Chapter [-] Liu Xun's Counterattack

On the stage, there was a faint smile on Yang Mi's face, which never faded away. (.—)

She continued:

"During that time, Liu Xun was very entangled and was preparing for his comeback. In order to make a successful comeback, he went to learn to write songs, learn to write scripts, and did a lot of things. We can see Liu Xun today. His classic sketches were all figured out by him at that time."

Yang Mi broke the news on the stage, and everyone listened in disbelief, and some were not sure.

Liu Xun's talent for writing scripts is recognized in the entertainment industry, but he was born on the stage of "Joyful Comedian" without warning before, as if it happened suddenly.

But now listening to Yang Mi say this, it turns out that Liu Xun has studied it specially?No wonder then.

"[-]" At the same time, Liu Xun stared at her curiously, wanting to hear how his girlfriend complained about him.

"In short, Liu Xun is really willing to do anything in order to make a comeback, but the only thing is that he refuses to calm down and act well."

With the last sentence, Yang Mi changed her words and complained loudly.

Hearing this, some of the audience below were also poked into laughter and laughed.

Liu Xun is definitely a professional film and television actor, and he himself has clarified on Weibo.

However, there is only one movie in his representative film and television drama, and it is a movie that was just released not long ago.

On the contrary, his classic sketch shows are numerous, and these works are enough to make him one of the biggest names in the comedy world.

Such actors are really rare in the entertainment industry. Basically, since decades of development, there is no semicolon in this family.

After complaining about Liu Xun, the main guest, Yang Mi said some closing words, and then ended her performance.

Immediately, she walked in front of Liu Xun and pretended to hug him in a perfunctory hug.

The weather has been cold recently. They cuddled and slept together every day for two nights. Yang Mi was really worried. If she hugged her tightly, she would be unable to control her, and her habitual legs would be wrapped around Liu Xun's body.

During the period, in a corner that the camera can't see, Yang Mi also blinked mischievously, as if provocative.

Liu Xun took her actions into his eyes, but his face was calm and calm.

Because soon, it will be his turn, the main guest, to finally play.

Yang Mi provokes him at this time, and he will be able to retaliate later.

On the field, Zhang Shaogang returned to the middle of the stage, and after reading an advertisement, he showed his familiar smile.

"Liu Xun, when they say that to you, can you bear it when you sit there?"

Liu Xun responded cooperatively, "No!"

At this time, Zhang Shaogang seemed even more indignant than him, and said loudly:

"I can't bear it anymore, really, it's too much to say, is this okay? We'll give you a chance, let you come to the stage and find the place yourself. (.—)"

Liu Xun nodded and said, "Okay!"

Zhang Shaogang took the lead and clapped his palms, and said while clapping, "Our main guest Liu Xun is invited to play next."

In front of the camera, Liu Xun finally stood up from the seat of the main guest and walked to the stage step by step.

Then, he introduced himself as a routine: "Hello everyone, I'm Liu Xun."

"Oh!" In an instant, there were countless cheers, applause, and screams from below.

The residual heat of the Spring Festival Gala has not completely dissipated, Liu Xun's popularity at this time can be said to be ridiculously high, and almost everyone is cheering and applauding him.

Of course, even if the aftermath of the Spring Festival Gala has passed, he is still a first-line star and has many fans.

On the Internet, the moment Liu Xun took the stage, the comments on the barrage were like snowflakes falling, directly dyeing the live broadcast room white.

The number of people watching the live broadcast room also peaked at this time.

There are [-] million people.

Backstage, the members of the "Tucao Conference" program group were about to burst into laughter.

Although their program results in the last season have been very good, the number of clicks has been soaring.

But it has never reached such a number on the night of the broadcast!

For online programs, the evaluation of whether a program is good or not depends on whether the number of clicks is high. The higher the number of clicks, the more people watching and the greater the influence. , and even higher...

Everyone in the program group can predict that this episode of the program will definitely have a huge response.

At this time, in front of the screen, Liu Xun finally opened his mouth as countless people waited eagerly.

"When I was watching "Tucao Conference", I was still very happy, but when I became the guest of honor and sat there, I understood the suffering of those people, and there was still suffering that I couldn't tell."

Liu Xun sighed casually, expressing his feelings at this moment.

Zhang Shaogang, Li Dan and others all laughed. Did they feel the deep malice from "Tucao Conference"?

Immediately afterwards, Liu Xun officially started today's complaints, which can also be regarded as his counterattack.

"Now, many people say that I am the most unprofessional film and television actor, obviously I graduated from the drama academy, but it turned out to be a popular drama.

Here, I want to explain to you, in fact, I did not think of it!I just participated in a variety show and just played a sketch, and it became popular for no reason. Do you think this is unexpected? "

Liu Xun's expression was serious, and he spoke with a serious face.

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