"Hmph, you look down on sister." Yan Ruyu nodded arrogantly, "Who is sister, how could she be frightened?"

Li Xiao lifted the jar, pointed the bottom of the jar at Yan Ruyu, and said, "What do you think this is?"


Before Li Xiao could speak, the arrogant Yan Ruyu let out a shrill scream.

Because the distance was too close, Li Xiao even felt that the sharp voice almost pierced his eardrum.

He frowned and looked at Yan Ruyu, smiling wryly in his heart.

This woman...wouldn't have told her the real reason if she knew about it.

At this moment, Yan Ruyu's pretty face was pale, her whole body was trembling, and her eyes showed horror.

Pointing to the bottom of the jar, she said in a trembling voice, "How...he...is here...?"

It turned out that there was a photo on the bottom of the jar.

The photo is a black and white photo, some are yellowing, and the edges are beginning to become wrinkled. Looking at the style, it looks a little old.

In the photo, there is a man wearing a military uniform from the Republic of China era. He is tall, tall and has a very vicious appearance.

Li Xiao had already expected that the person who appeared in Yan Ruyu's dream to chase her down should be the person in the photo.

At this time, Yan Ruyu had already lost her former composure, and now she was a little panicked. Especially after seeing the man in the photo, Yan Ruyu became more and more abnormal.

"What exactly is this jar, and what's up with this photo?"

After a while, Yan Ruyu finally regained her composure, and she asked the question in her heart.

Li Xiao pondered for a while, then said: "This jar is actually a urn. In the Republic of China, it was used to hold ashes. It has the same function as our current urn."

Urn? Urn?

Hearing this, Yan Ruyu rolled her eyes and nearly fainted.

If what Li Xiao said is true, doesn't it mean that she has been sleeping on other people's ashes urns all these years?

Thinking of the photo just now, Yan Ruyu felt extremely cold.

At this moment, she only felt that there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes staring at her around her, and that feeling was terrifying.

Seeing that Yan Ruyu seemed to have accepted the ashes urn, he continued: "Actually, these nine corpse blood arrows are matched with the urn. The so-called corpse blood arrows are the rusty bronze arrowheads that are buried in the body of the newly dead. In the corpse, bury it for 18 days. After 18 days, take out the arrowhead and it will become a corpse blood arrowhead. Then cremate the corpse, put the ashes into the ashes jar in a special way, and bury it deeply. It can be taken out. Then by relying on these two items, you can set up the Nine Shades Yin Gathering Formation."

Seeing the black matter appearing on the surface of those arrows, Yan Ruyu felt a chill again.

Suddenly, she asked with some doubts: "What are you talking about the Nine Demons Gathering Yin Formation?"

"Bronze arrowheads are originally weapons for killing and cutting. Yin Qi will gather in them, and after being soaked in corpse blood, the Yin Qi will turn into evil Qi. Compared with Yin Qi, evil Qi is more terrifying. And urns and corpse blood Arrows are one body, and the two are necessarily connected. Therefore, if nine arrows are placed in the Nine Palaces, endless evil spirits will be generated. After the evil spirits are generated, they will enter the ashes jar, and the more evil spirits will accumulate. In the end, it will become something harmful. As for why the man appeared in your dream, I think the reason is very simple, whether it is the blood arrow or the ashes, it belongs to that man."

After listening to Li Xiao's words, Yan Ruyu was a little silent, she said: "What should I do now? Can this formation be broken?"

"Yes." Li Xiao nodded, and then said: "Those corpse blood arrows are very easy to deal with, just throw them into the fire to burn them, take them out and throw them away casually. The only troublesome thing is the ashes jar."

"Can't the urn be disposed of?" Yan Ruyu asked nervously.

"That's not true. If you want to dispose of the ashes jar, the best way is to find fifteen Taoist priests or monks to perform a supersedation for the ashes jar. It only needs to be held for seven days. Then you find a place to bury the jar. It’s ok. But there is one thing you must pay attention to, that is, you must find those capable Taoist priests or monks, otherwise, things are likely to develop in the opposite direction.”

Hearing Li Xiao's words, Yan Ruyu naturally fully agreed.

Afterwards, Li Xiao took a piece of paper from the sofa table, wrote and drew on it for a long time, wrote a pair of traditional Chinese medicine, and told her: "If you believe me, follow the prescription I gave you, every morning and evening Taking each one once may be able to replenish her lost Yang Qi."

Now Yan Ruyu feels like a god to Li Xiao.

She naturally didn't dare not listen to Li Xiao's request.

Yan Ruyu stared at the pile of things on the ground, and said, "What should I do with these things?"

"It's very simple." Li Xiao found a few plastic bags, rolled them together, and placed them directly outside the room.

He clapped his hands and said with a smile, "It's done."

"Just leave it like this?" Yan Ruyu couldn't believe that Li Xiao put them outside the room so easily.

"Of course, no one will pick up these things anyway. Now that the most important urn has been taken away, sister Yan, when you sleep in the future, there should be no problems."

Yan Ruyu said in a deep voice: "Brother Xiao, tell me, if you don't discover these things in time, what will be my final result?"

"If you are an idiot, you will die! But no matter if you are an idiot or you are dead, you are definitely doomed to have no children in this life."

After listening to Li Xiao's description, Yan Ruyu almost gritted her silver teeth with hatred.

What a vicious heart.

Unfortunately, she had no idea who was going to frame her.

At this time, Yan Ruyu suddenly looked at Li Xiao, and she immediately asked: "Brother Xiao, can you help me figure out who is going to frame me?"

Hearing this, Li Xiao was speechless.

He showed a helpless wry smile: "Sister Yan, dare you really think that fortune tellers are gods who know five hundred years before and five hundred years later! What you said can't be calculated by fortune telling!"

Hearing what Li Xiao said, Yan Ruyu's eyes dimmed.

"But if you want to know that you were framed by sleep, it's actually very simple."

"What can I do?" Yan Ruyu asked hastily, after all, there is someone secretly plotting against you behind your back, but you don't know the specific information of that person at all, this kind of feeling of being on your back is very bad.

"First of all, you have to ask the previous owner of this villa if he has any health problems. If there is no health problem, then it is very likely that he set up the Nine Demons Gathering Yin Formation. Of course, it may also be set up by the developer. of."

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