Those who came out to see the excitement were laughing. This scene is too funny. They don't sympathize with lingxuzi. Although they all know that it must be a misunderstanding, who won't watch the excitement!

Hearing the laughter, lingxuzi felt an impulse to kill himself. He was also very angry at the guide. But now what he wanted to do most was to escape from here. Otherwise, he would not only lose face, but also lose face with daodezong.

Although he is used to running rampant in the mountains, he has never done such shameless things as rushing into the women's toilet. No matter how arrogant and shameless he is, he has no courage to do it. Now, although it is misleading, it is enough to shame him to death.

But just when he wanted to escape, Hechi's people also arrived. They didn't get the exact information and didn't find out the real identity of daodezong. Although they still had some scruples, they had to come forward for the sake of face.

When they found out that people from daodezong are eating here, they want to take this rare opportunity to humiliate them, because most of the people who come here to eat are rich people or celebrities. If they can start here, it will cause a better sensation.

Generally speaking, people like the four shaos in Beijing don't want to get into trouble. In their eyes, there's nothing they can't see except those shady activities

But trampling on people is something they all like to do. The bigger the trouble, the better. Only in this way can they show how important their status and identity are.

When they came in, they were thinking of looking for trouble in the private room, but they saw Ling Xuzi. For this number one person, they naturally got the picture long ago. When they saw it, they immediately surrounded them with a sneer.

Naturally, they also heard the comments and became more excited. There was just an excuse to beat people. Otherwise, they really didn't know what means to play openly!

"Boy, if you dare to peep at our aunt, you are just looking for a cigarette! Come on, brothers, beat up the shameless man The young man who took the lead sneered and waved to his brothers, but he was the first one.

Lingxuzi was just about to wipe his feet and walk away. Unexpectedly, Hula was surrounded by a group of people. He was waiting for an explanation, but before the words came out, he took a heavy blow on his face, which made him see stars in his eyes. For a moment, he was whirling around and didn't know what was going on.

"You... Ah..." Ling Xuzi was very angry. He roared and wanted to fight back. Unexpectedly, the other side didn't give him a chance at all. The old fists of several people waved fiercely, wave after wave, and the fists fell on him like raindrops. He didn't have a chance to speak at all, but only screamed.

"How dare you peep at women going to the toilet! You are a shameless man, a monk, and a scum Those people are playing and satirizing at the same time, which makes lingxuzi really depressed,.

He really wants to fight back, but first of all, it's a public place. If he wants to exert his Taoism, he will be severely punished. It's not worth it; Secondly, he was completely held down and it was hard to move, so he had to accept this tragic fate.

At last, the people of daodezong were shocked by the news. They thought it was someone else who was making trouble, and they didn't bother to pay attention to it at first. But when they heard the scream, they felt very familiar with it. When they found that their elder martial brother was not in it, they woke up. It turned out that the voice was from the elder martial brother!

A group of taodezong people were shocked and rushed out. As expected, they saw lingxuzi's tragedy. They were shocked and angry, and rushed over without saying a word. Longwumen people were the most active, and they also knew that it was useless for taodezong people to fight this kind of fight, so they consciously rushed ahead and fought against those people.

Not to mention, the skills of longwumen people are very good, especially in this kind of close combat. Although they all come from special forces, they are a little inferior to each other.

In the sound of fist collision, the people of longwumen didn't appear to be defeated, while those retired special forces changed their faces dramatically. They never thought that these people would be so powerful!

Although Lu Zhiyong also said that one of his opponents was very powerful, he couldn't tell how powerful he was, because he only had two bodyguards with him at that time, and his level was not very high, so he couldn't measure it.

But now they are deeply afraid. These people's skills are more than good. They should be described as terror. In their experience over the years, few people can surpass them!

Originally, their combat effectiveness was not as good as that of the other side, and now they have a sense of fear as soon as they come up. In this way, they can stand high and low.

A scream rang out. A special soldier, under the heavy attack of the disciples of Longwu sect, spewed blood from his mouth. He stepped back a few steps and hit the wall next to him. Then he fell down.

One of them was defeated, and the others were even more flustered. Facing the attack of longwumen, they were panicked and defeated again and again.

Ye Bufan watched the excitement for a long time and knew that it was time for someone to do something. He went into the room and said to the dragon group members who were drinking inside: "you two go out and deal with the outside affairs."

The people in the dragon group were surprised and asked what was the matter. They had heard the news for a long time, but it didn't interest them at all, so they didn't go out to see it. Ye Bufan laughed and said it in a low voice. Of course, he didn't say that he was the bad man. Otherwise, what was his dignity?

"Boss, I'll go!" Fang Ming volunteered.

"OK, you take a person, after going out, so... So..." ye Bufan said in his ear.

"... boss, you are so tall!" Fang Ming raised his thumb while listening.

"And before you go out, let's get rid of the wine. Don't say you don't have this ability!" Ye Bufan frankly accepted his praise and said.

"Of course, no problem. It's just a small idea!" Fang Ming said triumphantly, and then he used his internal skill, and a water line flowed down from his fingers, flowing a whole bowl!

"Master!" Ye Bufan couldn't help praising him.

"Boss, don't laugh at me, who doesn't know you are the master!" Fang Ming said with a red face.

"Hey, hey, go out when you're done!" Ye Bufan, noncommittal, waved his hand.

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