Urban best village doctor

Chapter 59 The Female County Magistrate

Li Xiao, even their bosses are afraid of this name, let alone these little ones?


What surprised Li Xiao was that the gangsters directly gave them a mouthful. In an instant, five red fingerprints appeared on their faces.

"Brother Xiao, I'm really sorry. We were wrong and offended your father-in-law. We apologize to you."

After finishing speaking, the other three punks actually bowed to Li Xiao at the same time. Their expressions, like weak sheep, were completely different from the arrogance just now.

This sudden turn made him a little dazed.

What are you doing?

Li Xiao was a little puzzled by the actions of these three gangsters, what is going on with these guys? Out of your mind?

Reach out and don't hit the smiling face, they are already like this, and Li Xiao is too embarrassed to continue beating them.

In fact, Li Xiao didn't know that he was very famous in the town. After all, he was the fierce man who killed dozens of gangsters in three minutes.

After seeing his strength, Ouyang Haonan told his subordinates more than once that he must not provoke Li Xiao, otherwise, the consequences will be at his own risk.

It is precisely for this reason that these three little gangsters are so afraid of Li Xiao.

You know, he is the one who makes their boss feel embarrassed, and if you fight against him, it's not courting death.

These little bastards are like this, as long as you are better than him, they will obey you.

Li Xiao patted Zhao Shengzhu's door and said, "Uncle Shengzhu, it's okay, come out."

Hearing Li Xiao's voice, Zhao Shengzhu finally opened the door.

He glanced fearfully at the gangsters who had already been docile, and was relieved when he saw that there was nothing wrong.

Li Xiao didn't feel wrong about Zhao Shengzhu's behavior of hiding in the room. After all, it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Li Xiao looked at the gangsters and asked straightforwardly, "Who hired you to attack Uncle Shengzhu?"

"It's a middle-aged woman. By the way, that woman is missing two front teeth, and her mouth still leaks when she speaks."

In an instant, Zhao Shengzhu said angrily: "Zhao Chunhua! This bastard, why didn't I kill her just now?"

Li Xiao patted Zhao Shengzhu's shoulder and said, "Uncle Shengzhu, please stay calm first."

He looked at the gangsters again, and said meaningfully: "The person who hired you is my enemy, you should know how to do it?"

A few gangsters immediately signaled, repeatedly expressing that they knew.

After a few gangsters left, Li Xiao said, "Uncle Sheng Zhu, wait and see the good show."

Soon, a few hooligans returned to where Zhao Chunhua and Director Jian were.

Zhao Chunhua quickly said, "How about it, have you taught that bastard Zhao Shengzhu a lesson?"


As soon as Zhao Chunhua finished speaking, a gangster slapped her fat face directly. This time, she was directly slapped.

Suddenly, Zhao Chunhua covered her face, and a sharp voice sounded: "How dare you hit me?"

"I beat you."

The little bastards were even more angry. You said you asked me to teach someone a bad lesson, but you actually taught Li Xiao's father-in-law. Isn't this courting death?

Thinking of how his companion lost half of his teeth with a slap by Li Xiao just now, the gangsters felt their scalps tingling. If this slap fell on his head, he would feel shuddering just thinking about it.

Is this kind of murderous person they can provoke?

Thinking of this, when the gangsters attacked, their strength increased a bit.

It didn't take long for Zhao Chunhua's face to swell up, especially the eye sockets, which turned blue-black. Due to the severe swelling on the face, only a slit could be seen in the eyes. At this moment, with disheveled hair, she looked more like a lunatic.

Director Jian, who stayed with Zhao Chunhua, was also taken care of by three gangsters.

The two of them are not young at all, and they seldom do activities on weekdays, so they are not opponents of punks at all.

Although Director Jian was not as miserable as Zhao Chunhua, he still had a bruised nose and swollen face.

Just when the gangsters taught Zhao Chunhua and Director Jian a lesson, Li Xiao's cell phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar number.

When the phone was connected, it turned out to be the best friend introduced by Yan Ruyu, who had already arrived in Ning Village.

Li Xiao immediately picked her up at the entrance of the village, and soon, he saw a middle-aged woman beaten at the entrance of the village.

This woman has an average appearance and an average figure, but from her body, Li Xiao felt a capable temperament.

And what surprised Li Xiao the most was that there seemed to be something about this woman that made people want to get close.

Anyway, this person is also Yan Ruyu's best friend, so I must treat him well.

"Hello, I'm Li Xiao."

"Ruyu told me about you. My name is Fang Min. You can call me Sister Fang." The woman introduced herself without being shy.

The other party's lack of affectation made Li Xiao's affection for him greatly increased.

"Then I'll call you Sister Fang from now on."

With Fang Min, Li Xiao walked into the village, but something happened that made him depressed. They actually met five people who were fighting together.

These people were those punks, as well as Zhao Chunhua and Director Jian.

When Fang Min saw Zhao Chunhua and Director Jian, his originally sunny expression immediately became clouded.

Her body suddenly exuded a sense of majesty, under this momentum, even Li Xiao felt a little oppressed. Li Xiao took a deep look at Fang Min, and thought to himself: It seems that this sister Fang is not a simple person either.

"Stop it!" Fang Min said angrily.

Maybe it was because of Fang Min's majesty, or maybe it was because he was afraid of Li Xiao standing beside Fang Min. After hearing the voice, the punks stopped immediately and stopped doing anything.

But Zhao Chunhua and Director Jian had already been beaten crazily, and they still relentlessly attacked the three gangsters.

"I told you to stop, didn't you hear? Director Jian?"

As soon as Director Jian heard these three words, Director Jian's heart trembled. He looked along the source of the sound, and suddenly cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

How did she appear here?

But before Director Jian could speak, Zhao Chunhua said angrily, "Tell me to stop, what are you?"

Hearing this, Director Jian's face turned pale, and he secretly thought something was wrong.

He was anxious, and slapped Zhao Chunhua across the face.

Zhao Chunhua looked at Director Jian with an unbelievable expression, full of grievances in her heart.

I wholeheartedly helped Director Jian do things, but he actually slapped himself?

"Director Jian, you actually hit me?"

"Zhao Chunhua, shut up!" Director Jian's voice was full of anger.

"I've done so much for you, you tell me to shut up?"

"County magistrate, I'm really sorry, look at this incident." Director Jian was ashamed to death, he never dreamed that he would meet the county magistrate here, and he was still so honored.

As soon as she heard the word county magistrate, Zhao Chunhua didn't dare to make a fuss. She lowered her head, not daring to look up at Fang Min's piercing eyes.

It turns out that she is the county magistrate, no wonder she has such a powerful momentum. Li Xiao secretly said in his heart.

"What happened just now?" Fang Min said in a deep voice.

Zhao Chunhua and Director Jian didn't know what to say, this is not something glorious after all.

Li Xiao had no scruples, and told the whole story of the matter.

Of course, he didn't say anything about threatening the three gangsters to take care of Zhao Chunhua and Director Jian.

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