Kong Qingsen was stunned and exclaimed, "Huo!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard it. From childhood to adulthood, everyone has encountered countless exams, but this is the first time they have heard such a strange exam!

How to answer with bird's legs alone?Even if you let Darwin come, you may not be able to answer correctly!

Liu Xun said: "I was not happy at that time, I threw the pen away and didn't take the test."

Kong Qingsen cooperated and said, "Yo, your temper is big enough!"

Liu Xun continued: "Of course, but the biology teacher stopped me loudly, asked what my name was, and said that he would give me zero points."

Kong Qingsen looked sideways and said, "Ah, what are you going to do then?"

Liu Xun replied, "Then I rolled up my trouser legs and replied loudly, guess what my name is?"

"Pfft!" As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of laughter, and many people bent down with laughter, and their stomachs hurt from laughing.

"Oh, no, I'm dying of laughter."

"Guess what my name is? Liu Xun, can you stop being so funny?"

"I always thought I was a person with a high laugh, but I really couldn't hold back just now, hahahaha!"

"I feel like I won't be able to sleep well tonight."

"Me too, I'm afraid I will wake up laughing when I dream."

"666. I give full marks to this joke."

"Seek the shadow area of ​​247's heart at that time, teacher of biology."

"Haha, then you have to ask the math teacher!"

"It's not easy to be a teacher these days!"


Kong Qingsen was also speechless and sighed: "Hi!"

In the end, Liu Xun concluded: "I don't get good grades in my studies, I can't find a good job, my girlfriend broke up with me, and I can't go home. I don't think these things are my fault."

Hearing this, Kong Qingsen also understood all the ins and outs, and immediately scolded:

"It's okay, it's not bad for you, I think it's all down to you. When you are such an adult, you will say that it's not bad for me. This is called evasion of responsibility, you know? Why do you always complain about others complaining about society when you are young, and you are jealous of those Crooked way.

There is no love to pursue love, and there is no opportunity to create opportunities. When you have a job, you have to work hard. Don't put all the responsibility on others in a whim. If you want to change your life, you have to rely on yourself. "

Such a long paragraph of very positive energy was spoken, and it instantly attracted an applause from the audience.

At the same time, this is also the standard ending for cross talk.

Seeing this, everyone understands that this show is coming to an end after all! .

Chapter [-] The cross talk ends! 【For subscription】

Chapter [-] The cross talk ends! 【For subscription】

On the stage, the cross talk came to an end. www.shu05.com (.—)

Liu Xun pondered for a moment, then thought: "This is really reasonable. Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books! I can't say empty words, I can't say big words, empty words will only harm the country, and hard work can make the country prosperous. Listen to your words, I will start my new life from now on."

Kong Qingsen nodded in admiration and said, "Okay!"

However, turning around, Liu Xun changed the conversation again and said, "Oh, but I want to listen to you, you can't tell me if I'm not."

Kong Qingsen asked strangely, "What's the matter?"

Liu Xun faced the audience and said solemnly, "Because it's not my fault."

After speaking, the two smiled slightly and left the stage side by side!

The cross talk is over!

The performance of this pair of improvised cross talk groups has officially ended!

The applause below was warm, everyone applauded desperately, and the wave of cheers was even higher, cheering for these two people, especially for Liu Xun.

On the Internet, there are even more rave reviews. There is not even a single complaint. There are praises everywhere, almost filling the entire network.

"Haha, it's so funny, I give full marks to Liu Xun's performance, I'm not afraid of his pride."

"Yes, the acting is so good, whether it is the lines or the performance, it is impeccable."

"This is the funniest cross talk I've ever seen, bar none."

"Same as above!"

"Laugh at me from start to finish!"

"Me too, I laughed so much that my stomach hurt in the end."

"I can't believe it. This is the first time Liu Xun has come into contact with cross talk. She's more professional than a professional actor!"

"I just want to ask, does anyone still remember that Liu Xun is a film and television actor々〃?"

"Hahaha, a film and television actor? Hasn't he always been a sketch actor?"

"Yes, this guy is too unprofessional. He has acted in sketches, cross talk, and especially written songs, but I haven't seen him filming."

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