Liu Xun also introduced Sun Honglei to everyone, indicating that he was his former friend and called him here specially.

When Hong Lei heard Liu Xun's introduction, he felt grateful again.

He knew that if everyone knew that he was a shameless person, everyone would not say anything on the surface, but there would definitely be gossip behind his back, but after Liu Xun opened his mouth like this, although he didn't know who he was, he also It will be very polite, after all, he is a friend of Director Liu.

Half an hour later, everyone successfully arrived at the shooting location on the hilarious road.

After arriving here, everyone looked at the superimposed scenery of mountains, like a desert-like artistic conception in calligraphy and painting, and suddenly felt as if their souls were released, and they couldn't help but rejoice. 13

However, after a while of joy, everyone began to arrange it carefully. They knew that the next few months would be spent here.

People are like this. They are very idle when they are free. Once they are in a busy state, they cannot stop at all.

The field staff were busy placing equipment, and the lighting engineers were looking for ways to connect to the electricity. All kinds of machines and instruments were placed in this desert in just two hours. ~)

Liu Xun and the others were not idle either. They started discussing the plot and preparing for the first episode.

Movies are not shot in sequence. Anyone who knows a little about movies knows that movies are shot in many sessions.

After the countless clips were shot, they were all edited into film.And just like that, a movie was born.

In the movie "Journey to the West", Liu Xun was filmed according to the method of two and one, so there were many scenes, so after the equipment was placed, everyone began to change clothes and enter the state of filming.

Pat, pat, the sun sets, and everyone packs up and goes back.

And waited until the next day, came to various scenes, and continued to shoot.

In this way, time is like flowing water, gone forever.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed quietly.


Three months later, Liu Xun was very sad.

The reason for the sadness is entirely because the scenes he expected to be filmed in about three months have only been filmed for two-thirds of the time.

The birth of this reason was something Liu Xun never thought of.

Those who can be here are all powerful actors, and they will not be NG at all under normal circumstances. But this drama is too nonsensical, it can be said that even the highly respected teacher Li Mingdao laughed a few times, knowing that his role is relatively small, but still laughing.

Basically, if there are no more than [-] NGs in ten scenes a day, everyone will be in a daze and feel incredible.

As a result, the three-month shooting time is naturally greatly increased.

But fortunately, everyone didn't care, and they shot with relish.

For this scene, Liu Xun knew that this was the actor's approval of the content of the script.

A good work not only drives the box office, not only revenue, but also an improvement for the actors themselves.

Each of them is very clear that once the movie is released, their worth will definitely skyrocket.

Even they themselves were completely moved by the connotation, content, and deep meaning of this movie, let alone the audience.

Soon, under the infinite NG, "Journey to the West" finally ushered in the last show.

This scene is mainly the scene of Liu Xun and Yang Mi.

And this scene, respectively, is the dispersal of Supreme Treasure and Fairy Zixia, and the final high-rise plot at the end of the film.

Originally, according to reason, there are only two dramas left, and everyone in the drama will leave and go home with peace of mind and wait for the schedule.

But instead of leaving, everyone came over early, all because they wanted to see the finale. The script is just a script, and it will never be as good as the filming.

But it was said that Liu Xun and Yang Mi, after they hung Weiya, with the assistant director's order, the two of them rose into the air. In the desert in the middle of the night, they were beautiful.

Because Liu Xun gave a request before, if you can't use special effects, you should never use special effects, because special effects will ruin the movie.

Therefore, basically, except for some screen renderings that require some special effects, the remaining [-]% of the scenes have no special effects at all.

This is why the two of them filmed the last two scenes in the middle of the night in the desert.

"Supreme Treasure, be careful!"

Soon, the plot will show that the Supreme Treasure is holding a wishful golden hoop stick against the castle fanned out by the banana fan, and at this time the Bull Demon King is holding a trident and wants to assassinate Sun Wukong.Seeing this, Fairy Zixia immediately chose to protect him with her own life.

When the trident plunged into Fairy Zixia's body, the eyes of Sun Wukong played by Liu Xun suddenly changed, and an unbelievable expression appeared on his face very well.

On the other hand, Sun Honglei's performance was equally splendid, with a stunned expression, he also subconsciously called out the word Zixia.


Seeing the death of his most beloved woman, Liu Xun pulled out the golden cudgel and beat the Bull Demon King aside with one stick.

Immediately after 257, he quickly flew to the place where Fairy Zixia floated away, rubbing the dead Zixia affectionately.

Faced with this scene, Liu Xun's performance exploded again, and when he first came into contact with Zixia, the tight hoop on his head shrank instantly.Immediately afterwards, the pain in the body and the pain in the heart were all hung on his face, and the kind of hard-working and crazy feelings were vividly interpreted by him.

With a howl of pain, Liu Xun supported the hoop with both hands, trying to remove the hoop, but he was powerless, but he was helpless, but he could only see the person he loved the most and leave in his eyes .

The scene was filmed here, the Westward Journey was basically over, and the scene of waking up from a big dream had already been filmed.

For this reason, under this burst of acting skills, those who watched this scene fell into the play one after another, their eyes blurred, even if they knew it was filming, but for some reason, they couldn't help but burst into tears in an instant. .

I don't know if it was because of the content of the plot, or Liu Xun's acting skills were too explosive, which led to them entering their hearts.

But no matter what, the filming of Journey to the West finally ended!

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