Following the voice, everyone looked over, and after finding out who spoke, no one dared to say anything.

Because this person is the vice president of the International Film Organization, this time I invited him to come to the front, but I didn't expect that the other party would be so rude, not caring about his position at all, and said such a sentence carelessly. .

Chapter [-]: The request of the China Olympic Organizing Committee [Kneeling and begging to subscribe]

Chapter [-]: The request of the Chinese Olympic Organizing Committee

"Sorry, I'm sorry for my blunder!"

When the scene froze and embarrassed, the vice president of the International Film Association quickly apologized.

However, this apology is also a scene.

However, the other party's words are not wrong. After all, none of the films made by Huaxia have really gone global.

Similarly, it is not that Huaxia has not entered the international film market, and it is also shot in the style of the other party.

But what is the end?

The rhythm of blood mother loss.

There was once a big guide who led a group of investors and invested [-] million.

Shooting a grand fantasy film, the result?

The total box office is more than [-] million, of which [-] million is domestic box office and [-] million is foreign box office.

A bunch of investors jumped off the building at a loss.

Last but not least, when it comes to filming international films, investors will always say one word, no! ! !

In this regard, although the vice-chairman made a nasty speech, no one refuted it.

After standing on the stage to receive the last award, he did not provoke this matter.

When there is no real work, everything feels like a sophistry.

This is also the reason why Liu Xun wants to enter the film and television industry. His idea is very simple.

Make a few movies first, build a reputation, and then go to the whole world one step at a time.

If he hadn't made a good movie before, he wouldn't have gotten anyone's attention.

For example, this time, the Westward Journey, although it did not go international, it has created a strong response in China, laying a solid foundation for his fame.

The award ceremony came to an end with Liu Xun's thank you.

After reaching the end, everyone also began to leave the stage and began to enter the state of the banquet.

During the dinner, everyone ate and chatted, and no one left in a hurry.

After all, this banquet is held once a year, and all the people present are colleagues. It is a good thing to communicate more and accumulate more contacts.

Among them, Liu Xun's banquet was the most popular.

All kinds of investors, big directors, and superstars will come here one after another, toasting toasts, chatting and chatting, everything revolves around Liu Xun.

After the entertainment was over, it was already ten o'clock at night.

After leaving in the car, the two tired and immature couples lay on the bed and didn't want to do anything, they just wanted to lie down quietly. .

After a while, Liu Xun also gradually became dishonest, and put his hands directly in a place that should not be placed.

Faced with this annoying hand, Yang Mi first refused for a while, but then she became bold.

A few minutes later, Liu Xun was lying on the bed, while the beauty in the bed began to perform piston movements.


In the early morning, when the sun shone on the quilt, Liu Xun gradually woke up.

When he woke up, he found that the beauties around him had already woken up. After a simple wash, he saw a simple but warm breakfast on the table.

Likewise, there is a note on the dining table.

The note said, "Husband, I think you're too tired and didn't call you. I must have breakfast when I get up. I'll go to the studio first, and I'll be busy with the billing in the past two days."

After reading this, Liu Xun smiled slightly, also with a happy smile,

In his eyes, happiness is such a simple, simple life, simple life, simple people, and does not need so many stories of various ups and downs.

After breakfast, just as Liu Xun was about to enter the salted fish mode, a phone rang directly.

Seeing that the caller ID was not marked, Liu Xun was a little strange, but he picked it up quickly.

"Hello, who are you?" A polite greeting sounded in Liu Xun's mouth.

"Master Liu Xun? Hello, I am from the Huaxia Olympic Organizing Committee."

"Olympic Organizing Committee??"

After hearing the information claimed by the other party, Liu Xun was surprised. What did the Olympic Organizing Committee do for him?

You know, you are not an athlete, you can't let yourself go to the competition?

But at this moment, the other party continued: "That's it, Master Liu. The Yanjing Olympics are about to start, and we need a song that fits the theme of the Olympics. This song is used to promote the country. We notified many lyricists. , After some inquiries, many people have recommended you. They said that you might create a song that fits the theme of the Olympics."

Soon, the person in charge of the Olympic Organizing Committee spoke directly, with a very polite tone, without a trace of publicity, showing great respect for people.

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