Faced with Harry as a rogue, sendale turned blue and trembled. She was angry and afraid that ye Bufan might misunderstand her.

Ye Bufan sighed, hugged her tightly and said, "baby, let me deal with it!"

"Husband, you must believe me, I have nothing to do with him for a long time!" Said sendale, a little nervous.

"I never doubted you!" Ye Bufan's words were not many, but they were very powerful, which made xiandaier feel relieved and smile again.

Trust is the key to get along with each other. If you don't trust each other, it's meaningless to get along with each other.

"Don't perform here. You want to disgust me, don't you?" Harry gave a grotesque cry.

"No matter who you are, no matter what your identity is, now I just want to say, get out of the way now! We have a saying in China that a good dog is not in the way Ye Bufan said coldly that he was not polite to the person who dared to insult his own woman.

"What, dare you scold me?" Harry looked at ye Bufan with astonishment. He was a noble. No one dared to scold him so openly!

"What's the matter with you? If you don't know your face again, it's possible to beat you! " Ye Bufan said with disdain that in such a place, I don't care who you are!

"How dare you hit me? Ha ha ha ha. Did you hear that? The monkey from the East hit me Harry seems to have heard some excellent joke, pointing to ye Bufan and laughing wildly.

"Bang!" Before his laughter, he felt a fist appear in front of his eyes, and then a burst of Venus, and then fell to the ground.

Ye Bufan blew his fist and said with disdain, "as I said, a good dog is not in the way! I don't mind giving you a lesson if you like to be a dog so much! "

"You son of a bitch, you dare to beat our Viscount Harry. It's killing you!" Several people who came with Harry woke up from the shock and pointed at ye Bufan angrily.

"Oh, I didn't expect that he was still a viscount. What a faux pas! But don't you think he's disgraceful to your royal family? " Ye Bufan said with indifference.

What about the royal family? It's a big deal. If my young master doesn't come to England in the future, will he go to the United States or China to catch me?

"Who are you and who are you to comment on our royal family? Come on, brothers, take this maniac down for me Harry's head bodyguard's chest is about to explode. Under his protection, viscount Harry has been injured. If he is investigated, he will be held responsible.

The chief culprit, of course, is this bastard from the East.

"I like fighting best!" Ye Bufan smiles a long time, not retreating but advancing. He is very excited and takes the initiative to meet him. He is fighting with those bodyguards.

Fighting in the bar is not a great thing. It's small to fight once every three days. Sometimes it's common to fight several times a day. So when they fight here, not only they don't cause confusion, but also the guests whistle to cheer for both sides. The scene is very noisy.

Harry had already let his men help him up from the ground. He looked at ye Bufan fiercely and cried out: "beat me hard. I'll be responsible for killing you!"

Then he turned his eyes to sendale, and saw that she was not nervous. He was a little surprised. Was she so confident in this bastard?

"Sendale, you holy woman with a silver heart, what else can you say when I catch him? At that time, I will humiliate you and ask you to beg me! " He thought to himself, and at the same time imagined that sendale would take off her clothes and beg for herself, with a silver look on her face.

But xiandaier didn't look at him. Her eyes never left ye Bufan. It was very easy to see him deal with the bodyguards easily.

Although Harry is a member of the royal family, he is not a direct member of his family. He is just a little "imperial" in quantity. He usually swindles around by this point. People who don't know him really take him seriously, but sendale, who knows him well, doesn't care about him at all, let alone be afraid of him.

They did have an engagement before, but it was when they were young. At that time, the Harry family didn't know that they had a relationship with the royal family, but when they got involved with the royal family, they immediately cancelled the engagement, because a noble daughter fell in love with Harry.

And sendale is also very happy to cancel the marriage. In fact, even if the other party does not mention it, she will take the initiative to ask the family to do it, because Harry is not a human being. Secretly, she does not know how many hurtful things he has done. How can such a person be a good man and a good husband?

After the cancellation of her marriage, she was soon chosen as a saint, and her status was greatly improved. She didn't care much for Harry, and she didn't have to be afraid of him any more.

Therefore, she will not be afraid of today's event. Even if ye Bufan beat Harry, she will have a way to make it disappear in the end.

Ye Bufan looked at several bodyguards with disdain. Their skills were so ordinary that he didn't want to fight. So after a few moves, he was impatient and quickly fought back.

"There's no fighting power at all. It's boring!" He clapped his hands and looked at the wailing bodyguards lying on the ground.

"If you want to hit people, you have to see if you have the ability to hit people. Otherwise, the end will be the same as you are now!" He put his arms around sendale's waist and left with admiration in the eyes of the guests.

"Handsome In a cheering sound, a little girl sitting in the corner clenched her fist excitedly, her eyes moving with ye Bufan's back.

"This boy is so handsome, I must catch him up!" She got up from her seat and slipped away quietly while the bodyguards with her daughter-in-law didn't pay attention.

But I don't know that the consequence of her slip away was very serious. Then the whole London was almost overturned. The direct reason was because of this little girl.

Harry, on the other hand, stood there in a daze, ignoring the jeers around him. He never thought that he wanted to humiliate sendale, but in the end he was humiliated!

Oh, my God, I'm losing face in the Pacific! Harry's face was bitter.

"Do you want revenge?" Just then, a voice rang out in his ear.

"Yes He didn't want to, blurted out, and then remembered that the voice was not familiar at all.

"If you want to get revenge, just listen to me. I promise you can do it!" There seemed to be magic in that voice. Harry didn't want to resist at all. He followed him step by step.

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