"So, what do you want to do with me?" Ye Bufan and Zhang Weiwei stood there hand in hand and said with a smile that the relaxed energy was not like talking about murder and arson, but chatting with friends.

Odom also gradually feel wrong, according to reason, in this case, ye Bufan should hide in the car waiting for rescue, rather than get off the car and talk nonsense with him.

However, he did not believe that he could not catch ye Bufan tonight. However, seeing that the other side was so calm, he did not dare to drag on any longer. If the other side had reinforcements, he would be in trouble.

"Up! Don't kill them. As for whether they are injured or disabled, it depends on their luck! No, don't hurt that girl. Leave it to me for a few days! " Odom said with a sly smile.

His words, originally a face indifferent Zhang Weiwei suddenly angry, originally no kill heart of her, now really moved to kill!

"Damn you all!" She did not wait for ye Bufan to let go of his hand, and rushed to meet Odom.

"Girl, you are so anxious, brother, that will satisfy you!" Odom silver gave a smile and didn't pay attention to her at all.

But the next moment he couldn't laugh. Looking at the ice in Zhang Weiwei's hand, he was shocked. This kind of vision never appeared in his cognition. If he insisted on it, it only appeared in the film.

"God, am I dreaming?" Everyone was staring at all this, not realizing the danger.

Zhang Weiwei attacked with anger, and she didn't keep any hands at all. In this case, her ice magic skill also played the most powerful role. Before those people could react, disaster had come to them.

There was no scream, because at the moment of the disaster, there was no pain at all. They didn't feel fear until they were frozen, but there was no chance to scream at this time.

The rest of them looked at the tragedy and were shocked. They wanted to run, but they were powerless. This kind of thing was completely beyond their understanding.

Zhang Weiwei doesn't want to let them go. Although he is fierce, he also wants to do harm to them. So let them go to see the old bastard of God!

There was no suspense. Almost as soon as they raised their hands, the rest of them followed Odom's footsteps and turned into ice sculptures.

Even if they couldn't pull the gun in their hand, Zhang Weiwei's action was too fast.

"It's ridiculous that we dare to have our own ideas on this rubbish!" Zhang Weiwei said with disdain that the anger in his heart also went out slowly with two moves.

"Come on, don't make the police suspicious, or we'll be in trouble!" Ye Bufan put those ice sculptures into the space. As for the car, it's OK to stay here. Anyway, there's no evidence to prove that it was his own hand.

They returned to the car, and the phone rang. He answered with a smile, "how's it going?"

"Boss, as you expected, the other side sent reinforcements, but now we've taken them all!" On the phone, Philip said respectfully.

"Well, according to the original plan, I hope that by tomorrow morning, the whole west side of the city will be in our hands, understand?" Ye Bufan said.

"No problem!" Philip patted on the chest.

"Come on, let's go to the nightclub!" Ye Bufan put down the phone and said to Zhang Weiwei.

On this night, the West District of the city underwent earth shaking changes, which many people did not expect.

When the next day came, those well-informed people were stunned. Overnight, such an amazing thing happened in the west of the city. The arrogant Odom disappeared! The forces in the west of the city, which originally belonged to him, were naturally different. Even the forces in the west of the city evaporated overnight!

What's more strange is that these forces have disappeared, and it is reasonable that someone should take over immediately. But the strange thing is that there is no family to take over, which makes the underground forces in the west of the city temporarily in a blank state.

This makes people have to doubt that this is a big fight in the West District of the city, which resulted in the same result?

In fact, in places like the United States, it's nothing to die of a few people. Especially in the underground world, people often die unnaturally.

This time, however, things got a little worse. All the underground forces in a district disappeared without any warning. Even the original troublemakers of Odom's gang were at a loss when they were finally asked, as if they didn't know anything. Even if the police used punishment, they couldn't find out why.

"Why? How do you do things? Is there a supernatural event? " In the police station, director James yelled and scolded his subordinates so loudly that he couldn't lift his head.

"Director, we've really used every move, but those people insist that they haven't been to the sun city. Even our monitoring system has failed. There is no picture at that time!" Miller, the new police chief, said boldly.

"Are you sure they had a fight?" James asked, staring at him like a hawk.

"Yes, at that time, our colleagues received information, but after arriving, the battle was over, even the traces of the battle were cleaned up, and we could not find anything. Because of the previous events, we did not dare to rashly search the Sun City, which resulted in the present result." Miller said helplessly.

James said quietly that this matter is indeed very difficult. Now the reputation of the police has been reduced to the lowest among the people. If we rashly launch a special operation on Sun City, I'm afraid it will drown the people's saliva.

However, this matter must be made clear, especially the pressure from above makes him a little out of breath. It's just that his staff don't have much power to deal with this kind of thing.

Just when the scene was a little dull, the door of the conference room was roughly pushed open. A few gloomy faced people came in and pushed the two guards who wanted to stop them away. The person in front of them yelled: "you useless rubbish, get out of my way!"

As soon as the guard was about to get angry, James's face changed slightly and he cried out, "didn't you two trash hear Williams? Get out of here and don't be a disgrace here

As he said this, he quickly came up with a smile on his face: "Sir, why are you free today?"

"If I don't come again, I think the city will be ruined! When can you let me rest assured, you useless people who don't do anything but eat dry food? " Williams said coldly, not giving him any face.

"Yes, sir," he said James didn't dare to talk back. He said in a cold sweat.

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