Urban best village doctor

Chapter 476 Courage

Money is a good thing. Both men and women, old and young, like it. No one wants to make money. The projects in Ning Village are not small. If they can finish the work, a few foremen can make a lot of money.

It is precisely for this reason that they are willing to help Li Xiao, and no one wants to have trouble with money.

"Boss Li, tell me." The foreman surnamed Li spoke, and the others also listened attentively.

With a pursed smile, Li Xiao said mysteriously: "I need two of you to play a play with me..."

"At 4:30 in the morning, you find a way to take your workers to the hillside 800 meters away. You don't need to ask what to do, you will know when you go."

In the conference room, Li Xiao explained in a low voice the process of how to take their workers to the mountains in detail, and then said: "After you take them to the mountains, I will do a trick there to make them believe Ning Village is fine."

Several foremen looked at each other after hearing this, and foreman Li said again: "Boss Li, you are a capable person, and we don't ask what the cover-up is, but the cover-up is fake. We just want to ask, can you really solve the problem in the mountains?" Question?"

"Of course, I, Li Xiao, can develop Ning Village into what it is today, and I still have the ability to solve this kind of problem." Li Xiao pretended to be mysterious, "Besides, the fortune-telling method passed down by my family has already included what happened in the mountains."

In order to convince a few people, Li Xiao looked at a foreman, opened his clairvoyant eyes, and observed his Tianling Gai's aura of fortune, and then said: "This foreman, I'm not wrong, you have recently suffered a disaster, right?"

Foreman Zhang, who was stared at by Li Xiao, paused, and said in astonishment, "No, that's right, Boss Li, do you really know fortune-telling?"

"Foreman Zhang, what happened to you?" Foreman Chen asked strangely, and the others also looked at him curiously.

Although these foremen said that they had different divisions of labor, they naturally knew each other many years ago when they were able to appear together in Ning Village. Generally speaking, they knew each other about ordinary things.

However, foreman Zhang's bankruptcy disaster, several people have never heard him talk about it.

"Let me guess again..." Li Xiao pretended to be profound, and raised his right hand, as if pinching his fingers for fortune-telling, "Well... it should be that you have some physical problems, and you have suffered serious problems."

Foreman Zhang's life energy column is shorter than the average person's, and his death energy column is longer. Under the fluoroscopy, there are cancer cells in his stomach, which should be early cancer. He must have been taking medicine during this period of time.

As soon as Li Xiao said this, Foreman Zhang was stunned and sighed: "Boss Li is right. I went to have a physical examination a few days ago. The doctor said that there is something wrong with my stomach. After examination and treatment, what about taking medicine?" It cost a lot of money."

After hearing this, everyone looked at Li Xiao in surprise, and then Li Xiao randomly chose two people according to the fortune he saw.

So far, everyone believed that Li Xiao really knew how to tell fortunes, even Da Zhuang Xiao Zhuang and Wang Surprised.

When did my brother Xiao gain this ability? Isn't this ability only possessed by his grandfather back then?

Until everyone completely trusted Li Xiao, it was already around four o'clock in the morning, and the workers who were not in a hurry had almost gone to bed, and the former left the villa with the three of them, Da Zhuang, and went back to prepare things.

Not long after they left, several foremen followed Li Xiao's instructions and went back to the villa to sleep obediently. At 4:30 in the morning, one of the foremen turned over and pretended to go to the toilet to pee.

He went to the toilet for a stroll, and suddenly seemed to have seen something terrible, and shouted in the villa: "Damn, damn, something happened, something happened, get up quickly!"

The other foremen were not in the mood to sleep at all, but when they heard this, they turned over from the bed and shouted loudly: "Something happened, don't fucking sleep, get up!"

All of a sudden, the villa was bustling with activity, and the sleepy migrant workers were woken up one after another.

These migrant workers are male and female, ranging in age from their twenties to their fifties.

"Old Zhang, what's the matter?"

"That's right, what happened, and let people sleep."

"The sky is falling and there is a tall man staring at him, what are you shouting about?"


The workers were naturally very upset when they were woken up, and they all complained. Foreman Zhang, who pretended to go to the toilet, said in fear: "In the woods behind the toilet, I saw a fairy spirit, and a three-meter-high figure. Like a fairy, really, I won't lie to you!"

"Old Zhang, you're not sleeping like a fool, are you?"

"That's right, haha, I'll go take a look..."

"I am coming too."

Although everyone didn't believe it very much, there were still three or two people curiously sticking their heads into the toilet and looking out the window.

"I rub it, it's true!"

"Come and see, Lao Zhang didn't lie to us!"

"Grandma, what's the matter?"

As soon as the few people entered, there was a surprised voice. After hearing what they said, several people immediately rushed in to have a look.

On a hill a few hundred meters away from the toilet window, white steamed, a tall figure dangled there, and a golden light could be vaguely seen shining inside.

This scene caused everyone to discuss it. Some people were afraid, some people were curious, and some people were a little excited.

Seeing that the timing was almost the same, Foreman Li said mysteriously: "Everyone be quiet, listen to me!"

His prestige was not bad among this group of people, and soon everyone quieted down and listened to him.

"Everyone, it's 4:30 in the morning. It is reasonable to say that the sky should already be bright, but it's still so dark today. Don't you think it's strange?" Foreman Li said, "When I was young, I heard from the elders that there were many strange things in the mountain village. It's easy to come here to kill demons and demons, do you think that is a fairy?"

"Yes, I've heard of it too!" A foreman said as agreed, "When I was very young, our old man told me that if one day I saw white gas rising from the mountains, he said that there must be immortals coming. Let me find a way to get close to the immortal to get good luck."

"Really, you don't know how to brag, do you?"

"Of course not. Why do I lie to you? If you don't believe it, forget it. Anyway, I will go and see according to my dead old man's will. If you give me a large sum of money, you can go home and retire in the future."

"Old Lin, wait for me, I'll go too."

"Damn it, if you two want to leave me alone, wait for me."

Several foremen had already made an agreement, and at this time they all stood up and followed the foreman who went out first, and the actor-level old Zhang also gritted his teeth and said: "I don't want to let the child play with wolves. Damn it, I'll go too!"

"No wonder they are foremen, we are migrant workers, look at their courage, hey, this is the gap..."

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