Two months later.

Night, New York.

A man in black was running unsteadily. From his movements and the blood drops on the ground, he was obviously injured.

"Damn it, when did these American guys become so powerful that they hurt me too!" The man in black issued a low curse. It sounded very clear and was a woman.

Li Qingying is a member of the Chinese dragon group. This time, she and her five companions came to the United States to assassinate a corrupt official who stole state secrets and get them back.

But what I didn't expect was that the U.S. side was very well prepared. After several contacts, the two sides finally had a fierce battle just now. As a result, when they saw that their own side was about to win, several big men suddenly appeared on the other side. They were not afraid of pain at all. Their combat effectiveness was amazing and they could not fight to death!

In this case, Li Qingying one side of the retreat, finally in order to cover her escape, five people desperately entangle each other, trying to urge her to escape back, the situation here will be reported to the higher authorities.

At the beginning, Li Qingying was very reluctant. She said that she would live together and die together. However, Captain Wang, the leader of the team, sternly reprimanded her so that she could take care of the overall situation and escape one by one, so that she could let the top know the situation.

Li Qingying helpless, can only break through with tears, to five companions under the cover of death, finally successfully escaped the battlefield.

However, after she escaped for some time, she found that someone was coming after her. She knew that the other party must have got rid of the captain. That is to say, it is very likely that her captain and his party have already died!

Her heart is very sad, but also dare not go back to revenge, the captain said, only report the situation to the higher level, this is the most important task. So, she tried her best to escape, hoping to get rid of these damned Americans.

However, things backfired, the other side more and more close, and Li Qingying due to the injury is not light, gradually unable to run. In her heart, she was so sad that she didn't report the situation to her superior because of her small sacrifice. That's a big thing!

At the same time, she also felt very sad in her heart. Huaxia dragon group has enjoyed a long-standing reputation in the world. In terms of combat effectiveness, no country can fight against the enemy, and it has the reputation of being the first organization in the world.

But this time, the most effective captain Wang was unable to fight against the enemy. What does that mean? It shows that the American once again leads the world in this field, and the Huaxia dragon group is also under pressure.

Huaxia and the United States have always been competitors, no matter what field they are in, but they don't agree with each other. In recent world competitions, Huaxia dragon team has won the championship, while the United States is the runner up.

But now, Li Qingying's mind is very clear. She knows that the Americans must have hidden something and didn't send their strongest strength to participate in the competition, which makes Huaxia win.

If they had sent these people earlier, how could the Chinese team have won the championship?

The sound of catching up is getting closer and closer. Li Qingying sadly finds that she is afraid that she will fail to live up to the wishes of the team leader.

After a while, several people dressed like soldiers in science fiction films fell around her and looked at her coldly.

finished! Li Qingying looked at each other in despair, which aroused people's attention. It was the enemies who were entangled by the captain just now. In other words, the captain was more or less dangerous!

Thinking of this, she was furious. Although she knew that she couldn't defeat her opponent, she still did it!

"Go to hell, you inhuman American She let out a cry of sorrow and made a full attack.

There is no suspense. Her attack has no effect at all. Her opponent in a palm attack does not snort at all. But she is so painful that she almost cries. Is this still human? Is it such a good fight?

"Do you want to fight to the end?" A mechanical sound came out of each other's mouth.

"Die Li Qingying angry hand, even if dead, she also want to die with dignity.

However, no matter how she hit, those people seemed to have no pain in general, no change, one by one face strange color, mercilessly looking at her hands.

Li Qingying finally despair, she knows that they continue to fight is also a result, a horizontal heart, rather than let catch after humiliation, it is better to end their lives!

A shining dagger appeared in her hand. As soon as she lifted it, she waved it to her neck!

"Suicide is a kind of cowardly behavior. As our Chinese children, how can we end our lives in this way?" Just as the dagger was about to cross her neck, a sigh sounded in her ear, and then she felt a light body!

When she opened her eyes, she found that she had broken away from each other's encirclement, and beside her stood a man and a woman, two young men and women who looked younger than her.

"Go away, don't leave me!" Li Qingying was about to say some thanks, but she saw the people around again. Her face suddenly changed and she said in an urgent voice.

"Believe me, it's OK!" The young man said with a smile.

"But..." Li Qingying wants to say that the other side is very powerful, even the people in her own dragon group can't resist. How can you be someone else's opponent when you are young?

"Sister, you can rest assured that they are not our rivals!" The girl took her hand and said softly.

Li Qingying still needs to be advised, but she finds that those people have formed a circle of encirclement, and it's no use knowing it. She sighs and says, "it's too late to say anything now, but I still want to say that if you have a chance to escape, the farther the better. These are not like human beings at all!"

"It's nothing. It's a piece of cake for us, isn't it The young man said with a confident smile.

With that, he said to the girl: "wife, you go first, let them see what is the real power!"

These two people are ye Bufan and Zhang Weiwei after the special training. They have nothing to do. They drive to New York to play. Unexpectedly, when they encounter this incident, as a member of China, they can't sit back and watch their compatriots get hurt.

Zhang Weiwei smiles a little. After special training in space, her ice skill has been greatly improved, and her confidence is also full of confidence.

"Well, sister, do you want to see the ice sculpture?" She mischievously asked Li Qingying.

When Li Qingying stayed, it was almost summer now. Where did the ice sculpture come from?

"Don't worry, there will be soon!" Zhang Weiwei gave a smile and raised his hand. A cold air, which was several times colder than that before menstruation, came out instantly and covered the man in front of him.

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