"Well, well, since you don't admit it, I can't help it. However, I swear in front of you that I will send someone to arrest the extraordinary son. Anyway, he is not a member of tianxingzong now. I don't think you have any opinions? " Cloud dragon son iron blue face, say.

With that, without looking back, he ran away angrily, and Yunzi and his party also took a cold look at tianxingzong, and then ran away.

Watching the people of daodezong leave, all the people who watched the crowd gathered around them. They were all small sects who made friends with tianxingzong, and they could not stand the high position of daodezong.

"All Taoist friends, since we are all here, let's go to sit inside for a while, have tea and chat." Chuyunzi said.

"Well, anyway, I can't sleep tonight. It's better to study Taoism together." They all answered in unison.

"Chuyunzi, Daoyou, it seems that this time daodezong has really taken things seriously. I'm afraid there will be big trouble in the future." When you come in and sit down, Baiyun Zi, the leader of wuxingzong, says a little worried.

"Yes, this yunlongzi is famous for his short guard. Now that he is injured like that, I'm afraid he will never give up." Xiaoyaozi, the leader of xiaoyaozong, shakes a fan and says.

"I understand what you think, but now I'm really interested in the extraordinary. It took less than a year for a person who has abandoned his meridians to recover his strength and make great progress. His talent is absolutely not simple! " Chuyunzi said with a smile. His attitude was quite different from that of yunlongzi just now.

"That's right. My extraordinary nephew's talent is absolutely high enough. So I suggest that we send someone down the mountain to find him and let him return to the sect. We should never let the people of daodezong catch him." Chuchenzi said in a hurry.

"What's your hurry?" Chuyunzi glared at him and said“ Since he can defeat and cultivate lingzhenzi, it proves that his current achievements are not simple, and even come to our level. "

"It's impossible. He is an outside disciple. No one teaches him. How can he be self-taught?" Chuchenzi opened his mouth wide and said.

"There is no impossibility. Genius needs no explanation!" Chuyunzi said triumphantly.

"Chuyunzi, I think it's better to send someone to join the extraordinary son as soon as possible. Otherwise, if someone from daodezong really catches him, it will be irreparable at that time." Xiaoyaozi said anxiously.

"You must send someone, but you have to be careful. If daodezong finds out, there will be disputes." Chuyunzi said.

"Elder martial brother, let me go!" Chuchenzi said.

"You must not go!" Chuyunzi shakes his head and refuses. He's joking. The younger martial brother's temperament is very clear. If he's allowed to go, in case he meets with daodezong, he won't make trouble?

"Why? I've seen this boy before, and only I know him! "

Chuchenzi protested.

"I'll let the outside people look for it. You don't have to go!" Chuyunzi waved his hand and said in a firm voice.

"All right!" Chuchenzi helplessly lowered his head, but his eyes were constantly flashing, obviously did not take chuyunzi's words to heart.

After a long discussion, they all got up and left. Chuyunzi sent them out all the way. These people were his allies. They had good friends and he became their leader.

"Anyway, we will support you, Taoist brother!" Out to the door, Bai Yunzi said.

"I understand. Please come back, I won't send it, ha ha!" Chuyunzi said with a smile.

"Well, let me know if there's anything, we'll all work together!" Xiaoyaozi said, shaking his fan.

"Yes." Chuyunzi nodded.

Seeing the Taoist friends running away, he went out of the cloud for a while and then slowly turned in. However, instead of going to sleep, he came to a main hall, opened a secret door and went in.

Inside was a bigger hall with bright lights. Chuyunzi went straight to a God's case, knelt down and prayed in a low voice: "the patriarch is here, and we tianxingzong finally hope for a genius, which proves that your prophecy was right! Although this disciple has been expelled from the school for some reason, I believe he will return to the school and boost the reputation of tianxingzong! Tomorrow, I'll go and find him myself. "

"Chuyunzi, you did a good job!" At this time, a sudden voice sounded, but chuyunzi didn't seem surprised at all, as if he had known it would be like this for a long time.

"Five hundred years, five hundred years in full, the person I was looking forward to finally appeared! Chuyunzi, you must protect him, or you will be a sinner! " The voice continued.

"Don't worry, chuyunzi will do it!" Chuyunzi said immediately.

"In fact, he doesn't need your protection. Although he will encounter some setbacks in the process of growing up, he is not in danger of life, which can be regarded as a kind of training for him! " Said the voice.

"Grandmaster, daodezong is now pursuing the extraordinary. Will this cause any serious consequences?" Chuyunzi said.

"No big trouble, no small trouble! However, he can handle it himself, and you don't have to worry too much. When he comes back, bring him here. I have something to tell him The voice said slowly.

"I see. I think I know how to do it." Chuyunzi put down his heart and said.

"If you understand, go down. I can't talk to you for long, so that those people won't find out and gossip." With that voice, there was no more sound.

Chuyunzi saluted respectfully and slowly retreated, but his heart was full of excitement.

Tianxingzong is finally rising!

At this time, in daodezong, also in a hall, yunlongzi did the same thing with chuyunzi.

"Grandmaster, daodezong is in trouble now! Tianxingzong had a genius. He defeated our inner disciple as an outer disciple. Please tell us what to do. "

"Yunlongzi, this matter has long been expected by me. Tianxingzong is also very strong and very popular. Therefore, you must fight them hard and never let them develop smoothly. Otherwise, our situation will be very bad in the future." A gloomy voice came.

"That person should be the key person of tianxingzong. If you can kill him quietly, you can hurt their morale and their arrogance. Remember, it can't be too obvious, or it will cause public indignation. "

"Well, I see!" Yunlongzi said respectfully.

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