However, one of them was extremely aggrieved. This person was Xu Hang, who was hiding in the corner and didn't dare to speak! .

Chapter [-]: Can you still stimulate me? 【Kneeling for subscription】

Chapter [-]: Can you be more awesome?

Three days later, when the song "Yanjing Welcomes You" was played by the stars appeared in major music software, the whole China was boiling. .

The Olympics are less than a month away.

During this time, the Olympic mascots have come out, and the bird's nest is almost the same, but in the end, the theme song has not come out.

On the Internet, countless audiences called for the theme song to come out soon and let everyone listen.

Therefore, after the theme song was sung, the number of downloads exceeded [-] million in just one hour! ! !

That's right, no exaggeration figure! !

Millions of downloads in just one hour.

And as time went by, the downloads of the songs gradually skyrocketed.

After three hours, it became the number one song of major music software! !

Five hours later, it will become the top song of all rankings in major music software! !

Twelve hours later, it broke the Huaxia Mandarin music chart and held a firm first place with 1.1741 million plays.

Moreover, when people log on to the official website of the Huaxia Olympic Games, the background music is also this song.

And this is not the most exaggerated, the most exaggerated is that when the sharp-eyed people found out that the lyricist was Liu Xun, the Internet public opinion exploded in an instant.

Especially in Weibo, after less than half a month, Liu Xun was on Weibo hot search again. .

Similarly, the top three searches on Weibo are all news about him.

#Olympic theme song "Yanjing welcomes you"#

#"Yanjing Welcomes You" lyricist, Liu Xun#

#Liu Xun, entertainment evildoer? #

The three hot searches are all about Liu Xun.

For such a high popularity of him, countless people have left messages, and they have been amazed at his talent.

"Should we change the name of Weibo this year, such as Liu Xunnian?"

"Hot search is about to become Liu Xun's family!"

"I always feel that the hot search function was proposed by Liu Xun?"

"I have seen talented people, but I have never seen such talented people!!"

"To be honest, I just felt happy and happy with Liu Xun's previous sketches, but after this song came out, I really became a fan of the brain. You carefully found that this song contains [-] kinds of Chinese Quyi, these thirty-four musical instruments, vividly show the Chinese music!"

"Liu Xun is awesome, Liu Xun is awesome, Liu Xun is awesome!! Important things have to be said three times!!!"


The heated discussion on Weibo made Liu Xun amaze the world with his talent again.

Major media, major networks, have begun to analyze, and some people have made a special report, which analyzes Liu Xun's success.

There are also people who specifically turned out some of Liu Xun's original things, and then made reports. (.—)

In short, under the topic of the Olympics, the most popular is Liu Xun.

He seems to be the master of the topic, like an evergreen tree in the entertainment industry, standing in the wind, once covered by heavy snow, but he stood up resolutely, and proved his talent to the world with such a gesture.

Under his brilliance, Liu Xun's brokerage company turned out to be more and more unlucky.

The boss of the economic company has been completely expelled from the industry. The artist runs and walks, leaving him only a pile of contracts like waste paper.

Especially Liu Xun's agent, now no matter what occasion he goes to, as long as others know that he is Liu Xun's former agent, they will turn around and leave in an instant, and angrily scold the secretary. Who asked her to arrange for such a person to meet him?

After many years, one is high above, and the other is like a mouse crossing the street.

Faced with such a situation, Liu Xun naturally wouldn't focus on the former company. He was sitting at home, swiping Weibo, and watching everyone's evaluation of him.

Immediately after a while, he seemed to have a thought, and he wrote a string of words on Weibo.

"To feel the Olympics are coming, I will release a personal song about the Olympics tonight!"

After editing the information, Liu Xun directly clicked Send.

A few seconds later, the message appeared directly on the homepage of his Weibo.

In an instant, his mobile phone received hundreds of likes and retweets, and it took only a few seconds.

Afterwards, in the blink of an eye, his Weibo homepage immediately added thousands of likes, thousands of comments, and thousands of retweets.

Such popularity has completely laid a good foundation for his status.

It can be said that Liu Xun at this time, if light is the current reputation value, no matter which superstar he is, he is not comparable to him.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Xun arrived at Yang Mi's company.

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