Urban best village doctor

Chapter 829 Strength


Under the black robe, Li Yanwang expressed his embarrassment, coughed lightly involuntarily, and was just about to say something, the strong man beside Li Xiao continued: "What Li Yanwang is not Li Yanwang, who in the Golden Triangle is not the King of Hades that everyone fears, this How is the strength of the four?"

"Brother Zhao Hen is right. Boss, tell me about their strength." The middle-aged man who spoke at the beginning was more cautious. Not particularly understanding.

"Let's not talk about Duobao Xiaodaoren and Yingxuan Yingyuxuan who rank higher. Let's talk about Li Yanwang. He is ranked nineteenth. Although this ranking may not be accurate, we can also refer to it." Fatty The boss's eyes flashed brightly, "Li Yanwang killed three people in Huaxia a few days ago, and all three of them were above the Earth Fairyland. Even Ulan Sage, who was on the eighth floor of the Earth Immortal, was blown to pieces by him with a secret weapon." .”

"Hey, the strength of the nineteenth is already like this, and the strength of the first three can be imagined. Everyone, this is the end of the conversation. If you want to quit, it is too late to regret it now." After the fat man finished speaking, he sighed He didn't want to say this at first, to avoid someone really leaving, but there are experts in the team, so he had to say it.

"Slay three strong men in the fairyland?" This kind of record made the middle-aged man slightly startled, but he quickly said, "Don't worry, fat brother, I will use other people's money to eliminate disasters for others, and I will not leave. Why didn't they come?"

"Hehe, that's true." Fatty nodded embarrassingly. It's not known whether these people will come to seize the treasure, not to mention that his beast masters are not easy-going lamps.

"Well, our two brothers are not in a good enough realm now, and we have to spend our lives to make money, so we won't accompany you!" At this time, two people withdrew from the crowd.

Just as the fat man was about to speak, another person said: "The two brothers in front are right. To make money, you have to spend your life. We are only in the Star Realm, so we will not get involved in this matter."

People who come to the Golden Triangle are either cruel or smart, and they all know that dead people can't get money.

"I want to ask a question." At this time, Li Xiao under the black robe said, "Brother Fat, do you know what these four people look like?"

"I've never seen this before. The first three seldom appear. As for the latter Li Yanwang, there are photos on the Internet before, but before I have time to look at them, the information on the Internet has been deleted. They were all destroyed overnight." After the fat man said this, he hurriedly said, "But it's not important, as long as we remember our own people, as long as we come to grab the treasure, we will shoot and kill."

Fatty's words made Li Xiao feel a little relieved. It seems that before he returned to Ning Village, he asked Ling Zhan to use Huaxia's power to eliminate the traces he left on the Internet, and the other party has already done it easily.

The original six people left three in the blink of an eye, and the remaining three Li Xiao took advantage of the fat man to communicate with the blond man and introduced themselves to each other.

The strong man's name is Zhao Hen, and the middle-aged man's name is Guo Songming. Both of them are from the sect in the folding space. Because they did not obey the rules, they were punished by the sect and had to flee to the Golden Triangle.

The two have been here for more than two years. In the past two years, they have made a living by picking up fat people, and occasionally doing business like robbing houses.

"The Golden Triangle is like this. Although there are unwritten rules here, generally speaking, there are still no rules. One moment the other party may be a merchant, and the next moment he will become a thief." Guo Songming laughed, "I think Brother Li Wearing a black robe, afraid of being recognized by others, you are being hunted down by someone, right? Don’t worry, when you come to this Golden Triangle, some forces cannot touch it.”

"Oh? Why?" Li Xiao was curious. The world had changed drastically, and sects appeared frequently. It stands to reason that he should also come to the Golden Triangle.

"This is a paradise for ruthless people, and also a paradise for fugitives. Didn't Brother Guo say that there is a kind of rule in the Golden Triangle, which restricts people from those sects. It was attacked by all the people in the Golden Triangle..."

Zhao Hen happily explained to Li Xiao, "You know, this Golden Triangle is the place where Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, even the strong ones at the Spirit King Realm, or those above the Spirit King Realm, still exist, it's just us It’s not there yet, so there’s no way to see it.”

"It's like the two of them are both strong in the fairyland, but they hide their strength, right?" Under the black robe, Li Xiao did not shy away from it, and revealed the true strength of the two of them.

Such words made the two of them slightly startled, looked at each other, and said with a smile: "Brother Li is really different from ordinary people, he must be a strong man in the fairyland, right?"

Li Xiao was noncommittal, and started chatting around this topic. Not long after, the fat man came from a distance, brought the three of them into the team, and looked at Li Xiao apologetically: "Brother, my partner said this is the Golden Triangle, no need Hiding it, he wants you to take the black robe away, otherwise he won't accept you."

"no problem."

Li Xiao stretched out his white hands, and lifted off the black robe that covered the top, revealing the extremely comfortable, spring-like cheeks.

Even the three men were slightly startled when they saw Li Xiao's strange eyes, and almost fell into it. When they came back to their senses, they couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts.

The man in front of him looks gentle, lazy and careless, but he definitely has explosive strength.

Both Zhao Hen and Guo Songming were extremely astonished, thinking that the man in front of him should never have the appearance he has now, after all he only looks in his twenties.

People who can see their realm are at least in the fairyland, or close to the strength of the fairyland, and the man in front of him looks too young.

Reaching this level in their twenties, even after the changes in the world, is definitely a rare existence, and such people are almost all extended olive branches by some great teachers, who become their treasures, the flesh of their hearts, how could they come? Into the top three.

Therefore, the two are almost sure that the person in front of them used some kind of sorcery to make their appearance look younger and more enchanting, otherwise it would be impossible to make them look like they would sink into it.

Although there was such a guess, everyone didn't say much. There are too many strange things in the Golden Triangle, and they are used to it.

"Fatty, tell your people to follow us."

In the caravan, Fatty's foreigner partner said this in English, and got up to move on.

A few beast masters rode on tigers and lions, the fat man and the blond man sat on two carts of goods, and the three of Li Xiao sat on another cart of goods.

"Inside, what exactly is it?" Driven by curiosity, Li Xiao blinked his eyelids slightly, and a subtle starlight flashed in his eyes, and then he opened his perspective eyes, first glanced at the two sales cars, and then at the three. box of goods.

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