Time passed quickly, almost a month after the alliance with andrev.

On this day, ye Bufan, together with Zhang Weiwei, accompanied by tevenn and more than a dozen of his subordinates, boarded a plane to the Middle East.

The war has already begun, and the action of the Americans there is not very smooth. Although they have a great advantage in combat readiness, they are unable to conquer the Kazan mountains due to the terrain.

However, there are also hidden dangers in Kashan. Because the MI army's blockade is very tight, they can not supply from outside at all. They can only rely on their original savings to maintain. It can be said that if the problem is not solved, they will lose without fighting.

At this time, the major smugglers, who were engaged in food, war preparation, medicine and other major fields, tried to get through the blockade of the Americans and the allies, transport their own things in, and make a lot of war money.

However, money is not so easy to earn, there is no superior ability and backstage, it is wishful thinking.

In the end, many people are so busy that they end up with a miserable ending. What's worse, they will never come back, and even lose their lives in the war-torn country.

Too many stories of blood and tears make most smugglers feel cold. Money is good, but they have to spend their lives. Blind investment will only lead to the end that the gain is not worth the loss, or even the loss.

"Ye, you can see that these people may also be one of the losers!" Standing at the exit of the Middle East International Airport, andref pointed to a group of dejected people.

After half a day's flight, they landed safely and walked out of the airport.

"There are a lot of people who want to get rich, but only a few of them can really get rich, and they obviously don't have that kind of fortune!" Ye Bufan looked at those people lightly and said without care.

"I believe that we will be a small part of that!" Andref said with a strange smile.

"It must be!" Ye Bufan said with a smile.

"Get out of the way, you bears!" Then a group of soldiers roughly pushed andref away and almost pushed him to the ground.

"Grass Andref was very angry. He didn't expect that he would be bullied so much. How could he bear this tone?

"Damn it Andref uttered a roar and waved his hand. Dozens of bodyguards surrounded him and trapped the soldiers inside.

"Kaka kaka..." bursts of gunshots rang out, the guns of both sides were raised, and the situation was imminent.

"Who are you that dare to attack us?" Asked one of the soldiers, with the badge of a lieutenant colonel.

"We're Russians, OK? You American soldiers have always been so arrogant. If you don't make a serious apology this time, you can't get out of here! " Exclaimed andref.

"You are standing in the way here and making a lot of noise. We have the right to drive you away!" The officer sneered.

"Qualifications? You Americans really regard yourself as the police of the world and want to take care of everything. It's shameless to the extreme! " Andref said sarcastically, looking at each other with disdain“ However, in the eyes of us Russians, even if you make trouble again, it's still useless. If you don't agree, you can report to your president and ask him to fight with us to see if he has the courage! "

The officer made him blush and said, "we in the United States go in line with the belief of world peace. Unlike you, we know how to fight all day. Today we fight with our former allies, and tomorrow we get another one. Anyway, they are all from the former Soviet Union. It's really funny!"

"World peace? I'm the boss of the American Andref yelled, "in my opinion, without your participation, the world would be ten times more peaceful than it is now! You bastards, all day long, use some tricks to calculate others, and then openly send troops to seek profits from them! It can be said that your country, the United States, is one of the most despicable countries in the world

Their movement was so big that many people, including the security guards, rushed over.

Don't be impulsive, gentlemen The head of the security guard is sweating. If he is an ordinary person, he can drive him away without saying a word, or even buckle him up. But now the situation is different. One side is a US soldier, and the other side is not a soldier, but looking at the momentum, people even dare to fight against US soldiers, and the future is certainly not small!

"Get out of here, it's none of your business!" The officer was so angry that when he heard the chief security officer's words, he became even more angry and roared at him.

Day, I want to help you, you pour good, roar up Laozi, this matter I really don't care, best those people kill you all!

The head of the security guard raised a nameless fire in his heart. He was kind enough to persuade him to fight, but he fell into such a situation that he was not a human being. He was wronged!

"What a prestige Andref said sarcastically.

"Put away your guns, or you will bear all the consequences!" The officer said arrogantly, because his eyes saw the outside, where dozens of soldiers were rushing to.

"Put them down and get out of here!" Ye Bufan also saw this scene, his face changed, and he knew that if he didn't go, he would be in big trouble.

He took the lead. Before the opponent could react, he hit the officer on the chin with a punch. The officer fell down without even snorting.

"Together!" He made a successful move, roared and shot again, and Twain and others also responded, with a grim smile on their face and a heavy punch. They are just ordinary arms, where they can be the opponents of the tiger special forces. Basically, they let Ko go with one move.

In the gaping eyes of the security guards, ye Bufan and his party quickly evacuated, almost within three minutes. Before the arrival of the other party's reinforcements, they jumped into the two big cars that had been waiting outside and sped away.

"God, these people are so awesome. They dare to humiliate the Americans like this in public!" The passengers who saw this scene with their own eyes felt incredible. For them, the concept of the American leader has never changed. If they did not see it with their own eyes, they would not believe it.

"Don't you see, they are Russians, so they won't be afraid of the Americans!" The closer passenger just heard the conversation between the two sides and said to the people nearby with disdain.

"Russia, no wonder!" The passengers suddenly realized that only the Russians dare to deal with the Americans so openly.

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