"Don't!!! Don't!! As a true fan, I just want to say one thing, don't let Liu Xun make a movie. In the era of bad movies, we will only get rid of it, support me and praise me!"

"I agree with the statement above. There is a big difference between a sketch and a movie. The sketch only needs to be performed on the stage for ten minutes. As long as there is a burden, it is easy to make the audience laugh. The movie is different. The movie needs more connotation and needs The burdens and stalks of the man are not comparable to a sketch!"

"He can always give me 5.7 miracles, why can't it be more brilliant?"

"Yes, what if Liu Xun can create a miracle again?"

"In a word, it's okay not to make a movie!"

"Short-sighted, I would like to express my support for Liu Xun to make a movie. He once acted in a sketch. Although it looks good, it will not last long. If we can make a real classic movie, this will lay the foundation for Liu Xun's position in the entertainment industry! In short, I support!"


In the face of the fans who were constantly controversial, Liu Xun was stunned. He didn't expect that the fire would burn to himself.

It looks like he should do something.

Thinking of this, Liu Xun unconsciously showed a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, then put his lips on Yang Mi's ear, and said softly, "Would you like to make some money!".

Chapter 6: Writing the script, "Journey to the West" [10/[-]

One hundred and forty-fourth: Writing the script, "Journey to the West"

"make money?"

When Yang Mi heard Liu Xun's words, her eyes instantly became excited. (.—)

The reason for such a reaction was entirely because Yang Mi was too poor.

No, it should be said that Yang Mi and Liu Xun are both poor.

Of course, this kind of poverty is aimed at comparing with people in the circle.

The reason why Yang Mi is poor is because she is now working alone, opening an artist studio by herself, which costs a lot of money.

You must know that the money spent on cultivating an artist is not one or two points, such as packaging, hype, and operation, all of which require money.

And if it is cultivated, everything will be fine, and then it will be earned back with profits.

Otherwise, it is a loss.

After she came out to work alone, Yang Mi's economic situation has remained mediocre. She didn't make any money, but instead invested a lot of money in it.

As for Liu Xun, he made a comeback on the Happy Comedian show, but he was paid very little.

Because at that time, he was not as popular as 13 now.

And when he became popular, apart from participating in a "Tucao Conference", he did not appear on any variety shows.

So his balance is also extremely depressed.

Under this circumstance, Liu Xun's question, do you want to make some money, naturally made Yang Mi excited. ~)

"How?" Yang Mi raised her head and looked at her man with expectant eyes and asked.

Liu Xun gently kissed her forehead, and then said what was in her heart: "I want to make a movie!"

"Making a movie?" Yang Mi asked suspiciously.

"Yes, I want to invest in making a movie by myself!" Liu Xun was not surprised when he saw his girlfriend's expression. In the limelight, he suddenly said that he wanted to make a movie, and it was normal for the other party to be suspicious.

"Okay, I support you!!" Soon, after being confirmed, Yang Mi nodded straightly to show her support!

For Yang Mi, now that she is Liu Xun's person, she will naturally support what the other party does.

In fact, she really wanted to stop it, because the current situation of domestic films is very bad, and rushing into the film and television circle at this time is bound to be a big gamble.

But thinking of Liu Xun's amazing performance some time ago, for some reason, Yang Mi always felt that her boyfriend could create a miracle again.

As soon as this thought came out, it spread to the whole brain like a virus, so she didn't even hesitate and directly stated her position.

"Thank you wife for your understanding!"

Hearing Yang Mi's words, Liu Xun smiled slightly. At this moment, he felt a sense of happiness. What could be happier in this world than to have the support of his beloved?

"Don't make trouble, I still have something to do today, hurry up and finish breakfast, I'm going out!!" After thanking him, Liu Xun began to be dishonest again. ~) Faced with such a thing, Yang Mi laughed and scolded, then she avoided Liu Xun's arms and started to sit at the dining table for breakfast.

Liu Xun also gave up. Yesterday was too crazy, and today I will spare this little girl.

So, soon the two of them started having breakfast.

If someone sees this scene at this time, they will roar and shout: "Show your paralyzed love!!!! What kind of dog food do you sprinkle in the early morning? Can you think about the idea of ​​a single dog?"


After nine o'clock, Yang Mi left the house. Today she was going to attend a meeting. After Liu Xun refused many invitations, he sat alone at home. After watching his girlfriend leave, he turned on the computer and started to prepare for his Prepare for the idea.

"What movie should I make?" Sitting in front of the computer, Liu Xun thought quietly, and the reason why he thought so was entirely because there were too many classic movies in his mind, too many for him to choose. .

If a script worker knew what he was thinking, he would definitely take out a machete and slash him fiercely!

People are more mad than people. People have racked their brains for countless nights in order to make a movie with better reviews.And this guy is having a headache for making that classic movie, isn't this a blatant insult to them?

"Have it!"

Ten minutes later, Liu Xun decided what movie to make.

At present, Huaxia Film and Television, subjectively takes comedy films and romance films as the mainstream.

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