Ye Bufan just thought Koski was just talking about it casually, so he lost a few books to him casually and said, "I have all kinds of skills here. You can take them and see what's suitable for you to practice."

After that, he left, leaving Kosky with a look of ecstasy.

"The boss is so kind to me. I must practice so much Chinese Kung Fu that I won't be bullied by those bastards in the future." He picked up a few books with bright eyes, and then slipped back to his room like a thief.

In the following time, Kosky actually locked himself in the room, even eating in it, which made people very unaccustomed, but no one thought he could succeed, because it was too difficult!

Ye Bufan accompanied Jessica and Ruth for about a week. They went out in the daytime and returned to the hotel in the evening. Then they started the tireless game.

Ruth completely let him conquer, in countless times after reaching the peak, she vowed to heaven, even at the risk of being expelled above, she will always follow ye Bufan, even if there is no fame!

However, they still want to go back. Jessica wants to learn to take over her grandfather's business, because Jeremy is no longer young and wants to find a successor.

Therefore, although reluctant to part with them, they had to say goodbye for a while and left this place where they had endless memories.

Ye Bufan sends them to the door. There, a group of bodyguards sent by Jeremy have been waiting for a long time. Before, those bodyguards were dismissed by the furious Jeremy because of their poor protection.

"Husband, you should be careful here. Those enemies hate you to the bone. Don't be careless! Besides, you can't go to pick up girls all day. You have to think about us every day, you know? " Jessica looked at ye Bufan with eyes and said.

"I know. I'll be careful. Don't worry, wife! By the way, if I'm not around, I can't be attracted to men, or I'll quit you right away, you know? " Ye Bufan gave her a hard kiss and said.

"Besides you, who else in the world is worthy of my heart?" Said Jessica affectionately.

"Me too. I'm a king in this life!" Ruth also made a quick statement.

"Well, I was just joking. How can I not know what you think of me? Let's go. Don't delay the journey! " Ye Bufan wiped their tears with a smile and said.

"Let's go, honey, you must miss us!" Said Jessica, suppressing tears.

"Well!" Ye Bufan kisses her again and puts her in the car.

Looking at the far away car, ye Bufan sighed, happy days have passed, and he will start to intrigue life.

"What a romantic scene! I envy you so much!" A faint voice sounded.

Ye Bufan turns his head in consternation and looks at Alice with a look of resentment. He suddenly feels that one head is bigger than the other, which has to be explained.

"Alice baby, I haven't seen you for a few days. I feel you are more beautiful!" Ye Bufan walked past with a smile and said, holding her waist.

"You playboy, don't think that a few good words can make me forgive you!" Alice struggled.

"Baby, you don't know that I don't belong to someone. I have a first wife, you and other women. If you are so jealous, you will become a vinegar jar sooner or later!" Ye Bufan shook his head.

"So, you are a playboy. You have done so many things for you, but you don't cherish them at all!" Said Alice bitterly.

"Wronged, heaven and earth can show my heart to you!" Ye Bufan said, while embracing her into the hotel, anyway, the room has not returned, just can use.

"Playboy, what are you taking me into the room for?" Alice's face turned red. Although she looked bold and unconstrained, she was afraid at the critical moment.

Ye Bufan just doesn't care about her. She lies on the bed with her arms around her. Her big mouth kisses her in a moment. Alice just struggles casually twice and cooperates with him and kisses her fiercely.

"Wife, you are so big here!" Imperceptibly, ye Bufan's hand quietly stretched in, grasped the holy land, and kneaded it skillfully.

"Oh, you bastard!" Alice found that her most sensitive place was invaded by him. She was ashamed and struggling.

"It feels great, baby. You are the most beautiful shape that people have ever seen. I can't put it down!" Ye Bufan there will let her free, while saying love words, while teasing, let her mind is very open, can't concentrate, heart evil fire also slowly rose.

"Don't do it, you rascal. I can't stand it!" Alice kept chanting, struggling less and less, at his disposal.

Ye Bufan has a good time with Jessica these days. He is addicted. Now he can't help seeing her beautiful body. However, in order to make her accept willingly, he patiently uses those little skills to make her fall into the enemy.

"Ye, no, if you want me now, something big will happen!" Just as Alice is about to lose her last sense, she suddenly wakes up, struggles to get rid of his magic hand and says in panic.

Ye Bufan was stunned and saw that her expression was very serious. She didn't seem to be joking. She sighed and said: "baby, you see I'm like this. You can't say it. It will kill people!"

Alice glanced shyly at his place and saw the ferocious thing. She was surprised and ashamed. The villain's thing was so big that it was stronger than what was said in the physiological book. If she didn't wake up in time just now, wouldn't she let him die?

"Shame on me, cover it up!" She covered her eyes, did not dare to see, but left a trace, can not help but steal to look at.

"What are you ashamed of? You've touched it just now, hehe!" Ye Bufan is not the first brother. He is very thick skinned. He took her little hand and put it on it.

Alice was surprised. It was so hot that it was really frightening. She dared to put it on it and quickly put it back. She said shyly, "Ye, listen to me, we can't do that now, or we'll make a big deal!"

Ye Bufan heard her say this sentence for the second time, and suddenly asked strangely: "baby, what's the matter, tell me!"

"Don't move, or people can't concentrate. What do you say?" Alice said coyly, because the hands of the color embryo could not help climbing up a certain height, and were constantly rubbing, making her pant.

"Well, the main reason is that you are so charming, you can't control yourself!" Ye Bufan awkwardly took back his hand and gently hugged her.

"If you are glib, you will make people happy!" Alice is coquettish.

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