"Chen Duxiu: Teacher, there are nails on my stool, so I can't sit down!"


A minute later, the host recovered his emotions and entered the topic again.

"The first question from netizens, Mr. Liu Xun, how do you feel about becoming a comedy master in China?"

After asking this question, Xiaoxue put her eyes on Liu Xun, and the camera also turned to Liu Xun. …

Liu Xun did not hesitate to answer this question, and answered in a refreshing and straightforward manner: "First of all, I would like to thank all the audiences who have supported me. The so-called Maxima often has it, but Bole does not often have it. Without your support, I would not have Liu Xun's. Today, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the audience again through this show, as for asking me how I feel now, I can only answer in one sentence, there is a long way to go!"

When Liu Xun finished answering, the host quietly praised him in his heart.

After all, the other party's answer is perfect, there is no rhetoric, it is simple, but it can conquer the hearts of all fans at once.This kind of conversation was not pre-arranged, it was all temporary, so it was enough to see how high Liu Xun's emotional intelligence was.

After answering this question, the host Xiaoxue began to ask a few more questions.

In a flash, more than twenty minutes passed.

When time passed quietly, Xiaoxue also began to enter the real climax of the interview.

"Mr. Liu Xun, regarding your announcement on Weibo yesterday that you are going to enter the film and television industry, I would like to ask you, what do you think about the domestic film and television industry today? And what type of film are you going to shoot, and whether the theme of the film is ready? Good 0.2?"

The host Xiaoxue asked three questions in a row, which instantly brought this interview to its peak.

At present, according to the data displayed in the background, the program ratings have reached the first place in this time period, crushing various satellite TVs.

The number of people in the live broadcast room has already exceeded [-] million, and it is marching towards [-] million.

You know, this interview was not given a few days in advance. Even if we interviewed a superstar in Xiangjiang last time, there were only more than [-] million people in the live broadcast room. Now Liu Xun has crushed the opponent three times.

[The monthly pass is second, let’s not talk about it, today’s fifteenth is more guaranteed! ! !If you tip more than 50 people today, the author will add five more.You don't need how much you tip, 100V is enough, just look at the number of people, not the amount! ].

Chapter 11: Gao looked at Liu Xun? 【15/[-] Guiqiu automatic subscription

Chapter [-]: Gao looked at Liu Xun?

After three questions that attracted countless people's attention. www.shu05.com

Liu Xun didn't answer in a hurry, but thought quietly for a while.

After about three minutes, he slowly opened his mouth to answer the first question.

"To be honest, I can't compliment Huaxia's film and television works today. The presence of a large number of small fresh meat has caused many veteran actors to fail the show. Investors mainly promote their products through movies, so they never pay attention to it. The information of the movie itself, so many bad movies appear in China!"

When he finished saying these words, the host Xiaoxue was stunned for a moment.

As a media worker, it is impossible for her not to know the meaning of Liu Xun's words.

Although it is said that the other party's sentence is true, it can be said that it has pointed out the problems of the contemporary film and television circle.

But if the words were spoken from the mouths of some venerable seniors, it might be nothing.

But from Liu Xun's mouth, the painting style is completely different.


The seniors pointed out these problems because the seniors had made great contributions to Huaxia Film and Television, but what about Liu Xun?What qualifications does a mere first-line star, a comedy star who relies on a variety show to become popular?

If Liu Xun has made more than a dozen hot and classic movies, he will not dare to say anything after saying this. .

This is like, for example, if you are scolded by your elders, although you are not satisfied, you do not dare to argue.But if you are scolded by a peer, will you definitely fight back?

Therefore, in this case, Liu Xun's remarks will definitely arouse dissatisfaction from many people in the film and television industry.

The reason why Xiaoxue was stunned was entirely because Liu Xun showed her that she was a person with a very high emotional intelligence. With Liu Xun's emotional intelligence, she should not have said such words.

Of course she doesn't understand. The reason why Liu Xun said these words was also thoughtful. When he said these words, he would definitely have another wave of public opinion. They don't forget that they're making a movie.

After answering the first question, Xiaoxue quickly responded and continued to ask the second and third questions.

Liu Xun didn't care about the other party's expression, and continued to answer indifferently: "About my entry into the film and television industry, the main reason is that I want to shoot a movie by myself, as the director and starring. I have also thought about the theme of the movie. , filming the theme of Journey to the West. And this movie is divided into two parts, the upper part and the lower part, and we are going to combine the two into one release!"

"Journey to the West theme? Two movies are released together? How long will this movie be played?" The host Xiaoxue asked in surprise after hearing this. (.—)

"If it's all finished, it will take about three hours to watch it!" The host's surprise didn't move Liu Xun, he still spoke calmly to himself.

But what he didn't expect was that when he finished speaking, the host was completely messed up in the wind.

At this time, the host felt that an old saying that he learned when he was a child was a blockbuster. It seemed that this sentence was said by Liu Xun.

If you don't do it, you have to do something completely different from others.

Not to mention that the theme of Journey to the West itself is not very popular in China, and then let's talk about a three-hour movie, who would watch it?

Most movies are solved in [-] minutes, while Liu Xun's movie takes three hours. If the story is average, how many people will leave halfway?Once this happens, Liu Xun's reputation will be greatly reduced.

This is the point of the host's ignorance.

After a few minutes of being stunned, the interview ended here. After some thanks, Liu Xun disappeared from the camera and the interview officially ended.

After the end, Liu Xun's first thing is to go home, and now he is going to deploy the role of "Journey to the West".

While he was still thinking about this matter, Shu Ran didn't know that a storm about him had already begun.


When the exclusive interview is over, some well-known figures in the film and television industry watch the exclusive interview, while others close it silently without speaking up.Some frowned and wanted to say something, but they held back. There were also some people who couldn't help it, and immediately went to Weibo and started to express their thoughts about themselves.

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