Urban best village doctor

Chapter 97 Pieces of purple aura

Ever since discovering the secrets of vitality contained in the various lands, Li Xiao noticed a way to make the villagers rich.

Since it is a rural area, there are only a few ways to get rich, either to engage in tourism or to engage in characteristic planting. The Fengshui of Ning Village is good. It is backed by virgin forests, there are many wild animals in the mountains, and there are all kinds of magical places. If it is well developed, it will be a good tourist attraction.

If we can get some special scenery, I believe it will be able to promote tourism even more.

Similarly, planting is also a great way to get rich.

Although the scope of Li Xiao's activities is only in Xiapu County, he also knows that the price of organic vegetables and some edible wild animals can be said to be several times that of ordinary vegetables and meat. able to make a fortune.

Moreover, Li Xiao also discovered that he could control the vitality in the land.

In other words, if he can persevere, he might be able to produce some top-notch fertile land, and the things he grows will definitely be very delicious.

Of course, this is just Li Xiao's own guess.

He hasn't really verified it yet, but he feels that the possibility of this situation is very high.

Unfortunately, his current ability is still too weak. Just moving a little bit of vitality made him unconscious for a long time due to mental exhaustion. With his current ability level, it is almost impossible to create one or two pieces of land full of vitality.

Now for Li Xiao, it is not very urgent to figure out the road from Ning Village to Baoshan Town. After all, Fang Min told him that to build such a road would cost at least tens of millions of dollars.

Unless it is gambling or betting on stones, it is unlikely that Li Xiao will earn tens of millions of yuan in a short period of time.

However, Li Xiao was not prepared to do that. There was no way. Whether it was gambling or betting on stones, their risks were too great. Tens of millions of dollars is not a small amount.

If Li Xiao didn't have any special background, if he won tens of millions in a casino, he might turn into a corpse in a hidden alley within the next day.

But how to improve his abilities?

Li Xiao instantly thought of the purple gas absorbed from the top of the fungus when he was picking the fungus.

His ability upgrade was also caused by absorbing a sufficient amount of purple gas.

Unfortunately, except for the place where the fungus was produced, it was difficult for Li Xiao to find similar existences, and plants containing purple gas were even rarer.

On this day, Li Xiao decided to go to the mountains to search for it. Maybe he would be lucky enough to encounter a similar existence containing purple gas again.

Just do what you said, Li Xiao tidied up, and said to Jiang Xiurong who was teasing the little white wolf: "Mom, I'm going up the mountain, I might not come tonight."


Jiang Xiurong's hand, which was stroking the white fur on the little white wolf's body, trembled, and exclaimed, "What are you talking about, you won't be back at night?"

"Well, I'm going to the mountain to gather some herbs. You know, some herbs are deep in the mountains, so it's not so easy to pick them."

"Be careful and come back early tomorrow." Jiang Xiurong knew that Li Xiao's medical skills were inherited from his father-in-law, and they are quite powerful. Moreover, he had gone into the mountains to gather medicine before, but because he disappeared for three years last time, Jiang Xiurong always felt a sense of fear towards this primeval forest.

It was also for this reason that Jiang Xiurong was not very willing to let Li Xiao go up the mountain, it was too dangerous.

However, she also knew Li Xiao's character. Although she was worried, she didn't stop her.

"Don't worry, Mom, I know Little White Wolf's father, he is the king of wild wolves on the mountain, with him escorting me, I will be fine."

Li Xiao's words made Jiang Xiurong heave a sigh of relief, they had seen the strangeness of that wild wolf before.

After Li Xiao went up the mountain, Gray Wolf Ada was waiting for him at the entrance of the deep mountain.

He patted A Dalue's rough head, and said with a smile: "I know you just became a father, that's fine, you don't have to accompany me, go and accompany your wife. You know my strength, it's fine to go up the mountain alone .”

Gray Wolf Ada whimpered, understood Li Xiao's words, rubbed his tail on his leg, then turned around and ran away.

Seeing Ah Da's departure, Li Xiao smiled slightly and didn't care.

Relying on his strength and abilities, Li Xiao is sure to escape in this perilous deep mountain.

But without Ah Da's leadership, Li Xiao's progress in the deep mountains was a bit slower.

After walking for about a day, seeing that the sky was getting late, he had already stepped into the depths of this forest.

There are no traces of human beings here, and the surroundings are silent, only one or two roars of wild animals are heard from time to time. Other than that, there are only countless trees around, and the rotten ground that has already turned into mud. leaves.

Fortunately, the forest is ventilated, otherwise, these rotten leaves may easily form a terrifying miasma, and by then this place will become a real Jedi.

After walking for more than half an hour, Li Xiao finally stopped.

It was already dark at this moment, the starlight in the sky had long been blocked by the broad tree canopy, and the surroundings were pitch black.

Li Xiao activated his own ability, and under the ability, the surrounding scene was extremely clear.

What excited Li Xiao was that traces of purple gas were exuding from the surface of these thick trees.

If it wasn't for the fear of attracting the surrounding beasts, Li Xiao even had the idea of ​​yelling a few times. Perhaps only in this way could he vent his excitement and joy.

He never dreamed that there would be so much purple gas in the depths of the primeval forest, where humans had never stepped into.

In Li Xiao's field of vision, the surface of almost every surrounding tree exudes purple gas.

It's a pity that these purple gases are too thin. In his perspective eyes, these purple gases are like fireflies, floating back and forth around the trees.

At this moment, Li Xiao might understand why purple gas appeared in this place.

I'm afraid the reason is very simple, because there are no human beings here, and these purple gas should be the legendary aura. These trees have grown for countless years, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon for many years, and then transformed into this purple aura.

Li Xiao guessed that by next year, those wild fungus would also lose their aura. His idea of ​​absorbing the purple aura on those fungus may also fail.

But now Li Xiao doesn't have time to think about that. There are so many purple auras around him, what are he waiting for, absorbing it quickly is the most important thing.

One night passed in the blink of an eye, but Li Xiao actually absorbed it for a whole night.

Because of absorbing the purple spiritual energy, he didn't feel any fatigue, but became more and more excited.

After absorbing it all night, he felt that the aura in his body had reached its limit. If he continued to absorb it, he might be in danger of exploding his body.

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