Urban best village doctor

Chapter 827 Three catties of gold

For three days, Li Xiao and the five children stayed together whenever they had free time, taking them with them wherever they went, and gradually they jumped on Li Xiao whenever they saw him.

This made the father of the children feel a sense of guilt and reluctance, especially not wanting to leave Ning Village.

However, as the pillar of the family and the spiritual pillar of Hening Village, Li Xiao had to leave. If he didn't leave, no one could predict what the dinosaur in the mountain would do.

Even Li Xiao, a dinosaur, can't stand it, plus those beasts in the deep mountains, if they go down the mountain to do evil, the current Li Xiao can't stop them at all.

What's more, Jiang Hongtian, Ji Xue, and Li Daozheng all needed him to find help, so he had to leave again and embark on a journey.

Under everyone's reluctant eyes, Li Xiao left his back and walked further and further away.

Even if it was a thousand meters away, Li Xiao could clearly hear the cries of the five children. He was worried that he would be reluctant to leave in the end, so he cut open the space with a few feet away and crossed the void.

Night, cool as water.

Arriving at the agreed place, Li Xiao saw the female fox again, this time it didn't say anything, returned the dragon egg to Li Xiao, and then quickly disappeared before his eyes.

The dragon egg returned to his hand again, and Li Xiao found that there were some strange lines on the eggshell. These lines were intertwined, like some kind of ancient spell, and it was really hard to see without looking carefully.

But this time, even Li Xiao couldn't see through the appearance of the little dinosaur under the eggshell. The place where he saw was golden and green intertwined, which was extremely strange.

Throwing it in Xiaotiandi, Li Xiao left Ning Village without looking back.

This time, he went directly to the ascetic's base, got the map of the Golden Triangle from Ling Zhan, and crossed the void again, heading towards his destination.

The Golden Triangle is the most magical place, and now it has become the territory of vicious people, their style of doing things is extremely ruthless, even Li Xiao can't know it.

It seems that in order to avoid the surveillance of various countries, there is no telephone, no Internet, no TV, and all information is delivered by letter or manually.

After the world has changed, if there is any place that is closest to the ancient times, then the Golden Triangle is the first place, and no place dares to be the second.

Except for thermal weapons and a few cars, there is no modern technology here, and there are man-made pavilions and pavilions everywhere after the world has changed.

As Ling Zhan said, even walking on the street, you can still see some children of seven or eight years old, carrying guns taller than them, running across the street from time to time.


Suddenly, there was a gunshot in front of him, and a man flew out on the street. The shooter was a thirteen-year-old boy. After the shooting, he calmly threw the body into the trash can and walked away.

No one stopped the whole process, even except Li Xiao, no one showed a look of surprise, as if they didn't notice the scene in front of them at all.

"This place is really cruel, and the strong are respected. Is this the kind of place you're talking about?" Wandering around, Li Xiao had a certain understanding of the Golden Triangle.

The golden triangle is called the inner triangle and the outer triangle.

The outer triangle is full of jungles, including tropical rain forests and deep mountains and old forests. Of course, there are more farmers who were forcibly captured by robbers to grow drug raw materials.

Most of these farmers are missing arms and legs, or they are orphans. They are all captured by force, and they will be punished if they don’t plant.

After the changes in the world, although the environment has changed, they have nowhere to make a living, and they are still planting those things.

The inner triangle is a small city, and the people living in the city are either ruthless people, or some ascetics who come here to seek opportunities, the weak prey on the strong, and burn, kill and plunder.

All in all, the people in this ghost place are all robbers and bandits who kill without batting an eyelid.

Different from Li Xiao's resolute killing, the people here don't care whether you are good or bad, no matter who you are, even if they don't like anyone, they will kill them. Of course, there is another result of being killed.

Having a general understanding of the cruelty of the Golden Triangle, even Li Xiao couldn't help but gasp. He didn't expect such a frightening place in the world.

Three don't care, no one cares about anything, no one can be a leader here.

Here, even the weakest ascetics are in the realm of Shenhai, close to the realm of stars.

When he came to the Mekong River, Li Xiao, who had already changed his appearance, raised his eyes and looked into the distance. Through many obstacles, he clearly saw a towering tower connecting the two banks of the Mekong River thousands of meters away.

On the top of the tower, the four big characters of Eagle Clan Branch are surrounded by dark clouds and gloomy.

It is built of black iron bricks, soaring into the sky, like a small city, and the guards in black and gray uniforms also have the strength of the fifth floor of Shenhai.

"There are several auras in it that are not weaker than the Ulan Sage, almost covering that section of the Mekong River. No wonder that silly Ulan Sacred Venerable reported the location here without fear." Li Xiao looked into the distance and muttered to himself, "Don't say it's me, such a place, those clan masters, don't dare to break in easily."

Putting the black robe hat on his head, Li Xiao quietly backed away, clenched his fists, the only solution for the present was to quickly increase his strength, step into the Earth Fairyland or the Spirit King Realm as quickly as possible, break in and rescue people.

"Hey, buddy, are you going to the inner triangle?" Li Xiao was just about to go back when a fat man in a strange costume appeared by the riverside, with big ears and nose, looking like a pig's head.

"Yes." Under the black robe, Li Xiao's voice came out. In fact, he just came here from the inner triangle, and now he is really planning to go back.

"Brother, I think you are also a cultivator?" The fat man said to Li Xiao familiarly, "Let me introduce myself first, my name is Liu Sanzhu, others call me Zhutou, and I am also a cultivator, that's it, because we Some brothers and I formed a caravan to help people transport things between the Golden Triangle and various countries. We also happened to go to the inner triangle. Mountain."

"Brother, I think you are alone. How about I give you some money or medicinal materials that are helpful for cultivating the Tao, and you help me protect the caravan. Let's go there together? Anyway, you are also on the way, right?"

Under the black robe, Li Xiao was stunned. In fact, he could reach such a long distance within walking distance, but he thought that he was still practicing, so he should walk more, so he said in a low voice: "Hehe, how much do you give? Don't think I don't know, caravans like yours often encounter bandits, let alone in this unintentional area."

"Three catties of gold, how about it? You can earn three catties of gold in just one trip. Brother, I just saw that you are from China like me, so I called you. How is it? Isn't this a good job?" The fat man saw Li Xiao wanted to agree and hurriedly made an offer.

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