During the war, it was really easy to find a place to live. Hotels that usually do business are now mostly empty houses, and even the house price has dropped a lot.

Ye Bufan directly asked for the presidential suite. The price here is one third cheaper than that in the United States, and the facilities are not bad. It's a super enjoyment!

The first thing to enter the room, of course, is to take a bath. After running all the way, I don't know how many times my clothes have been wet. My whole body is dirty. For Zhang Weiwei, who loves to clean, I can't stand it.

"Wife, let's take a mandarin duck bath, hehe!" Before she closed the door, ye Bufan went in, smiling.

"No, I don't want to wash it with you Zhang Weiwei blushed and pushed him out with his hand.

Will ye Bufan go out? Of course, it was impossible. He closed the door with a smile. No matter how coquettish she was, he took off her clothes.

"Villain, you bully people!" Zhang Weiwei pouted and said.

"No, I want to rub your back. Think about it. How dirty it is on the way. If you wash it yourself, you may not be able to clean it. My husband is kind-hearted, but you don't know good people. Alas, it's really hard to do good people! " Ye Bufan sighed deliberately.

"You bastard, don't you think I know what you want to do? I can tell you that you can't mess around later, or you won't think of such a good thing next time! " Zhang Weiwei said angrily, but she also knew that if she said this, she didn't say it. If this bad husband doesn't mess around, it's estimated that the sky has changed.

"All right, I promise it won't happen." Ye Bufan's evil smile is that no one will believe him, and Zhang Weiwei, who knows his roots and the bottom, will not.

But she also has no way, can only scatter for a while Jiao, let him, anyway, this is not the first time.

"Wife, I found a problem. How can your skin not be tanned! You see, I'm just a few days old, just like a black charcoal head, but you are still so delicate. It's really enviable! " Ye Bufan gently stroked her back and said with a smile.

"Of course, I'm a natural beauty. I can't get any sun black. You're a rough person like you. Hee hee, I'll have a look. It's really like a black charcoal head!" Zhang weijiao laughed.

"Wife, of course I'm a roughneck. You see, this size is absolutely worthy of your title of roughneck!" Ye Bufan turned around and let her proud object show in front of her.

"Color embryo, it's true that three sentences do not leave the line!" Zhang Weiwei's face was so bashful that he closed his eyes and did not dare to look at him.

"Who let you a girl's family all day long thick and thin ah, will lead to misunderstanding!" Ye Bufan's evil smile way, pasted her gently.

"Don't mess around, Seko!" Zhang Weiwei was shocked all over the body and cried softly.

"I'm not messing around, I just want to help you rub your back!" Ye Bufan started to rub her back with an evil smile, but his move was just like that. Zhang Weiwei was panting and blushing.

"Bad guy, you don't have to rub it!" Zhang Weiwei knows that if it goes on like this, he will not be able to control it. At that time, the promise not to give him without his mother's information will be invalid.

"How can I do this? I never give up halfway. I have to be a good person to do it to the end. So I won't stop doing it like this." Ye Bufan ignored her words and continued to move, because this kind of action gave him incomparable pleasure. Although it was not the real work, it could also bring a kind of alternative comfort.

"Bad husband, you are a pure villain who knows how to bully others!" Zhang Weiwei called in a flattering voice. She finally aroused his interest. Her little hand slid down gently and grasped a giant.

"Men are not bad, women do not love! This is the eternal truth, so husband, if I'm not a little bad, how can I get your love? " Ye Bufan said with a bad smile.

"I don't love bad men Zhang Weiwei said, but his hands moved, which made ye Bufan's eyes close.

"Wife, your skills are getting higher and higher. It's really worth my training." After a while, ye Bufan opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Weiwei with a blush on his face.

"Bad guys, don't make fun of people!" Zhang Weiwei is more shy, but his actions don't stop, and his mouth also sends out bursts of Jiaoyin, because at this time, ye Bufan's hands also move to her towering holy land, and constantly knead, which makes her feel helpless.

"Wife, let's wash in the bathtub!" At the moment when she was confused, ye Bufan let go and said with a bad smile.

Zhang Weiwei breathed in a hurry. The pleasure she had just brought to her mind was very discontented that he stopped. But how could she say that?

So, she just took the more and more disobedient thing and said in a slight anger: "bad man, let you make fun of me, I will break it!"

"It can't be broken. You won't have a chance to enjoy it later." Ye Bufan naturally knew that she was joking and said without caring.

"I'm not afraid. Anyway, you have a clever mouth! If you can't, aren't there hands and other things to replace it? " Zhang Weiwei said with a red face.

"Well, that's different. The effect is much worse! Wife, if you haven't enjoyed the taste, you can never imagine the benefits. " Ye Bufan's evil smile.

"I don't want to. You'd better find your sister Jessica, sister yuehuilin and sister Alice!" Zhang Weiwei said, twisting his body.

"Are you jealous? Wife, if we go back this time, we'll go back and have a look. Maybe we can find some news. " Ye Bufan suggested.

"No, you can't be put in danger for my sake. Your enemies are too strong. If they find you, we'll both have to finish, let alone save mom." Zhang Weiwei was surprised and said quickly.

"But I don't know how long it will take until we can practice our magic skills? If mom had an accident, I would feel guilty all my life. " Ye Bufan sighed.

"There's no way. Although I want to go back immediately in my heart, I know better that impulse will not bring good results. We can only go back when we are sure, so that we can really save mom. If mother's life is so bitter, I won't blame you, because that's her life! " Zhang Weiwei said with a look of pain on his face.

"After going back this time, I decided to shut up until I reached the xuanjie level and come out again!" Ye Bufan in the heart a ruthless, say.

"I'm the same. I must work hard to succeed this year." Zhang Weiwei said softly.

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