At this time, Yang Mi was already furious, but when she heard the laughter from the surrounding, she was also infected and wanted to laugh. This anger was mixed, and for a while, the expression on Yang Mi's face was a bit exciting.

Although the guests will check with the program team, but everyone does not know what the other party's manuscript is, so she never thought that the program team would use this to compile articles.

No wonder fans are clamoring for her not to come to the "Tucao Conference". Now, Yang Mi finally understands.

Of course, she also knows that this is all for the purpose of the show.

Moreover, her rumor is indeed false. Liu Xun should be the most qualified to comment on this point.

Therefore, Yang Mi was not really angry, but there was a trace of embarrassment on her face.

This is human nature.

In the middle of the stage, Li Dan glanced at her face, skipped the topic with due consideration, and then pointed at Liu Shishi and said:

"Let's talk about our Liu Shishi, one of the most popular actresses in the entertainment industry, a popular star, and the goddess in the hearts of many boys. She is second only to Yang Mi, Liu Yifei, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, Yang Ying, etc. among those popular actresses. Wait, uh, there are too many to count."

Hearing this, Liu Shishi also smiled embarrassedly, and the schadenfreude smile just now disappeared.

Compared with people like Yang Mi and Liu Yifei, she 297 is indeed a little less famous, and her momentum is not as good as them.

However, to say that there are too many to count is obviously an exaggeration.

"If you want to talk about how hard acting is, Liu Shishi should know very well. For example, Liu Xun and Yang Mi have crossed the border to act in sketches, but she can't act, so what should I do? Liu Shishi thought of a way, go to Sing.

Then Liu Shishi sang "The Season Waiting for You" on the stage of the New Year's Day party.

However, it didn't take long for her to come back to act again, because Liu Shishi suddenly discovered that acting hard is hard work, and acting hard is better than being scolded and sung badly! "

"Hahaha!" The audience was once again amused and applauded wildly.

Liu Shishi sang the song "The Season Waiting for You" some time ago, and it really wasn't very good. After all, she was not a professional singer, and some critical netizens ran to her Weibo and scolded her.

Unexpectedly, this was also compiled into a joke by the "Tucao Conference" program group.

At this moment, both Yang Mi and Liu Shishi understood why so many fans advised them not to participate in the "Tucao Conference".

It's too embarrassing to be complained about! .

Chapter [-] The first complaining guest ends [Subscribe]

Chapter [-] The first complaining guest ends [Subscribe]

On the Internet, everyone laughed. ** update fast** (.—)

"Haha, Li Dan is too funny."

"Yes, these paragraphs are really good."

"It's better to play hard than to scold you? People are not professional singers, right?"

"It's not bad for the teacher to be complained. When I look at Mi Mi, my face is not natural."

"I feel sorry for my big honey!"

"I feel distressed for two seconds, then silently give Li Dan a like."

"Oh, goddess, I told you not to come to this show for a long time, but you didn't listen. Is this okay?"


While netizens feel distressed for their idols, they are watching this scene with delight.

I have to say that Li Dan's complaints achieved quite good results. As the first guest to appear on the stage, he fully stimulated the atmosphere of the stage and made the audience laugh.

This also shows the strength of his program planner!

After a slight pause, Li Dan then shifted his target, this time targeting Sun Yizhou and Zhang Xiaofei.

"These two, as long as you have seen Liu Xun's sketches, you should know each other, but when you ask their names, everyone is stunned, who is this? Why can't I remember? I held my head and thought for a long time , In the end, I still didn't come up with it! As if the name didn't exist at all. ~)"

When the two of them saw Li Dan mentioning themselves, they couldn't help but feel nervous. After listening, they shook their heads with a smile.

The two of them can have a little fame now.It is all supported by Liu Xun and Yang Mi.

If it wasn't for Liu Xun's "Joyful Comedian", and then participated in the "Comedy Story" show, who would know them?

Even now, not many people know their names. This is the embarrassment of third- and fourth-tier stars. The audience only knows faces, not people.

Therefore, the two can only acquiesce to this fact.

Li Egg continues:

"Here, let me introduce to you, this is Sun Yizhou and Zhang Xiaofei, both graduated from Yanjing Theater Academy, and according to rumors, they are Liu Xun's younger brother and younger sister~".

Having said this, Li Dan turned his head to face them, his eyes narrowed into slits, and he said with a smile:

"How is it? It's not a loss to be on our show, right? It's free publicity for people."

When everyone heard it, they all laughed and laughed, but to be honest, for the two of them, it was indeed not a loss to participate in such a high-traffic online program, and it was also very profitable. .

Ordinary third- and fourth-tier stars cannot receive announcements from the program group.

"Well, a lot of people have said that Zhang Xiaofei and Sun Yizhou are able to become popular because of Liu Xun and Yang Mi. Without them, neither of them would be able to enter the entertainment industry."

Saying that, Li Dan's small eyes glanced at Zhang Xiaofei and Sun Yizhou intentionally or unintentionally.

"Of course, we're not dissatisfied with you, and you don't owe us anything, but Liu Xun and Yang Mi owe us, and owe us an explanation. Tell me, why did you bring these two people into the entertainment industry?"

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