Listening to Mo Huiqin's voice, ye Bufan was stunned. She didn't expect that she was so sensitive. It's OK to listen to this voice, but it's not good to let others hear it. There will be misunderstanding.

So, he stopped, thought about it, took out several silver needles, threw them around the room, and made an array to make sure that the sound would not go out.

After all this, he held up her feet again and continued the unfinished work.

What makes him a little stunned is that Mo Huiqin's reaction is really too loud, and the voice is higher than one wave. If he hadn't made preparations in advance, it is estimated that after tomorrow, he and she will become the protagonists of other people's stories!

Mo Huiqin's heart is also very shy, but she really can't bear it. No one knows that her feet are her most sensitive points. Compared with other parts of her body, the sensitivity here is just too strong.

Therefore, when she heard that ye Bufan wanted to help her treat herself, she would suggest to come to the room, otherwise in the hall, let Xiaolian hear, she would really die of shame!

This is not over, let ye Bufan more incredible is, after a burst of high cry, he obviously smelled a smell, for in the woman pile out of him, this smell is too familiar!

She came here like this!

What a wonderful story! I just touched her feet and let her reach the peak! Wouldn't it be crazier to do something else to her?

However, he just thought that it was never his style to take advantage of others' danger, unless the other party took the initiative to throw himself in the arms.

When Mo Huiqin was shaking all over, he let go of her feet and said softly, "sister Mo, your feet are good!"

Mo Huiqin has an impulse to commit suicide in her heart. She is really too ashamed to behave so badly in front of a stranger. If the other person's character is a little bad, the consequences are really unimaginable!

"Xiaofan... I... I" she murmured.

"I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything! And don't worry, I've done something. No one can hear what just happened here! " Ye Bufan said with a smile.

"Thank you!" Mo Huiqin didn't dare to lie on the bed, because her whole trousers were wet. If she came together, she would let him see it. Even if he knew what was going on, she was still shy.

"I'll go first. You can call me if you need anything!" Ye Bufan took those silver needles back and said.

"Well, I won't. I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow evening." Mo Huiqin covered his face and whispered.

"OK, let's get in touch then!" Ye Bufan didn't refuse, so he opened the door and went out.

Seeing that ye Bufan opened the door and went out, Mo Huiqin got up from the bed and took off her clothes. When she saw the wet little nei, she blushed and spat in the dark: "Mo Huiqin, you are so shameless, you have such a wave!"

After a while, she walked into the bathroom wearing a bath towel. After closing the door, she looked at her perfect body, stroked it with narcissism, and said in a low voice, "it's a pity that such a wonderful body can only be seen by herself!"

Thinking about it, she had a handsome face in her head, just like ye Bufan. She looked at each other crazily, as if they were in front of her. She whispered: "Xiaofan, would you like to look at me like this? Elder sister's body, also only willing to let you see, others want to see, elder sister also won't give! "

Her hand, unable to control itself, stroked her body, thinking and moving.

Ye Bufan does not know that he has become the object of other people's YY. At this time, he is driving on the road, enjoying the tranquility of the capital at night.

At this time, it's more than one o'clock in the night, and the capital, which has been noisy all day, is finally quiet. Except for the entertainment places, there are basically no people in any place.

There are few cars on the road, and ye Bufan is also happy to drive slowly. Looking at the stars in the sky, he suddenly thinks that his own Tianxing sect is based on Xingli cultivation? Then, when you enter the inner door, you can absorb the star power at night.

He was a little fascinated. Suddenly, a roar sounded from behind. Then, he saw a Ferrari passing by. On the car, he vaguely saw a girl driving.

Ye Bufan shakes his head. In places like Beijing, there are many young masters. The second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people are idle and bored. They always look for exciting things to do, such as racing cars.

He didn't want to pay attention to this kind of person, so he didn't get angry even though the other party meant to be provocative, and still drove slowly.

But let him a little speechless is, the other party actually back to the car, against his car slowly driving. Ye Bufan is a little speechless. Looking up, he just sees the other side coming. He suddenly has a kind of amazing feeling. This luxury car girl is really beautiful. The face after makeup looks so gorgeous! What's more, she was so cool that she only wore a small vest to cover the rough place.

However, this kind of desire is more able to arouse men's inner impulse.

"Boy, do you dare to compete with my sister?" Zheng Tingting is really depressed. It makes people feel very bad about betrayal. It makes her have a kind of indulgent impulse. It's a pity that after driving out, she didn't meet several good cars. It's not easy to meet ye Bufan, a Land Rover that can barely be seen. It's a pity that the other party doesn't bird her. It's just irritating!

"I'm not interested. You'd better play with someone else." Ye Bufan said lightly.

"Win me, I'll be yours tonight!" Zheng Tingting licked her lips, showing a sexy look, and said.

"No interest!" Ye Bufan or calm, indifferent said.

"I'm still a virgin. Don't you want to have a try?" Zheng Tingting said in a loud voice.

"All my women are virgins before me, so virgins are nothing strange to me." Ye Bufan curled his lips and said with disdain.

Zheng Tingting a Zheng, and then angry, he finally summoned up the courage to indulge, but repeatedly let the other party refuse, is he so unattractive?

"Are you still not a man? If not, go away! " She looked at him with disdainful eyes and said.

"Do you really owe grass?" Ye Bufan finally angry, this woman nerve problem, unexpectedly so want to let oneself do?

"Yes, but you are not a man, so forget it!" Zheng Tingting sneered.

"Come on, I'll let you know tonight what a real man is!" Ye Bufan cold face, since the other party so want to let themselves do, then meet her!

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