The headquarters of the dark Council is a bit beyond ye Bufan's expectation. In his mind, since it is dark, it must be an invisible organization, and the headquarters will be as secret as underground organizations.

But when he saw the car driving into a manor, it was a great accident. Although the manor was not very conspicuous, it had nothing to do with mystery.

It seems that there is some truth in this saying.

Seeing ye Bufan's expression, xiandaierjiao laughed: "husband, do you feel very surprised? I tell you, the people who come to us for the first time almost have the same expression as you. No one can imagine that the dark parliament headquarters is in such a place. "

"It's true that if you change your mind, you'll think of that kind of gloomy palace, which can't be connected with the beautiful scenery in front of you!" Ye Bufan from the car down, looking at this vibrant manor, can't believe to say.

This is a typical European manor, in which there are all kinds of crops and a large number of workers, which is no different from those ordinary manors.

"It's beautiful!" Zhang Weiwei is also fascinated by the scenery. She is used to the prosperity of the big city. For it is a bit like a country manor, she finds that she likes this place a little.

"If you like it here, you can come here often in the future! Of course, if you want to stay here, I can give it to you! " A bright voice rang out.

When they turned their heads, they saw an old man, who was very tall but very thin, turning out from inside and looking at them with a smile on his face.

"Speaker!" Sendale was stunned. She obviously didn't expect that the speaker would come out to meet her.

"Hehe, as the host, if I don't come out to welcome you, it's not very impolite." The speaker walked down the steps with a smile.

"This must be Mr. Ye? As for Mr. Ye's name, in your Chinese words, I've heard so much about him. It's like a thunderbolt! Ha ha ha... "The speaker took ye Bufan's hand and said with a smile.

"Your Excellency, you really flatter me!" Ye Bufan is also full of laughter, as if to see many years of old friends in general, "said, I am just a small shrimp, small to no small kind, but let the speaker you say so, I immediately feel his image tall, ha ha ha ha!"

"But to tell you the truth, I've heard a lot about you, the speaker. Sendale told me your brilliant story. I wish I could come to see you earlier... Er, appreciate your divine light! I'm so excited to finally meet you today Ye Bufan was so quick that he almost said the wrong thing. Fortunately, Zhang Weiwei pinched him in time, so he changed his words tactfully.

"Speaker, it seems that this place is outside. You don't want to entertain our guests here, do you?" She whispered with a smile.

"Er... You see, as soon as he gets old, he will be a little complacent. I'm sorry. I'm so happy! Come on, inside, please The speaker was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Ha ha, the speaker is not old at all. He looks just like my uncle. He is in his prime." Ye Bufan flattered a little.

"Ha ha, Mr. Ye, you really know how to talk. It seems that I am dozens of years younger. Ha ha!" Yi said with a smile and led them in.

What a luxury place! After ye Bufan went in, he found that the appearance here was very ordinary, but inside it was completely different. Whether it was decoration or decoration, it was extremely luxurious, even luxurious!

Not to mention those ancient paintings on the wall, with Ye's extraordinary vision, this is absolutely authentic, any one is worth tens of millions of genuine! Even the carpet on the ground, ye Bufan, would bet that it was made of precious animal fur!

It's really a rich organization! Ye Bufan sighs in his heart that although the dark parliament is not well received by the world, it has existed for thousands of years without destruction, which shows the necessity of its existence.

Existence is rationality, which is reflected in them.

The wealth accumulated by the dark Council, which can exist for thousands of years without being destroyed, is simply enviable. I don't know whether the light church has been targeting them, or whether it wants to take their wealth as its own. It's estimated that there are both!

"Mr. Ye, coffee or tea?" When the people sat down, the speaker asked with a smile.

"Tea bar. I'm not used to coffee all the time. I still think the tea in my hometown is good." Ye Bufan did not show any affectation either, and said his thoughts directly.

"Ha ha, I also have some research on tea. As you know, the longer this person lives, the more interested he is in some new things. I've lived too long, so I always want to touch something I haven't touched before. Tea is one of them. " The speaker said with a smile.

"I'd like to say that tea is a good habit. It's much healthier than coffee." Ye Bufan said.

"In China, drinking tea is a kind of health preservation. Compared with those who don't or can't drink tea, those who can drink tea will live a long and healthy life."

"Well, is there any difference between not drinking tea and not drinking tea?" Asked the speaker, interested.

"It's very simple. People who don't drink tea are people who don't drink tea at all; Not that he doesn't drink tea, but that he doesn't know how to drink tea is right. " Ye Bufan explained.

"I'd like to hear about it!" The speaker suddenly put on a line of Chinese.

"Well, the speaker is so versatile that even we can speak Chinese." Ye Bufan exclaimed“ Drinking tea is not just a way to drink tea. Although it can't be said that it can't, at best it can only quench thirst, which is far different from health preservation. There are a lot of things to pay attention to when drinking tea, such as the selection of tea, the tools for drinking tea, how to make tea, how much to make tea, how many courses of water to make tea, etc... "

Many people, including the speaker, were stunned to hear ye Bufan's words. Just as he said, he only began to study the tea art of China in recent years, but the level is just like ye Bufan said, just to quench his thirst!

"Tea art, tea art, is an art in itself. It can cultivate one's character and cultivate one's sentiment. This is the highest level of tea." Ye Bufan said a lot about tea, which made him a little thirsty. He took the cup and poured it.

"You see, I'm just quenching my thirst, which has nothing to do with the tea art I just mentioned. Ha ha..." after drinking, ye Bufan put down the cup and laughed.

"Chinese culture is really broad and profound!" The speaker applauded.

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