He looked at it very clearly, Sun Ting made it clear that he didn't know their relationship, otherwise he wouldn't be so blind.

Hearing this, Yang Mi also chuckled, as if thinking of something, and said intently, "No, who told her to always make fun of me before."

"Why is she making fun of you?" Liu Xun was a little curious.

Yang Mi drove the car seriously, and the words in her heart blurted out: "She, I used to say that I liked......"

Before she finished speaking, she realized that something was wrong and quickly closed her mouth. However, Liu Xun understood it completely.

"Oh, so you've promised me a long time ago, haven't you?"

Liu Xun looked at her with a half-smile, the corners of his mouth curved.

After being exposed, Yang Mi was embarrassed and annoyed for a while, she snorted coquettishly, and didn't speak, just a pretty face, but two faint blushes appeared on her pretty face. .

Chapter [-] Soaring to the front line [Kneeling and begging for automatic subscription]

Chapter [-] Soaring to the front line

in the villa. .

After entering the room and closing the door, Yang Mi and Liu Xun put down all their disguises and sat on the sofa, even Liu Xun stretched out without any image.

In the star industry, there is very little personal space left for oneself. In front of the camera, it must be the most perfect image, otherwise, it will break the fantasies in the hearts of fans.

To be honest, this kind of life was a bit tiring, but Liu Xun persevered, not only because he enjoyed the sensation of being a star, but also because he had the same people around him.

At this time, Yang Mi said softly: "Are you hungry, I'll cook something to eat."

It was almost one o'clock in the morning, and they had only eaten in the afternoon.

Liu Xun touched his belly "Seven Six Three" and said, "A little bit."

"Then wait, I'll be back soon." Yang Mi got up and went to the kitchen alone.

Liu Xun looked at her back, looked around again, and suddenly felt that this kind of life was pretty good, with a habitat and someone to accompany.

Not long after, Yang Mi came out of the kitchen with two bowls of warm noodles in her hands.

The two sat at the table and ate.

While eating, Yang Mi suddenly thought of something and said, "Go to the star ranking website and see if you are on the top line?"

This list is updated in real time every day. Now that it has passed twelve o'clock, you can check the ranking of the new day. (.—)

"Okay, I'll check." Hearing this, Liu Xun also put down his chopsticks, picked up his mobile phone and logged into the rating website.

Before the Spring Festival Gala, he was the No. [-] in the second line, and he had been stuck for a while, and Liu Xun's perfect performance in the Spring Festival Gala would definitely bring huge popularity. This time, maybe he can really return to the peak of the year.

On the Internet, many people are also paying attention to the update of this star list at this time.

The stage of the Spring Festival Gala can make a person popular without warning, or even push someone to the ranks of the first and second tiers.

Therefore, this time of year is the biggest change in the update of the star list.

There are still a lot of star artists at the Spring Festival Gala this year, and they are all looking forward to getting to a higher level, because in this way, they will be able to get higher notification fees and better resources next year.

On Weibo, there are countless netizens who haven't slept yet, and they are all there reminiscing about this year's show.

"Are there any brothers here? Has anyone watched this year's Spring Festival Gala?"

"Look, it feels pretty good, much better than in previous years.~)"

"Who hasn't watched it? Haha, Liu Xun really amused me. Two shows, I can't stop laughing! How did he come up with it?"

"Liu Xun is awesome!"

"It's pretty awesome. Not only is the show funny, but it also broke the record of the Spring Festival Gala. For decades, no one has been on stage twice, right?"

"Yeah, as I see it, no one will be able to achieve this achievement in the future."

"Yes, this year is completely coincidental, otherwise, Liu Xun would not have this chance."

"Then his popularity should skyrocket, right? After all, he has played twice."

"Hey, popularity is false, you have to look at the star rating list, this is the most intuitive."

"Isn't it just past twelve o'clock? His rating should be out."

"Yes, come and see!"

Netizens were hotly discussing, and in the end, they also talked about Liu Xun's rating this time.

No way, this time Liu Xun's Spring Festival Gala was too dazzling, causing everyone to mention this year's Spring Festival Gala, and they couldn't get around him.

And then, when netizens opened the star list, in an instant, everyone exploded.

At the same time, the outside world is always paying attention to Liu Xun's ranking changes.

Media reporters cheer up!

Many celebrities in the entertainment industry are also staring!

Even if it's late at night, anyone who thinks of this issue will open the star ranking website with great interest to see what changes.

At home, Liu Xun flipped through his cell phone and first found his name from second-tier stars.

However, I did not see that the second-line first has been replaced by another person.

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