Jack was a little surprised by Zhang Weiwei's invitation and was slightly stunned.

"Well, well, it's a great honor for us to have dinner with two beautiful women. However, let's invite this meal. As a host, if we want to invite guests, especially such beautiful guests, we will make people laugh. " Lawrence, still a little anxious, said.

"Well... We have company, isn't it?" Zhang Weiwei looked at ye Bufan beside him and said.

"It's OK. Let's go together! We know a good place where the food is delicious Jack said with a smile.

"Well, we're the least resistant to food." Zhang Weiwei showed a greedy look and said.

Jack and his wife walk in front of each other, with a look of satisfaction on their faces. Unexpectedly, they are cheated so easily. It seems that tonight's dinner will not fail.

"Extraordinary, aren't you afraid they are bad people?" Zeng Chunni said a little worried.

"If they are really bad people, will you be afraid?" Ye Bufan whispered.

"Not afraid, because of you!" Zeng Chunni hesitated and said.

"How do you know I can protect you?" Ye Bufan said strangely.

"Intuition! Don't you know that women's intuition is very powerful, hee hee Zeng Chunni said with a smile.

"..." ye Bufan is speechless, this is OK!

Of course, he can't tell her that these two people are not real people, but vampires! In that case, I don't know whether she will believe it or not. If she really believes it, the consequences will be even more serious. She will definitely shout and destroy her plan.

So, instead of telling them directly, he used facts to let them know that there are many creatures in the world, many of which they think are impossible.

Originally, he didn't want them to get involved in this, but Jack invited them, and he couldn't keep them from following. So, it depends on the situation.

Maybe, it's not a bad thing for them to have a look. After all, they have been walking in Europe for many years. It's hard to say when they will meet them. It's also good to have a psychological preparation.

Jack's place is not far away. It's in a small castle on the banks of the Thames River. When they come to the castle gate and look at the building with European characteristics, ye Bufan has a bad sign in his heart. There won't be a lot of vampires in it, right?

If it's just these two, he's not afraid. No matter how many, but what if it's a dozen or even dozens?

If so, ye Bufan estimates that he can only run away. He is not a fool, not to mention an impulsive person. He will not do anything wise if he has no reason to do it.

Of course, he is absolutely sure to take everyone away, otherwise, how could he risk following?

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is our destination tonight, the famous food castle in London - cardinburg. It has the most famous food in London and attracts thousands of visitors every day." Jack is very happy to introduce.

"It's just that this evening is a little special. Just on the way here, I told my friends that I would treat you specially. In order to create a romantic atmosphere, the other guests left first, and there are less than two tables left." Lawrence went on to say that his eyes had begun to show a look of impatience. Of course, it was not known whether he could not wait to show himself in front of beautiful women or to suck blood.

Thank you for your hospitality Zhang Weiwei nestles up to ye Bufan and says in a delicate voice, like a girl who doesn't understand the world.

"Hospitality is our best quality, please don't mention it, please come in!" Jack's eyes flashed with a twinkle, and he reached out to lead.

They walked in behind him. The light was ok, but it still gave people a kind of gloomy feeling. Even though all the women were brave, they still had a kind of sensational feeling.

"Look, there's food street ahead. Let's go there!" Jack said, pointing to the front.

When people looked at it, it was true that there were bright lights, and there were also bursts of voices, which also relaxed the nerves of the women. After all, the presence of voices meant safety.

Soon, everyone came to the food street that Jack said. There are many restaurants here, but only one is open. From the outside, there is a table of people eating inside.

"Go in, my most distinguished guest!" Jack said with a smile. It's so elegant.

"Yingying, how do I feel strange? This is not a Ghost Castle, is it?" Li Yifei is a little afraid to approach Chen Yingying. At this time, Chen Yingying, who has martial arts skills, gives her a sense of security.

"Feifei, do you think too much? There are no ghosts in this world. They are all deceiving things. Don't be afraid Chen Yingying jokingly said that she is a master of Arts, bold and not afraid of any danger here.

"No, I also feel it's very gloomy here. It's just like playing games in haunted houses before. It's a little scary!" Zeng Chunni was also afraid.

"It's all right, I'll take care of everything!" Ye Bufan heard their words and knew that they had to be reassured at this time, so he comforted them.

"That is, we all have martial arts. What are we afraid of?" Zhang Weiwei was a little nervous, but she was relieved to hear ye Bufan say that she was not afraid.

"Kung Fu is nothing. If people use guns, they can't use any Kung Fu!" Li Yifei whispered.

"No matter how big the fist is, it's no bigger than a cannon; No matter how fast you are, you can't get a bullet! If people use guns, we have to obey them Zeng Chunni also said.

"Guns are not so terrible sometimes! Point, I'll take care of everything Ye Bufan said as usual.

Maybe his calmness gave people confidence. After they went in, the women's looks became more comfortable. Under the warm greetings of Jack and Lawrence, they took their seats one after another.

"Hi, Jack, where did you get so much food?" All the people sat down, and a man dressed a little enchanting came out from inside. Looking at the beautiful men and women at the table, he said in a strange way.

"Dear count Anderson, we are honored to help you find so many fresh and delicious food. Please enjoy it!" Jack said respectfully, but he was very upset. He thought he could have a big meal, but he didn't expect count Anderson, who was famous for his greed, to come too. It seems that he can only share a little at most.

In his plan, ye Bufan and his party were lured here, and with the help of his own large number of people, they could basically be captured successfully, and then they could be transformed into their own descendants and had a good meal by the way.

But count Anderson's appearance completely upset his plan.

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