James's worry finally became a fact, when the sun did not rise the next day, a video has been crazy on the Internet.

It's not Koski's slow action. In fact, it was ye Bufan who asked him to release it the next day, because on the surface, the whole sun city has been blocked by the police. If you send the video too early, people will wonder if there is another secret in the sun city? So it's just the right time to wait until the next day.

In fact, even if ye Bufan had been good for a long time, he would have nothing to do with himself. Even if the police really dare to extort a confession from him, he can cope with it.

When James got the news, he turned on the computer and almost fainted. In the video, all the behaviors of his men in the sun city were exposed. How ridiculous it looks now that they are smirking while stuffing "dirty things".

"It's over!" James chuckled and fell to the ground. He was not only himself, but also expected that the whole police force would be affected this time.

It's impossible to avoid these charges of planting and wronging a proper businessman. But in the end, only a scapegoat will be caught, and this person, if there is no accident, will fall into his own bureau!

Lewis, I have to sacrifice you this time! James sat on the ground for a long time, and he secretly decided that scapegoats are necessary, but not enough. Lewis, the police captain's position is not high or low, just right for him.

Lewis did not expect that he would become the biggest victim of the whole incident. Although he had some preparation in his heart, he did not expect that things were far worse than expected.

The progress of the matter can be foreseen. In places like the United States, the power of the media is so powerful that it can't be further strengthened. In particular, it abhors this kind of corruption.

Therefore, as soon as this video came out, the defenders first attacked the police and the U.S. government.

Then, almost all the media began to criticize. Of course, some people questioned the authenticity of the video, but after experts' identification, it was confirmed that there was no trace of PS, that is to say, it was absolutely true.

Police departments have suffered unprecedented calamities, especially the Bosnian police headquarters. Under the heavy bombardment from all aspects, they hardly have the ability to fight back. Moreover, they can not produce any evidence to prove their innocence.

After learning that ye Bufan was a Chinese, voices from China also appeared. Various Chinese groups accused him of racial discrimination and demanded that the US government make a solemn statement of apology and compensate Sun City for all losses.

In the embarrassed police department, the head of the police department, Wilkins, was furious: "why did you make such a mistake? Now, people all over the world are watching our jokes, do you understand? "

The sheriffs, who are usually high above the police, bow their heads one by one and dare not come out in a big way. Although this seems to be a mistake of the Boston City Bureau, what is the real situation? They received the same order, but they didn't intervene because it happened in Poland.

"Mr. James, won't you explain?" Seeing no one talking, Wiggins turned to James, who was sitting on his left.

James was shocked and his face turned red. He knew that he could not escape from reality after all.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. In order not to shame the whole police department, I decided..." he paused and looked around.

People are very strange. This old boy never does anything bad for himself. It seems that he has changed today. It seems that he has to take the initiative to take responsibility.

"I decided to hand over the man who acted in private! I'm determined to get rid of such lawless scum as he is, who treats the police with honor over nothing James's voice changed, and his face showed an awe inspiring expression.

God, old fox! A burst of disdain in everyone's heart, thought that he had changed sex, and was still the same. For his own sake, he would be desperate, including betraying his subordinates!

Wiggins also scolded him secretly, but he didn't dare to go too far with James. Although he was the most powerful one in the police department, James had a backstage, which made him dare not touch him casually.

Now that he says so, I know that he will not sacrifice his self-interest, so I can only make a scapegoat according to what he says.

However, it's a bit too cheap to let him go. Anyway, he has his own responsibility. It's necessary to punish him a little.

"Since it's under your hands, I don't mind if he is responsible. What do you say?" Wiggins nodded and said.

"No problem!" What else can people say? Anyway, it doesn't have much to do with them. It doesn't do them any good to offend James without any reason. It's better to be a friendly person.

"However, although the incident was caused by his subordinates, Mr. James also has a certain responsibility, and this crime of lax governance must be borne! Well, in order to punish him, we'll let him deal with it by himself, and then treat us to a drink. Is that feasible? " Wiggins said with a smile.

"No problem, this is what I should do. I promise you that I will handle this matter perfectly and give an account to the people!" James was relieved. Although he also guessed that Wiggins didn't dare to embarrass himself, it seems that it is much lighter than he imagined.

"That's the decision, gentlemen. Let's break up. I have to report it to the top." Wiggins waved his hand and said that he had just wanted to put some pressure on James, but now that his goal has been achieved, it will naturally not have to go on.

As soon as James came out of the room, his phone rang. When he took it out, his face changed, and he cried to himself that it was bad. I think it will make him scold half to death this time!

Sure enough, Williams on the phone yelled: "James, how do you do things? I can't do even a little bit of small things. Do you want to quit? "

"I'm sorry, it's really my responsibility!" He first admitted his mistake, then turned around and said, "in fact, I called you a lot last night, but you didn't answer, so..."

"I don't care. What I want is the result. Have you found it?" Williams said in a low voice.

"No, my men can't find anything at all. I'm sorry, sir!" James said dejectedly.

"Waste!" Williams yelled and hung up.

"Scold me all day long, you are not the same yourself, the guy who forgets righteousness for profit!" James whispered to himself.

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