Countless audiences were extremely excited by this scene, especially the top foreign media, all of which put all the shots on Liu Xun alone.

As he sings every note, every lyric, the close-up stays on his face for a long time.

After this night, Liu Xun's fame skyrocketed again, and he was only one step away from the Chinese superstar.

And the reason why this step can't be taken is simple.

Apart from the movie "Journey to the West", he has no other works.

After all, the sketch is only a ten-minute sitcom, and cannot be regarded as a work. The songs he sang for Yang Mi 400, as well as the songs he sang for the Olympic Games, have not even released an album, so he cannot be rated as a superstar.

However, until the superstar is not reached, it is only a name. At this time, his reputation has actually surpassed the level of a superstar. (.—)


After the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, the people of the whole country are filled with the Olympic year. In the streets and alleys, whether it is commodities or activities, the Olympic symbols can be seen everywhere.

Especially when the holy fire burned, people all over the country felt their scalps tingling with excitement.

The great country, China, has experienced countless hardships for thousands of years. After the March [-] Incident, the Chinese people resisted foreign enemies with a strong and unyielding spirit.

After the war, China was in poverty, and the IOC never considered hosting the Olympic Games in China. From the previous inability, to the later one that could apply for it, and the current successful holding, the changes in this scene are also in the same direction. The world announced that China is prosperous and powerful.

The Olympic Games finally ended a month later, and after the closing ceremony, it also marked an end to the (bdea) Olympics.

With the passage of time, as people are busy every morning, day and night, people gradually become less interested in the topic of the Olympics.

The day after the Olympic Games ended, a piece of news also attracted the attention of all the big and small in the entertainment industry.

China News Network broadcasts on time every day at [-]:[-] in the middle of the night. (.—)

This time, the reason why the broadcast attracted attention is entirely because the official interviewed a domestic star. Although the time was only one minute, it was already an extremely big thing for the entertainment industry.

On the stars, how many stars can be on the news network?

This is the media of the national sector, how can it be possible to promote individual stars?

There has been such a thing before, but it was a focus interview on CCTV1. In this program, it was all criticism.

What little fresh meat incident has made the development of China's film and television circle very chaotic.

For the bad behavior of a certain star, the country chooses to block the entire network.

What a certain TV station's illegal actions, stop broadcasting and ban.

In short, as long as the media in the national sector reports about celebrities, nine out of ten are bad, and one is scolding the show.

And this time, the country not only did not scold, but also took a minute to praise a star. This is big news.

For this reason, at half past seven, almost all the stars are paying attention to the news, and everyone is guessing who will be on the list.

Before guessing, many people have already thought of a person, but they are not sure.After all, this is a news network. If you guess wrong and say it, won't it be embarrassing?

At [-]:[-] on the news network, after reporting an event, a topic instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

I saw the host pick up the file every day and report to the camera.

"Recently, the Minister of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and the National Propaganda Department personally praised Master Liu Xun. At the critical moment of the National Olympic Games, he created an original theme song and used music to interpret Huaxia's enthusiasm for the host to the world, and he did not receive a cent in terms of remuneration. Regarding this performance, Vice Premier Huaxia personally stated in the interview that domestic artists have actively participated in a large number of outstanding patriots, and likewise everyone in all industries, remember the principle of a big country and a small family."

After saying this, the scene immediately changed. This scene was in a quiet room. Liu Xun was sitting on a wooden chair. He was neither humble nor silent, very calm, giving the viewer a very comfortable feeling. .

After the screen turned here, the reporter's direct question also sounded directly: "Master Liu Xun, do you have any self-evaluation about your recent behavior?"

After the reporter's voice sounded, Liu Xun's voice gradually sounded: "I think my behavior is something that every citizen of China will do. At the timing of the National Olympics, I just did what I should do. "

With a simple answer, there were no empty words that sounded in front of the TV.

After speaking, the reporter asked a simple question, and one minute passed like this.

After a while, the interview screen was replaced by other news.

However, in this minute of news, all the people in the circle have thoroughly and deeply understood a truth.

In recent years, if you meet Liu Xun, you must fawn, fawn, frantically fawn.

Even if you don't flatter yourself, you can't get revenge.

Artists who can be praised by the country with a special report are not only stars, but their identities have already undergone earth-shaking changes.

In this regard, after the report ended, many celebrities looked at the picture one after another, but their eyes were distracted.


Besides Liu Xun, at this time, he, Yang Mi, Liu Shishi, Tang Yan and other three people went to Dubai to travel in the Middle East.

Liu Xun, who was lying on the plane chair, looked at the three excited girls who were chattering all the way, and instantly had a headache. He didn't know if anything would happen to this trip. .

Chapter [-]: Not Yang Mi? 【Kneeling for subscription】

Chapter [-]: Not Yang Mi?

After arriving in Los Angeles, everyone also felt a little tired. ~)

It didn't take long before we headed to the sailing hotel.

The Burj Al Arab is one of the most luxurious hotels in Dubai in the Middle East, and it is also a must-stop for visiting Dubai.

After arriving at the hotel, the doorman will be very enthusiastic to help you get your things, and then you only need to take out your passport and register to open the room.

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