a sweetheart, she was so happy from ear to ear. Zhang Yang was not much younger than her, and the eldest was not too young. The whole family was worried that he would not be able to marry a wife with his physique.

Although the horoscope has not yet been written, Yan Ruyu still feels a little relieved and at ease.

After asking about his personal situation, Li Xiao asked about the general situation of Ningxiang Village now. Because Zhang Yang was busy with work, he would go back to Ningxiang Village occasionally to have a look, so he didn't know much about it, so he told Li Xiao what he knew. over again.

After lunch, Li Xiao sent Yan Ruyu home, and left under her reluctant eyes.

Back in Xiapu County, Li Xiao was eager to get closer to the village. If Yan Ruyu was not in Xiapu County and wanted to see her, he would have gone back to Ning Village directly.

Now that he has had dinner and met face-to-face, Li Xiao certainly doesn't want to stay any longer.

"Fatty, do you want to go back to Ning Village with me?" Li Xiao said with a smile, "When we go back, call Dazhuang and Xiaozhuang, how many drinks?"

"I really want to, but I can't go back." Zhang Yang rolled his eyes, "The hot pot city has just opened for a year, and many places require me to greet them personally, so I can't go back for now, Brother Xiao, but I will go back once in a while. At that time, you have been away for half a year. Uncles and aunts are very similar to you. I will send you back to reunite with them first. Didn’t you say that Wang Yu and the others will come back in three days? At that time, I will give myself a vacation and go back together. drink wine"

"That's fine, don't let anyone send me off, I'll just go back by myself."

"That's okay, I have to get someone to send you off."

Under Zhang Yang's insistence, a security guard was finally allowed to drive him. The security technology was very good, and the road was smooth and smooth. Obviously, he sent a trustworthy person.

"Brother, stop!" Li Xiao smiled when he reached Baoshan Town, "Brother, just send me here, the rest of the road is not too far away, I will walk back by myself!"

"Brother Xiao, but our boss Zhang said..."

"It's all right, if he dares to trouble you, I'll beat him up." Without any explanation, Li Xiao put his salute on his back, slammed the car door, and waved to the security guard, "Go back, don't worry, I'm fine."

Although the security guard didn't know Li Xiao's identity, the person Zhang Yang valued so much was definitely not someone he could afford to offend, so he couldn't say much, so he could only call Zhang Yang and get his After agreeing, Li Xiao was allowed to leave.

According to Li Xiao's lazy temperament, he actually didn't want to walk back. Although there was a road between Baoshan Town and Ning Village, it would take a long time to walk.

The reason why he got out of the car and walked by himself was that Li Xiao didn't want to walk on the road, he wanted to take the mountain road to see Ada in the mountains.

As soon as he entered the deep mountain, he released Xiaolu from the small world.

Half a year later, Xiaolu has grown by more than half a meter than before, and has also grown a lot, because she eats the vitality water that Li Xiao gave her every day.

If the current Xiaolu was wrapped around Li Xiao's arm, it would be easy for people to notice the abnormality.

Back in the deep mountains and green forests, Xiaolu seems to have come to his hometown, scurrying around the mountains and fields excitedly, if it can shine, it will be like a flash of lightning.

"Brother Xiao, hehe, we are finally back." After tossing enough, Xiaolu returned to Li Xiao's side, swam slowly, and communicated with Li Xiao, "The breath of the mountain is so good."

"Yes." Li Xiao stretched out his arms and took a deep breath, "The air here is much better than that of the Pujiang River. In order to build the city, people have ruined the environment, knocked down mountains, and cut down trees... Forget it, don't talk about it, let's go. , let's go home early!"


Both Li Xiao and Xiaolu were very excited, they hurried all the way, running between the mountains and fields.

Many wild animals smelled the scent of a man and a snake from a distance, and they all backed up one after another, running in the opposite direction.

Therefore, the two ran wildly in the mountains, but nothing happened.

Li Xiao didn't rush home directly, but went to the mountain where he was sleeping with Xiaolu.

It is a relatively deep mountain range, named Seven Star Mountain by the locals. Seven Star Mountain is within a certain range, and the mountain links are somewhat similar to the routes of the Big Dipper.

According to the old people, thousands of years ago, Qixing Mountain was not called Qixing Mountain, because an immortal cut the mountain with a sword to make it look like a seven star, so it got this name.

Because it is a deep mountain range, its altitude is almost two to three thousand meters high, and the forests are overgrown with weeds.

Four years ago, when Li Xiao was an ordinary person, in order to go to the mountain to gather medicine, it can be said that he had suffered a lot, and by using his instinct, he bypassed countless beasts before he was able to enter the mountain range.

Of all the mountains, it can be said that although the Seven Star Mountain is not the tallest one, it is the steepest one.

Now that Li Xiao thinks about it carefully, he really didn't know where he got the courage to climb it.

There is still a hilltop away from Qixing Mountain. In order to avoid anything from happening, Li Xiao opened his clairvoyant eyes and looked towards the mountain.

Through the sight of old trees and clusters of weeds, the entire Qixing Mountain is included in his eyes as black as the sea.

The little green heart had a feeling, it knew that Li Xiao's attention was not nearby at this time, so it focused on observing the surroundings, and once any beast came out, it would attack with thunder.

See through the eyes and see through everything.

Under Li Xiao's domineering clairvoyant eyes, he could have a panoramic view of every plant and tree in Qixing Mountain.

"Hiss, this place is weird!"

After seeing the entire mountain range clearly, Li Xiao looked surprised and couldn't help but gasped.

The National Day is over, and the three shifts will resume tomorrow. I also recommend "Rebirth of the Primordial World: The Demon Lord of the Three Realms", which is a very good book

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