Urban best village doctor

Chapter 863 God's Graveyard

It has to be said that the forces behind Qian Xiaosheng are tyrannical, even if Li Xiao tried to hide it, they still found out and chased him from Huaxia to the Golden Triangle.

Seeing Li Xiao, Qian Xiaosheng was polite first, then immediately talked about confirmation, and took out two things from his small world less than five square meters wide.

One of them was a photo. In the photo was a woman. The woman was graceful and graceful. Li Xiao recognized her at a glance. She was Qian Mengxuan.

"Brother Xiao, do you know this woman?" Qian Xiaosheng asked Li Xiao eagerly.

I know, not only know, but brother also had sex with her, I thought so in my heart, but said: "I know, she is my wife, what's wrong?"

"Damn, Brother Xiao, you beast!" Qian Xiaosheng said excitedly, "Do you know who she is? She is my sister. Unfortunately, I still call you Brother Xiao, you bastard!"

"What, your sister?" Li Xiao was also taken aback, "No way, you must recognize her as your sister because you saw her beautiful parents, right?"

"Am I that kind of person?"


Li Xiao nodded heavily, and Qian Xiaosheng was so angry that he took out a tablet from his body, and after a few swipes, he took out a photo from it: "See, this is a photo of my sister when she was eight years ago. "

Li Xiao took the tablet, glanced away, and was shocked for a moment, the girl in the photo was indeed very similar to Qian Mengxuan in terms of eyebrows, especially the eyes, it could be confirmed that they were the same person.

Back then in Pujiang, Li Xiao knew Qian Mengxuan from the auction house. She was only nineteen years old at that time, but she was already known as the number one beauty in Pujiang.

"Is he really your sister?" Li Xiao looked at Qian Xiaosheng in surprise.

"Hey, I've been looking for her for more than ten years, but I didn't expect to be given by a beast like you..." Qian Xiaosheng was heartbroken, with an unnatural expression on his face.

"Hey, it's all yours and mine's wish. She's in Ning Village now. If you want to see her, you can go there anytime."

"I know, hey, forget it, it's my fault too, she has become the number one beauty in Pujiang at a young age, so she should have appeared in my field of vision long ago." Qian Xiaosheng's eyes were full of regret, "Oh, brother-in-law, I came to you this time mainly for another matter."

Brother-in-law? Just now, he was talking about brother Xiao, but now he has become a brother-in-law, so he changed his mind so quickly.

However, Li Xiao didn't care much about calling these things, not to mention that he was indeed older than his younger sister, and he was indeed a little younger than Qian Xiaosheng, so it was only natural to call him a brother-in-law.

Putting the photo aside, Qian Xiaosheng took another thing in his hand, which was a tightly sealed box, opened it three times, five times and two times, and a small jade pendant appeared in Li Xiao's eyes.

"My grandfather asked me to give this to you. He said it should be of some use to you." Qian Xiaosheng picked up the jade pendant and handed it to Li Xiao.

The jade pendant is milky white and feels cold to the touch, it can even be said to be cold, with some strange patterns on it, one piece of which can be vaguely inserted into the milky white jade pendant, with some black air running through from time to time.

"My grandfather said that this jade pendant is part of the map. There are sixteen pieces in total. If you get all of them, you can lead to the cemetery of some god." Qian Xiaosheng said to him, "I don't understand why my grandfather... Hey, How do you have such a big piece?"

Before he finished speaking, Qian Xiaosheng saw Li Xiao take out a jade pendant from Xiaotiandi, which was several times larger than his.

Seeing the surprise of the former, Li Xiao explained: "My piece is made up of ten pieces, so it is naturally bigger than yours."

The first time I saw the jade pendant was from Yan Ruyu's house. Li Xiao was still a fledgling cunning back then, and when he saw this jade pendant at Yan Ruyu's house, he felt creepy.

Later, I got a piece from the mouth of a corpse on Guo Bihai's construction site, and the place where I got the most was the lost ancient city.

The ancient pagoda in the center of the ancient city can only be entered by those who hold a jade pendant. After he entered, he strangled the enemies like a god and demon, and took a lot from the hands of the eight major clans.

Coupled with the beheading of the Dongfang brothers and sisters, and the jade pendant obtained from Ji Xue, it was no more, no less, exactly ten yuan. The jade pendant that was not as big as a palm at the beginning was not as big as Li Xiao's two palms together now. .

He inlaid the jade pendant obtained by Qian Xiaosheng here with ease, and the two jade pendants seemed to have some chemical effect, each filled with monstrous black air, turning the whole room into a black mist.

When the black mist dissipated, the jade pendants had been inlaid together. After adding this jade pendant to the jade pendants of different colors, they all turned black, like a magic soldier.

On the top of the black jade, there is a pattern, which seems to be a map, winding and undulating, with strange shapes, like a dragon or a snake, you can clearly see that on the dragon spine, there are many cities standing, each The cities are majestic and majestic, beyond description.

Seeing these cities, Li Xiao was stunned.

Because the first city was exactly the same as the lost ancient city that Li Xiao had seen, and behind the lost ancient city, there were nine others, large and small.

There are so many secrets in one ancient city, but there are nine such ancient cities, and this is still an incomplete map.

In other words, after these ten ancient cities, there may be more!

"The cemetery of the gods, does it mean the place where the gods are buried, or does it mean that even if the gods go, they will die..." Li Xiao muttered to himself, his heart was shocked, and many thoughts flashed through.

"Brother-in-law, look quickly, there seem to be three characters on the second city, these three characters..." Qian Xiaosheng pointed to the second ancient city on the jade pendant, studied it carefully for a while, and said in surprise, "Look quickly , Brother Xiao, do these three words look like Hanguguan?"

Looking in the direction he pointed, Li Xiao was also surprised. After he obtained the ability of photographic memory, he had read a lot of books, among which he also studied a lot of antiques.

The three ancient characters in front of me are undoubtedly Hangu Pass.

"When I left Hangu Pass in the west, the purple energy surged for three thousand miles, and since then it has disappeared from the world." Li Xiao said in shock, "Could it be that Hangu Pass is this ancient city?"

Regarding this map, Li Xiao wanted to collect it more and more. According to Grandpa Qian Xiaosheng, only by collecting the jade pendants can he find the way to the cemetery of the gods.

No matter what the words "God's Graveyard" imply, when the strength is strong enough, Li Xiao must go there again to see what is hidden.

"There are eleven yuan here. If there is no accident, brother Dugu also has one, so there are four left." Li Xiao closed his eyes and pondered. Most of the people who entered the ancient pagoda were from the eight major clans.

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