Urban best village doctor

Chapter 61 The Poisoned Donkey Friend

Leaving Zhao Shengzhu's house, Li Xiao found that he had nowhere to go.

go home?

Don't talk about it, as long as my old mother and Zhao Tiantian chat so enthusiastically, when I get home, I will definitely start working hard again. He has no tendency to be abused.

In order not to go home, Li Xiao wandered around the village.

"Li Xiao!" A familiar voice sounded behind Li Xiao.

Looking back, it turned out to be Ling Bingbing.

"Do you know medicine?"

Before Li Xiao could speak, Ling Bingbing asked first.

Seeing Li Xiao nodding, without further ado, she took Li Xiao's hand and rushed towards the village committee.

Being grabbed by Ling Bingbing's soft little hand, Li Xiao's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't help rubbing his fingers on the back of Ling Bingbing's hand, the skin was really delicate.

Li Xiao noticed that Ling Bingbing's pretty face was blushing.

Soon, two people joined the village committee.

At this time, Li Xiao discovered that there was actually a young woman in the village committee. Judging by her age, she looked about eighteen or nineteen years old. She had fair skin, tall stature, and slender legs. She was full of youthful vigor and beauty.

But at this moment, the beauty's eyes showed anxiety, and there were tears on her face, obviously she had just cried.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiao couldn't help asking: "What's going on?"

Ling Bingbing said eagerly: "This girl is Wang Li, a student of the county high school. Isn't it a holiday? She went to our Qingfeng Mountain with her friends to travel, but her friend was bitten by a poisonous snake and was poisoned by the snake. .So Wang Li came down the mountain to ask for help."

Wang Li looked at Li Xiao suspiciously, and said to Ling Bingbing in a low voice: "Sister Ling, this person is the doctor in your village? Can he do it?"

"How can a man say no!" Li Xiao said subconsciously.

After speaking, Li Xiao felt bad, it seemed that something was wrong in this situation.

Sure enough, just after he finished speaking, Ling Bingbing couldn't help giving him a slap, and couldn't help cursing: "A dog can't spit out ivory, what nonsense are you talking about?"

At this time, Wang Li was even more ashamed and blushed.

Ling Bingbing comforted Wang Li and said, "Don't worry, although this person is a little unreliable, his medical skills are still good."

Hearing this, Li Xiao was a little upset. What does it mean that I am a little unreliable, brother Xiao is very reliable, okay?

Ever since Li Laojiu disappeared, whenever the villagers had a headache, they would come to Li Xiao to have a look. Li Xiao lived up to everyone's expectations. His medical skills were passed down by Li Laojiu, and he quickly gained the trust of the villagers.

It was precisely because of this that after someone was poisoned, the villagers immediately suggested that Ling Bingbing go to Li Xiao. As long as he is there, snake venom is not a problem at all.

Li Xiao glanced at Wang Li and asked, "Where's your companion?"

Wang Li exclaimed: "Let's go quickly, is she still on the mountain?"

Li Xiao glanced at Wang Li speechlessly, and said, "Don't tell me, your companion is the only one on the mountain now."

Wang Li nodded and said, "It was the two of us who went up the mountain. I went down to ask for help. Of course she was the only one left on the mountain."

Seeing what Wang Li said was straightforward, Li Xiao was speechless.

This girl has such a big heart that she dares to leave a person who has been poisoned by a snake alone on the mountain. Isn't she afraid that a passing wild animal will eat her companion directly?

However, Li Xiao did not express his worries.

Now Wang Li is on the brink of collapse, if she mentions this possibility, Li Xiao is worried that she will faint immediately.

Li Xiao knew that the matter was urgent, so he didn't talk nonsense, and asked Wang Li to wait at the village committee. He returned home alone, took out a set of gold needles left by his grandfather, and at the same time took some anti-snake venom he refined back then. medicine. If Wang Li's companions were just ordinary snake venom, these medicines should be able to deal with them.

Soon, Li Xiao came to the village committee again, and he said to Wang Li, "Lead me the way, we will go up the mountain now." Ling Bingbing actually wanted to follow, the reason was simple and powerful at the same time.

She was a little worried that Li Xiao's character would do something inferior to Wang Li.

Hearing this reason, Li Xiao was speechless.

Fortunately, Wang Li has a good memory, and she didn't lose her way when leading the way in the deep mountains. This made Li Xiao look at her with admiration.

You know, in the deep mountains, not to mention Wang Li, even some experienced old hunters may get lost. Wang Li can easily find the way in the mountains, it can only be said that she is very talented.

Li Xiao still has some impressions of Qingfeng Mountain.

When he was young, he often went here with his grandfather to collect medicine. Since few people set foot on Qingfeng Mountain, there are many kinds of herbs here, and the quality is also very good.

In his impression, Qingfeng Mountain is very dangerous, because there are many poisonous snakes passing by in the mountain, if one is accidentally bitten by a poisonous snake, it will definitely be very troublesome.

Because there are too many poisonous snakes here, Li Xiao rarely comes to Qingfeng Mountain.

But there is another idea in his mind, that is to develop Qingfeng Mountain, and all kinds of wild medicinal materials in Qingfeng Mountain, it is definitely a huge treasure.

Because Qingfeng Mountain is sparsely populated, there is only one narrow road up the mountain, and the road is full of thorns, which is very difficult to walk.

At this moment, Li Xiao suddenly stretched out an arm, motioning for the two to stop.

The two were taken aback by Li Xiao's actions. However, they still stopped and looked around nervously.

Ling Bingbing whispered: "What's the matter, why did you stop?"

Li Xiao stretched out two fingers and placed them on his lips, signaling Ling Bingbing not to speak. At this moment, his expression was a little dignified, and his eyes were fixed on a position, which was a branching tree trunk not far ahead.

Li Xiao tiptoed forward while clenching the dagger in his hand. I'm afraid even he himself didn't realize that the palm of his hand was already wet.

Seeing his cautious movements, both Ling Bingbing and Wang Li subconsciously held their breath for fear of disturbing Li Xiao.

When he came to the tree trunk, Li Xiao shot like lightning, the dagger flashed across the air, and he raised the knife and dropped it, as if something had been cut in two.

A dull sound was heard in the ears of the two women, as if a knife had cut some kind of leather.

Plop, after Li Xiao's dagger slashed across, something fell to the ground.

When the two of them saw the things on the ground clearly, Ling Bingbing was fine, she had already guessed it, but Wang Li showed a look of panic, covering her mouth nervously, obviously a little scared, and even her body began to tremble slightly.

Seeing Wang Li's frightened look, Ling Bingbing put his arms around her shoulders and whispered comfort in her ear. Gradually, Wang Li finally recovered her calm.

Under the tree trunk, the two snake bodies that had become half were still twisting continuously, and a bloody smell permeated the air.

Seeing the golden and purple patterns on the snake's body, Ling Bingbing had an expression of lingering fear.

Judging from the bright color on the surface of the snake's body, Ling Bingbing could already tell the poison of this snake. Generally speaking, the brighter the color, the more violent the venomous snake.

If Li Xiao didn't find the poisonous snake, judging from the position where the poisonous snake fell, when he passed the tree trunk, the poisonous snake would appear on his neck.

Suddenly, Ling Bingbing felt a chill.

Girls are still very afraid of the existence of cold-blooded animals like poisonous snakes.

Looking at the poisonous snake on the ground, Li Xiao said to the two: "The smell of blood is too strong here, let's leave quickly, otherwise, the beast will come soon."

"Beasts? Are there wild beasts in this mountain?" Wang Li said in horror.

"Nonsense, this is a primeval forest, how could there be no wild beasts?" Li Xiao said angrily.

"Then Chu Hong will be okay?" Wang Li's voice had already started to tremble because of panic.

Li Xiao wanted to comfort her, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to say them.

In this forest, once the smell of blood appears, it is easy to attract all kinds of wild beasts.

As for Wang Li's companion, it can only depend on her luck and fortune, let's leave everything to fate!

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