Ye Bufan took a bath happily. Seeing the situation in the room, he was stunned. Isn't this Ruth gone? Why is she still here?

"Hooligans!" Ruth looked at him and cried, but there was no shyness on her face. Jessica blushed.

Ye Bufan looked down and saw that he was only covered with a bath towel, but somewhere, because he thought of something bad when taking a bath, he now stood up high and stood out against the background of the bath towel.

"This... Is a natural phenomenon. I didn't mean to do it on purpose!" Ye Bufan's face was not red, so he came over naturally. Anyway, these two women had seen each other, and he didn't want to hide anything.

"What do you want to do? I'll tell you, we're not casual women! " Ruth put her hands over her chest in a panic.

"Go, don't get involved here. I'm making out with my wife. Do you want to watch it?" Ye Bufan pushed her away impolitely and sat down beside Jessica, saying.

"No, my task is to protect Jessica baby. You want to invade her now. I can't allow it!" Said Ruth, turning her eyes.

"Boo!" Ye Bufan ignores her at all and kisses Jessica in her dissatisfied eyes.

Jessica blushed. She was not as bold and unrestrained as Ruth. She couldn't let go of this public intimacy. She blushed and said, "come on, honey, Ruth is still there!"

"What are you afraid of? It's normal for us. If she wants to see it, she can see it. No charge at most. Hehe!" Ye Bufan's evil smile.

"Cheeky!" Jessica struggled.

"Hello... Ye selang, you are openly challenging me, aren't you?" Ruth came over and said discontentedly.

"No, I've never had that idea. I just want to make out with my wife, really!" Ye Bufan looked at her with a pair of innocent eyes and said.

Ruth's eyes flashed a bad idea, and suddenly pretended to push him away, but she grabbed the place where the towel was tied and gently pulled it!

"Ah... Sex wolf!"

"Ah..." two screams rang out at the same time, ye Bufan pulled back the bath towel with a bit of embarrassment, and looked at them with tears and laughter.

Just now, his huge position was completely exposed in front of the two girls. Even Ruth, who had been prepared for a long time, was scared. I didn't expect that he would be impulsive like this under such circumstances. It's really... So lovely!

"Jessica, look at him. He must have a bad idea about you. Let's go to the side and let him worry about it." Ruth said, but her eyes were aimed at ye Bufan, and her yearning appeared completely, and she deliberately threw a wink at him.

Ye Bufan's heart swings. This silver baby is too bold and silver. He is destined to get wet tonight, but I don't know whether he is wet with her or Jessica first.

"Well!" Jessica was also a little embarrassed. After all, ye Bufan let Ruth see it. If she insisted on staying here, she would laugh at herself.

However, she was thinking, at most, she would go with her for a while, and then find an excuse to come back. Can't she let her husband suffocate?

She is not an ignorant girl. She knows a little about men's needs. Ye Bufan is impulsive. If she doesn't get effective treatment, she may get sick.

The way to cure him is to use his own body. Anyway, sooner or later, I will give it to him. It's better to let it go tonight!

Besides, she had wanted to give it to him for a long time. During the period of treatment, she wanted to give herself to him countless times. Unfortunately, her body didn't allow it, which has been delayed until now.

Watching the two girls leave the room, ye Bufan wants to cry without tears. Originally, he wanted to get wet. Now it seems that he has to delay!

"My God, are you going to torture me to death?" With a cry of sadness, he threw himself on the bed and the bath towel was scattered. He didn't bother to pay attention to it. No one looked at it anyway.

Before he knew it, he went to sleep.

Jessica and Ruth have been chatting, finally, she is not at ease let ye Bufan alone there, so, her eyes turned down, said: "Ruth, I'll get something, you go to take a bath, I'll wash later."

Ruth looked at her suspiciously and said, "Jessica, you won't do that with that bad guy, will you?"

Jessica blushed and said angrily, "Ruth, you're so necrotic. I'm not that color!"

"Are you sure? But I don't think Dr. Ye's little villain will let you go. As soon as you pass, he will certainly eat you, and the bones won't let you go! " Ruth said with a bad smile.

"He's not that bad! By the way, did you do that on purpose just now? " Jessica suddenly thought of it and questioned.

"What do you do like that? I don't understand what you said Ruth pretended to be confused.

"That's what happened to his towel! Don't lie to me. You must have done it on purpose, right? Ruth, you're the real color. You're trying to make fun of him, aren't you? " Said Jessica, looking at her angrily.

"No matter, you think too much!" Ruth didn't even admit it.

"Really? Forget it, originally I said we had a fight. If you can't help it, I'll let you have a taste at that time. As a result... "She stopped deliberately.

"What? Jessica, what do you mean by that? " Ruth was stunned and then overjoyed. She held her hand tightly and asked.

"I don't mean anything. Just say it casually. Don't mind." Said Jessica cunningly.

"Don't say it, see how I deal with you, little villain!" Ruth turned her eyes and knocked her down.

"Gee... Ruth, stop it. Oh, you dare to grab my tits. I'm angry!" Jessica cried and began to fight.

"Jessica, don't touch there... Um..." Ruth suddenly chanted aloud, which frightened Jessica. She saw that she had met her!

"Isn't it comfortable?" When Jessica was frightened, she saw a satisfied expression on her face and asked with a bad smile.

"Jessica, you've gone bad!" Ruth had a bad smile on her face and suddenly reached out to touch her.

"Ah... Don't move... I can't... it's hard..." Jessica didn't expect that she would do these actions, and immediately chanted.

"Cool?" Ruth was laughing.

"No! I don't care about you, you Coyote Jessica's reason is still there. She struggles to get rid of her hand, gets up with a blush, gives her a white look, and turns to go out.

If she doesn't leave, she can't guarantee that she will do something wrong.

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