Malicious comments quickly took over Weibo promoting the movie.

In an instant, Lu Zitao was dumbfounded!

Zhang Yifan is stunned!

Li An, Liu Yifei and the others were even more stunned, their faces stunned.

The whole entertainment industry seems to be quiet! .

Chapter [-] Movie Premiere 【Subscription】

Chapter [-] Movie Premiere 【Subscription】

On the Internet, many netizens are already charging forward, occupying Weibo one after another to promote the movie.

In the entertainment industry, everyone was dumbfounded and didn't react for a long time.

Rao never thought that things would take such a turn.

Fans boycott Liu Xun's movies, but they also don't watch other people's movies. What kind of mentality is this Nima~ ah?

Lu Zitao was stunned, looking at the comments one after another, his face full of disbelief.

Zhang Yifan almost didn't catch his breath!

Is this Liu Xun poisonous?

The days after the new year were supposed to be the days when New Year's films were scrambled to be released, and also the days when major star artists vigorously promoted their works.

However, this year's Spring Festival is different from previous years. Those Weibo posts that promote works have all disappeared. When you log in, the weather is bright and sunny, and there is no sign of confrontation at all. Even those artists and stars who have already sent messages, With tears in their eyes, they silently deleted these disappearances.

Because, these fans who don't know where they came from are really too fierce!Combat power exploded.

How dare you promote the movie?scold!

Dare to release new songs after Chinese New Year?scold!

In short, whether it is the film industry, the television industry, or the music industry, as long as they dare to promote their works, they are all scolded. .

In those swearing comments, there is a sentence from time to time, if you are on fire?What about Liu Xun?Who still gave us skits and cross talk?

Celebrities from all walks of life are so angry, what should Liu Xun do?What's the matter with them!They can't just stand still and do nothing, right?

Moreover, the most important thing is that everyone has nothing to do, let alone that Liu Xun is not good at managing fans.

Because, this group of people turned their faces and didn't even care about Liu Xun's face. Didn't you see the movie "The Young Master" still being boycotted so miserably?

Everyone can see it, what kind of fans are these, it is clearly a group of netizens who are idle and have nothing to do, join in the fun and do not think it is a big deal.

Otherwise, no matter how popular Liu Xun is, he won't have such a big appeal!

So, a few days after the new year, the entertainment industry is very calm, and the calm is not like the entertainment industry, I am afraid that it will cause controversy for no reason.


On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, "The Young Master" premiered on the day. .

Yanjing, it looks like ten o'clock in the morning.

Auspicious International Studios, Hall [-].

Liu Xun is sitting in the backcourt, waiting for the opening of the movie premiere.

Although countless fans are boycotting his films, as an important villain in the play, he still has to attend.

At the premiere, the reporters were all in place, and the audience was full, and they were all there.

After a while, the premiere begins.

Actors walked the red carpet to enter, first Liu Yifei, then Tian Hua, and then Liu Xun.

He walked slowly and leisurely. This was his first time walking the red carpet. He felt okay. He waved to the audience over there, smiled with the fans over there, and walked on stage slowly.

At this time, there were applause from all directions.

Cheers and screams continued.

Some were named Liu Yifei, some were named Tian Hua, and many others came specifically for Liu Xun.

To say that as a second-tier star before, his attention and status were still a little low, then now, he can already keep pace with Liu Yifei and others.

Director Li An was the last to appear on stage. When he got on stage, he took the microphone and said some opening remarks.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming to the premiere of our movie "The Young Master", this drama......"

The premiere program began step by step.

Opening speeches, actors speaking, reporters asking questions, etc.

When it came to the reporter's question, many media members at the scene immediately came to the spirit, and scrambled to put the microphones on the actors.

· · Flowers · · ·

This kind of link is the most likely time for news. As the saying goes, if the stars are willing to speak, the reporters will always find a loophole. Even if there is no problem with their own words, they can take it out of context and make up some non-existent stories. message out.

Li An and Tian Hua can be called old fried dough sticks, they speak without leaking, and they do it with ease, and there is no problem at all.

But when it came to Liu Yifei, something went wrong.

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