In fact, great light is a very profound and powerful magic, but it depends on who is casting it.

If it's a master like lilard, his power will be at least ten times greater! Even ye Bufan, it is estimated that it will be a bit troublesome to cope with.

Although Johnson is an entry-level person, he can exert his power reluctantly, but his power is not big at all. Maybe he will have some effect against ordinary xuanjie masters, but ye Bufan is now a master in the later stage of the earth level. How can he deal with this level!

"Great light!" But Johnson didn't give up and showed it again. He didn't believe it. He used this move to kill several deacons of the dark Parliament. Could he not defeat a Chinese boy?

"What a fuss Ye Bufan sneered, but he didn't deal with that group of pressure any more. He rushed to Johnson at full speed, and a huge fist aimed at his head.

"Dong!" Ye Bufan and his body resisted the pressure of the regiment, but they didn't fall to the ground as Johnson expected. They just shook a little and continued to rush forward.

"My God, is he Superman?" Johnson was stunned. He couldn't believe that someone could resist the great light with his body, so although he saw ye Bufan rushing over, he stood in the same place and didn't move.

"Stop it A big drink rang out from the side, at the same time, a very violent force also attacked, the target is ye Bufan.

"Hum!" Ye Bufan is not afraid at all. He uses his whole body Qi to carry each other's fists, but his fists keep momentum and attack Johnson.


"Ah The dull sound of bumping and screaming, ye Bufan body shake a few times, but did not fall down, just the corner of the mouth also exuded a trace of blood, he gave a wry smile, it seems that he is still a little big, the strength of the other side is not weaker than himself!

But he didn't have any regrets, because although he suffered a little injury, the result was also good, that punch directly flew Johnson out, heavily fell to five meters away!

Just the blood shower from the air, we can judge that under this blow, Johansson would not die, and would also suffer heavy damage!

And the fact is the same, as Johnson's body fell, only to see him twitch one by one, it is no longer moving, I do not know whether it is alive or dead.

"Asshole!" With a roar, an old man with long beard, red face, blue eyes and Eagle nose came down on the ground. He looked at ye Bufan angrily, then floated over to visit Johnson.

This old man is Johnson's teacher, that is, friar Wiggins. He has always had high expectations for Johnson and wanted to train him to become his successor, so he always devoted himself to teaching.

Even this time, he saw that he was eager for revenge, so he agreed to come with him. First, he wanted to see his entry, and second, he wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of Ye Bufan, because he always hated China.

But what I didn't expect was that Johnson not only failed to defeat ye Bufan, but also failed to perform the great light skill. He also suffered a serious injury. How could he not be angry?

At first glance, his heart was half cold, and Johnson's whole face was sunken. Now his handsome face was so bloody that he couldn't see his true face!

What's more terrifying is that even the breath becomes very weak. If we don't rescue in time, maybe we have to explain our life.

"Light healing!" He also regardless of whether ye Bufan will sneak attack, a cure lost out, first save Johnson's life again.

With the appearance of a white light, Johnson's breath also recovered some, although still a little weak, but at least temporarily saved his life.

"You're fine!" Wiggins turned around coldly and said to ye Bufan, who was standing still.

"You're not bad, either!" Ye Bufan's face is a little dignified. The old man's breath is very strong, which is much better than those super soldiers. Especially when he thinks that he is a member of Guangming church, and he still has those strange magic skills, he is beating a drum in his heart.

"Do you know that Johnson is my favorite descendant?" Wiggins said word by word, "but now, you hurt him like this, what's my mood?"

"Ha ha, that's funny. Do you mean that you can allow him to hurt me, otherwise I will hurt him? The competition between the two sides has been agreed that they should be responsible for any injury! Do I need to apologize for my behavior? " Ye Bufan said with disdain.

"I don't care what bullshit rules you make. All I know is that you hurt my only apprentice! So you're ready to take your life! " Wiggins said with a grimace smile that at this moment, he was not like a well-trained friar at all, but more like a madman who lost his family and became irrational.

"It doesn't matter. I don't have any hope for your character. Your apprentice or you are all traitors." Ye Bufan shrugged and said.

While he said it, he paid attention to the other side's actions. Although he said it easily, he was actually a little scrupulous about Wiggins. As you can see from the injury to himself just now, the strength of the other side was not bad.

Wiggins drew a sword from his body, which was very long and thin, different from the common western sword; The sword body turns red in the black, which shows that it has a long history, and it has experienced many battles. If you can make the sword body turn red, you may drink a lot of blood.

"It's an honor for you to die under this sword! I tell you, like you, there are so many great people who died under me. Prince Philip of the dark Council was also one of them Wiggins didn't do it immediately, he said darkly.

He was very clever. Although he didn't attack with all his strength, he also used eight successful forces, but he couldn't kill the other side. From this, we can see that ye Bufan's strength is not bad.

Therefore, he wants to psychologically disintegrate each other's fighting spirit and raise the name of Prince Philip, just to scare him and make him timid before fighting!

"Yes? I'm so scared Ye Bufan said with a sneer, how can the other party's sinister intentions frighten him! Don't say he doesn't know the strength of Prince Philip, even if he does, so what? Do you want to lose without fighting and beg for mercy from him?

"If you want to fight, it's useless for you to say so much. In today's situation, I don't think you want me to go! And I'm the same. I won't let an enemy like you go easily! " He looked at Wiggins with disdain, full of war.

This is the first time that he met a real master. Although he had no bottom in his heart, he inspired his fighting spirit to the extreme!

This war, he must not lose, because, behind there are Zhang Weiwei, there are yuehuilin, he absolutely does not allow them to be any harm!

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