And in the next second, the supreme treasure played by Liu Xun was not prepared in the slightest. He immediately folded his hands and knelt on the ground.

In an instant, all the netizens who watched it burst into laughter.

Then there were messages.



"Young chivalrous man is so strong!"

"As expected, it is the work of a comedian master, this Nima made me laugh at the opening!!"

“I am looking forward to it!! Looking forward to it!!!”

"I don't know why, but I think this movie will be very good!"


After the first video ended, the second and third shots came one after another.

After everyone watched it, all of them had a stomachache from laughing, and their anticipation for this movie was overwhelming.

However, after watching the first few minutes, when the video took a turning point, the problem of white text on a black background suddenly appeared again.

"How long has it been since you were moved? Is there a hero in your heart?"

After seeing this scene, the people watching the promotional video were stunned.

The sudden funny style has become a sad style, how to prevent them from being confused?

But, in the next second, when the camera pointed out that the supreme treasure was Sun Wukong, when Fairy Zixia and the supreme treasure met, and when scenes of love and madness appeared, everyone's mood was like riding a roller coaster, falling from the clouds to the sky. In the deepest part, a memory shot straight to the forehead.

Especially when Supreme Treasure clenched the hoop spell and read out the classic lines of "Journey to the West" word by word, all the audience burst out.

In just half an hour, the preview of the promotional video went from tens of thousands of retweets to millions of retweets.

The number of comments went from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

The number of likes is countless.

The data of this scene immediately made all the eyes of the entertainment circle focus here.

The topic instantly became the number one hot search, and even Liu Xun didn't expect it to be so hot!

[Next, it's time to really pretend! ! ! !I hope that readers will be able to subscribe more and more automatically, and the author's daily update will never disappoint you! !Ask for a reward, ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass! ! ! ! ! ].

Chapter 4: All the attention [10/[-] Guiqiu automatic subscription]

Liu Xun didn't expect that after the "Westward Journey to the West" promotional video was broadcast, the entire media was already arguing. .

The reason for the quarrel is to dispute the box office of the film.

There was no real product before, so when Liu Xun finished saying that he would shoot a three-hour movie as his first personal work.

There were a lot of bad remarks for a while, and countless people were not optimistic about Liu Xun's approach.

Just ask how many viewers are willing to spend three hours to - watch a movie?

And even if you look at it, how many people can hold on to it?

And, the most important thing, who can guarantee that the quality of the film will be good?

If the film is not good, you will always get scolding.

For this reason, people in the industry and outside the industry are not optimistic about Liu Xun.

But when the promotional video was uploaded, this view was directly rejected.

Not to mention whether the quality is good or not, just say these six shots are enough to attract countless audiences to watch.

It's very simple, the movie only has six shots, and it creates such a hilarious effect. The three words of comedy are vividly interpreted.

Then, after the joke ended, those classic lines moved directly into the hearts of countless crazy men and women.

Especially that sentence, once there was a sincere love in front of me. (.—)

When this sentence appeared, the connotation of the story was instantly bursting. This movie is no longer a simple funny movie, but a beautiful and desolate love movie.

Love + comedy, it's not that no one has tried it, but there are very few such works that are really popular.

For this reason, Liu Xun's extraordinary film has firmly captured the hearts of countless audiences.

It can be said that if the movie is released today, it is estimated that the major theaters will definitely be overcrowded.

But this is naturally impossible. After all, it is written at the end of the promotional video that Valentine's Day is scheduled, which proves that it will take two weeks.


Let's say that after the promotional video was forwarded in various ways, the media quickly hung up the headlines and began to gain popularity.

["Journey to the West", comedy?Or tragedy?Is it a genius?Or grandstanding? 】

[Master Liu Xun's first film promotional video, the search index broke [-] million within three hours, is the domestic film about to usher in the spring? 】

[The well-known film and television person asserts that Liu Xun's first film will not be less than one billion at the box office, and even exceed two billion! 】

[The pre-release of the new film of Master Liu Xun and Master of Chinese Comedy has caused the public opinion of the whole network to reach its peak. Will domestic films be broken? 】

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