"The trough! Is that what the war did? " Looking at the dilapidated street, ye Bufan said inconceivably.

"It's pretty good here. We haven't entered the real battlefield yet. That's a tragedy!" Andref said.

"I can't imagine it!" Ye Bufan shook his head and felt pity in his heart. The most injured people in the war were ordinary people. Countless people died, countless people were displaced and homeless.

"If it can be avoided, I would rather there is no war in the world!" Ye Bufan's mouth suddenly burst out a sentence.

"No, I didn't expect that you are still a compassionate man, which is different from what I know!" Andref said in surprise.

"In fact, you do, but you are deeply hidden, right?" Ye Bufan said lightly.

"Once, but after facing a lot of things, I no longer have that compassion." Andref said wistfully.

Ye Bufan is silent. The world is so cruel that many people can't live normally, think normally, and have normal thoughts.

"Don't talk about the sad topics, brother. The destination is ahead. We'll have the goods delivered and have a drink." Andref said with a forced smile.

"Well, it's not a suitable topic. Grass, when did I become so sentimental? " Ye Bufan patted his head and said helplessly.

Soon, the car drove into a large factory, but now the factory no longer produces, but is used to stack materials. These materials are safe goods certified by the International Red Cross, and the price is relatively low.

Andref doesn't have to deal with the unloading. After the car goes in, he takes ye Bufan to the tavern to relieve the hard work all the way.

There are few pubs here. Only those who are not afraid of death dare to open them, because they don't know when a bomb will be thrown in and they don't know what's going on.

"Here comes the guest, everyone get up and do something!" Seeing a group of people coming in, the sleepy landlady cheered up and called out.

There are three men in the tavern. They are still young girls who look like adults. They look a little like the landlady. It is estimated that they are either her daughters or relatives.

But also, what can we do here at this time? Besides our relatives, who dares to risk their lives?

There are many girls in the East and the west, but ye Bufan, a girl from the Middle East, is less. Now I feel a little strange when I see these three girls. I can't help looking at them more.

"Playboy, you're sick!" A pain came from his waist, and Zhang Weiwei's voice came from his ear.

"Wife, I just looked at it casually. Don't you have to be so sensitive? Besides, how can I see them like this? " Ye Bufan said helplessly, this woman is so jealous.

"Hum, I'm not right. I didn't turn my eyes just now. How dare I quibble?" Zhang Weiwei said angrily.

"Absolutely not. It's just a casual look, pure curiosity." Ye Bufan explained.

"Hum!" In public, Zhang Weiwei does not dare to be too obvious, otherwise it will make ye Bufan lose face. This is the most unwise way.

A woman can be jealous, coquettish, and noisy, but she must not let her man lose face in front of outsiders, otherwise she will not be a qualified wife.

A group of 20 or 30 people sit down, which basically accounts for half of the hall. The area of this tavern is small, and the hall can only accommodate seven or eight tables.

"Guest, what would you like to eat?" The proprietress's eyes were good. She immediately saw who was the master. She went to ye Bufan's table, poured the tea and asked with a smile.

"Roast four whole sheep, put enough material!" Andref said softly.

As soon as the landlady's face changed slightly, she immediately said, "four are enough, if not enough, a little more?"

"Enough, just enough." Andref said.

"Boss, please follow me!" The landlady looked at the outside quietly. Seeing that no one was paying attention, she whispered.

"All right, brother. Let's go with the landlady." Andref said with a smile on his face.

I wipe, so here is the trading place! Ye Bufan understood, no wonder andref came here to drink, there is a reason!

"All right!" He stood up and motioned Zhang Weiwei to follow.

Three people followed the proprietress and went inside. The tavern didn't look big from the outside, but it had another insight. Under the guidance of the landlady, the three turned into a room and were surprised to find that it was just a passage. After the landlady pressed a start, a lift appeared in front of her.

"Let's all go in!" The landlady said with a smile.

The elevator started very fast, and it was only a short time. Ye Bufan felt that it had dropped at least 20 meters before it stopped.

When the door opened, ye Bufan's eyes lit up. Although the basement was not as good-looking as what he had made, it was huge. The big room in front of him was so big that it could hold four or five hundred people.

"Come on, our boss is in there." The landlady smiles and leads the three into a room.

"Oh, Andrea, what a rare guest!" The middle-aged man inside stood up abruptly, looked at andref with a smile on his face, and laughed.

"Muhammad, we haven't seen each other for more than a year. I miss you so much!" Andref also laughed and went over to give each other a big hug.

The two soon separated. Muhammad looked at andref with his eyes shining as if he saw a treasure and said, "I don't know what good things you will bring me this time."

"Ha ha, you can think of, I have; You can't think of it. I have it, too! " Andref laughed.

"No, can you bring those things in?" Said Muhammad in disbelief.

"Hey, hey, this time you will definitely be an eye opener!" Andref said triumphantly.

"Where are the things?" Asked Muhammad, agitated.

"I can't show you anything, but there are pictures. You can have a look first!" Andref said cunningly.

"OK, I knew you wouldn't be so easy to deal with, ha ha!" Muhammad laughs.

"No, you did get this thing in?" Muhammad pointed to the missile and said in shock.

"Of course!" Andref nodded triumphantly“ You can start with this, right? As you know, we have experienced great difficulties along the way, so the price will be relatively higher. " Andref said with a sly smile.

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