Liu Xun moved his head forward, blew a breath of hot air into her ear, and asked tentatively.

Then, calm down and wait for her reply.

However, a few seconds later, Yang Mi still refused to speak, pretending not to hear.

Liu Xun is a little anxious, what does this mean?Is it OK or not?

In a hurry, his two big hands directly grabbed Yang Mi's hands, trying to force her to express her position.

Yang Mi struggled for a while, but she never broke free, so she said coquettishly:

"Don't make trouble!"

Liu Xun didn't care, and still refused to let go. As a man with both IQ and EQ, he naturally knew very well that at this critical time, he could put his face aside first.

Otherwise, when will this layer of window paper be pierced?

Now this opportunity is a rare opportunity, but it must be seized.

As long as this opening is opened, the future will be easy to talk about.

"You don't want to spend the night here with me, do you?"

In the end, Yang Mi said helplessly, Liu Xun suddenly played a rogue, and she had nothing to do.

Seeing her speak, Liu Xun asked tentatively again, "Don't want to stand here, why don't you go to my room?"

Yang Mi rolled her eyes and said, "Then why don't you go to my room?"

What Liu Xun was waiting for was her words, "You can go to your room!"

As soon as the words fell, Yang Mi didn't have time to react, so she hugged her horizontally, and with excitement, she stepped forward and walked towards her bedroom with great strides.


After dating for so long, I finally waited for this opportunity.

Liu Xun's movements were very fast. He went upstairs in three steps and two steps. He walked into Yang Mi's bedroom, and then gently locked the door with his heels. This was his first time entering here. Okay, there is also a faint fragrance in the air.

Since being hugged by Liu Xun, Yang Mi has not spoken at all, just looked at him quietly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Not long after, she was placed on the big bed by Liu Xunqing.

The doors and windows were closed, the curtains were drawn, and there were only the two of them in the entire room.

Rao is Liu Xun, and he was a little excited at this moment.

Taking off his shoes, Liu Xun also got on the bed, and the two looked at each other.

Yang Mi still didn't speak, as if she was stunned, but also seemed to be ready.

Liu Xun didn't care so much, and just kissed it, Yang Mi didn't resist any more, let it be.

This time, Liu Xun had a bottom line in his heart, and he didn't have any idle hands, so he reached out to untie her clothes.

At this moment, outside the window, the wind and snow are blowing, and inside the house, the enthusiasm is like fire, and everything goes smoothly!

. "

Chapter [-] Liu Xun, the constant topic

Chapter [-] Liu Xun, the constant topic

The next day, in the morning. (book=-house*0small-}say-+net).

There was a faint sound coming from outside the window.

In the room, Liu Xun woke up. When he woke up, he stretched a lot. This time he slept very comfortably and was very happy. He hugged him to the side, but it turned out to be empty. Yang Mi was not here .

Liu Xun got up and took a look, only to find that the traces made last night had already been cleaned up, and even his clothes were placed on the chair, neatly arranged.

Liu Xun put on his clothes and walked downstairs. He heard movement in the kitchen. It should be Yang Mi who was preparing breakfast.

He smiled and followed into the kitchen. At this time, Yang Mi, who was busy in the kitchen, was dressed like a home, wearing an apron, and was cooking something.

Hearing the footsteps, Yang Mi looked up and saw him coming, with a smile on her face.

"you're awake."

"Well, you got up so early?" Liu Xun was a little ashamed. If he hadn't heard the sound of firecrackers outside, he might not be able to get up now.

After all, the two of them slept very late last night.

"I'm used to it, just right, it's time for breakfast, you go brush your teeth." Yang Mi stroked the long hair on her forehead and said softly.

"Oh." Liu Xun nodded and was about to turn around, but was stopped by her. ~)

"You wait."

"What's wrong?" Liu Xun turned back and looked at her puzzled.

"You don't have your neckline fixed, don't move." Yang Mi reached out to help him straighten the collar.

Liu Xun looked at her like this, with a little more emotion in his heart.

It is said that after the woman, the role is replaced very quickly, and now it makes sense.

Before that, based on the relationship between the two of them, Yang Mi only regarded herself as Liu Xun's girlfriend, and every move was in line with her role.

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