After quarreling with the two old men for a while, ye Bufan left longzu and came to Beijing for the first time. He also wanted to visit the ancient city and enjoy the customs of the city.

When you come to the capital, the Great Wall is a must. You can't say that the Great Wall is not a hero. Ye Bufan thinks he is also a hero, so he has to go to the Great Wall.

Driving his new Land Rover, ye Bufan excitedly goes to Badaling. The world is good. Although he doesn't know the way and has never been there, there is a good thing called navigation, so he doesn't need to ask for directions at all.

It took him about half an hour to drive to the foot of baling. After parking, he went up on foot.

Although this season is not the peak season for tourism, there are also many people from all over the world. Of course, most of them are Chinese.

Ye Bufan mixed in the crowd, listening to everyone talking excitedly about all kinds of great wall, his pride is stronger, this is his motherland, a great and long history of ancient civilization!

His foot strength was very strong. He soon surpassed the same group of people, and gradually surpassed another group of people. It didn't take him long to reach the Great Wall.

People who have never been to the great wall can't really understand the greatness of the Great Wall, even if they have heard it said thousands of times. They can't have that kind of shocking feeling. Ye Bufan is the same.

He looked at the broad Great Wall, and the end of the winding to do not know where, the shock in his heart is almost indescribable, these are the miracles created by the ancient Chinese!

He has never been to Egypt. He does not know who is more shocking than the Great Wall. However, it is undeniable that no matter how great the pyramid is, it is far from giving him more shock.

Because, no matter how great, the pyramids belong to other countries, and the great wall belongs to Chinese people!

"Huaxia, I love you! Motherland, I love you! The Great Wall, my pride He couldn't help looking up to the sky and roaring. His voice was deep and long, but it didn't hurt people.

The people next to him didn't know the secret at all. They just felt that he was showing his true feelings. Many people showed a knowing smile, especially those who didn't come here for the first time. At the beginning, they were very excited with ye Bufan's general attitude!

After ye Bufan vented a burst of inner excitement, he ignored the feelings of the people around him and walked forward with an excited mood. I don't know how many great people have passed here, and how much blood and sweat of the ancestors have been used to build this land. Here, I don't know how many times we have blocked the invasion of foreign enemies!

Both inside and outside the Great Wall, those foreign enemies want to pass through the Great Wall, the difficulty is no doubt in the sky, which witnessed the great and wise decision of the Chinese ancestors, especially the Qin Shihuang who stood on the Great Wall, if he had not ordered the construction of the Great Wall, perhaps China would have fallen into the hands of foreign enemies.

There is no trace of blood on the Great Wall. That's because it is trampled by countless people every day, but these can not obliterate the achievements of those warriors. These also inspire countless generations of Chinese people to sacrifice their lives and guard this great land.

Ye Bufan didn't walk fast. He seemed to hear the ancestors who were buried here telling their glorious deeds. In the telling, there was no sadness, only pride!

Gradually, he really seemed to see the faces of those warriors, which were determined and brave. Although they were covered with blood, they were fearless and indomitable!

"I swear, I will do my best to protect Huaxia well before I leave the earth and not let foreign enemies invade!" He seemed to be talking to himself and swearing to these martyrs.

"Boom!" Just as he vowed to fall, a huge force poured down from the sky and poured into his body. Ye Bufan was shocked. He didn't have time to resist, so he let the force control himself and couldn't move!

God, what is this power? It's so huge, so overbearing!

Ye Bufan only felt that his whole body's flesh and bones would be torn by this force. The pain made him feel like he was dying in an instant.

He wanted to resist, but he could not resist at all; Want to call, but even half a silk of strength also can't make out; Want to die, but even the freedom of death are deprived!

He only has to accept the fate, but, he even fainted, that force let him pain to death, but when he want to faint, let him wake up!

Life is not like death, I'm afraid that's how he feels now!

Do not know how long, he finally passed out of happiness, and in the faint of the moment, he seemed to hear bursts of cheers.

I don't know how long it took, ye Bufan wakes up, and his brain slowly wakes up. Thinking of the strange event just now, he is surprised and sits up from the ground.

Eh, I actually entered the space? He clearly remembers that he was standing by the wall of the Great Wall, suffering from the boundless pain, and then fainted.

"Master, you wake up at last. You really scared me to death!" Shuanger's voice came.

"Shuanger, what's the matter with me?" Ye Bufan said blankly.

"Just now, your whole body suddenly bled and was in great pain. I wanted to pull you in, but there was a force that made me unable to pull your body at all. It was only when you fainted that I was able to pull you in successfully. Master, what happened to you? " Shuang'er patted her heart with a look of fear.

Ye Bufan was stunned. He thought he had just had a dream, but according to Shuanger, it was not a dream, but a real existence!

So what happened? I was just lamenting the greatness of my ancestors, and then vowed to defend China, and then that happened. Can we say that it was my oath that moved the martyrs, and then they passed on their merits collectively?

Yes, pass on the merit!

Ye Bufan suddenly jumps up, then sits down again, silently transports Xuangong, and then

Oh, my God, I have entered the heaven stage!

Ye Bufan was stunned at first, and then ecstatic, which is really a great good thing. Unconsciously, he entered the ranks of heaven!

You know, the pursuit of a warrior's life is nothing more than to enter the heaven stage and have a longer life. However, when he is in his early twenties, he rushes into the heaven stage, which may be regarded as a miracle in the outside world!

And all this, thanks to those martyrs, if not for their help, in any case, I would not have reached this dream state so soon.

Feeling the constant flow of Qi, ye Bufan knows that with his current ability, he will not be so embarrassed even against the cloud neutron. Although he is still unable to resist, he will not be able to stop a move.

He is confident that he can block the opponent's ten moves, and many variables may appear in these ten moves. For example, with his own five element skill, he can hurt the opponent by surprise.

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