The driver is an old driver with many years of driving experience. He knows that after a car accident, it is difficult to judge the injuries of the passengers. After all, the human eye cannot see through the internal organs.

"Don't worry, I have studied medicine. Everything is judged by me. If something goes wrong, I will be responsible."

Hearing what Li Xiao said, what else could the driver say!

Under the double guarantee of Li Xiao's clairvoyance and pulse, the passenger's condition will immediately come to his mind, and he is absolutely 100% prepared.

Soon, except for Zhang Qiang, the other eleven slightly injured passengers were carefully carried out of the bus by three people.

During the whole process, both the bus driver and Zhang Qiang were amazed at Li Xiao's medical skills.

During the inspection, Li Xiao only took the other party's pulse, and then accurately stated the other party's injury.

If everything he said is true, then this kind of medical skill is really amazing.

After the slightly injured passenger was lifted out of the vehicle, those who were not injured offered to help.

After all, the injured people were basically from Baoshan Town or the villages near Baoshan Town. Even if they were not familiar with each other, they were all fellow villagers.

For these slightly injured patients, Li Xiao did not deal with them in time, because their injuries were not serious, they were basically traumatic injuries, and they could be treated well after the ambulance arrived.

What made him scratch his head now were the three seriously injured.

First of all, what is Zhang Qiang's girlfriend.

The woman was not seriously injured, but under the observation of Li Xiao's perspective eye, her internal organs were seriously damaged, especially the liver was still bleeding, and the amount of bleeding was not small.

Li Xiao told the two about the woman's condition, and Zhang Qiang's face immediately turned pale with fright.

Although Zhang Qiang dropped out of junior high school, he has spent a few years outside anyway, and knows what is going on with internal bleeding.

At this time, Zhang Qiang would recall the scene of Li Xiao's diagnosis just now in Zhang Qiang's mind. Like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, he grabbed Li Xiao's arm at once and said, "Brother Xiao, please, Save my girlfriend."

Li Xiao said lightly: "That is necessary, I will save you if you don't tell me."

He said to the driver: "Go and ask, who has the silver needle?"

The driver immediately agreed, and about two minutes later, the driver came back, but he said helplessly, "There are only needles for sewing clothes, do you think it will work?"

Li Xiao took the box of sewing needles, and frowned: "Forget it, let's make use of it!"

Fortunately, there are several specifications in this box of sewing needles, and the long needles in them can barely be used for acupuncture.

Li Xiao took a lighter from the driver, sterilized the sewing needle briefly, twisted the needle, shot like electricity, and inserted it into several places in front of the woman.

At this time, he was not afraid of inserting the sewing needle in the wrong place at all. With the help of perspective ability and years of foundation, the inside of the woman's body was clearly presented in front of him, and there was no possibility of pricking the wrong acupuncture point.

After the sewing needle pierced into the woman's body, it began to tremble violently and made a buzzing sound.

This scene shocked Zhang Qiang and the driver.

Especially Zhang Qiang, he was even more fortunate that Li Xiao was here, otherwise, his girlfriend would be in danger.

After piercing all twelve sewing needles into the woman's body, Li Xiao saw that the bleeding inside the woman's body had gradually slowed down, and then stopped bleeding.

But Li Xiao also understood that this only stopped the bleeding temporarily, if the sewing needle was removed, the woman would still continue to bleed. Li Xiao said to Zhang Qiang: "Although her condition is stable, she is still very dangerous. Before the ambulance arrives, she must not be moved."

Zhang Qiang nodded immediately.

Leaving Zhang Qiang here to take care of his girlfriend, Li Xiao and the driver came to the bus driver.

Seeing the situation of the bus driver, Li Xiao sighed.

This driver is really miserable, his face is covered with dense wounds, and there are a few pieces of glass pierced into his face. Of course, these are not fatal.

His fatal injury should be on his chest. An iron railing on the edge of the road was broken, and then inserted into his body, passed through his body, and was fixed on a chair like a kebab.

Due to excessive blood loss, the driver's face was pale and he had fallen into a coma. Only the wound was still bleeding continuously. The blood flowed down the railing and dripped on the ground, forming a big pool of blood.

If it wasn't for the heaving of his chest, people would mistake him for a dead man.


Seeing this person, the driver's face changed and he exclaimed loudly.

"Do you know this person?" Li Xiao asked.

"We all belong to the same company. We were eating together yesterday, but we didn't expect it to turn out like this." The driver said sadly.

"This man is the most seriously injured, especially the railing inserted into his chest. It cannot be pulled out easily. We have to wait for professionals to arrive. I can only help him stop the bleeding first. I hope I can survive this period of time!"

There was nothing Li Xiao could do about this person's injury.

Whether he can survive depends on the person's luck and desire to survive.

Li Xiao also used an embroidery needle, went down with more than ten stitches in a row, and the blood that was still flowing out along the railing finally stopped, but he knew that the driver's situation was still not optimistic.

Through the perspective eye, Li Xiao observed that the driver's lungs had been penetrated by the railing.

It was also for this reason that the driver's breathing was somewhat exhausted.

There was nothing Li Xiao could do about this situation.

After all, he is a human being, not a god, and has no ability to survive against the sky.

After finishing the first aid for this person, Li Xiao walked to the last seriously injured person.

Compared with the previous two people, this person's injury was obviously much lighter.

It is also internal bleeding, but the amount of bleeding is very small, and it will not be fatal in a short time.

Soon, Li Xiao finished dealing with it. However, the opponent still couldn't move his body at will, otherwise it was very likely to aggravate the injury.

After getting out of the bus, Li Xiao told the driver: "Find some people to take care of the passengers in the bus, but remember, don't pull out the needle, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

The driver immediately turned around and went to find someone. Before he knew it, he began to obey Li Xiao's words.

Afterwards, Li Xiao helped the passengers who had left the bus to deal with their injuries. Compared with the injuries of the passengers in the bus, it was obviously much easier to deal with these injuries.

The most serious thing was a broken bone. After helping them straighten the bones, Li Xiao was about to leave.

Everything that needs to be done has been done, even if Li Xiao stays here, it is useless.

Besides, Li Xiao understands a truth, the car accident here will soon attract the attention of others, and he doesn't want to be too high-profile.

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